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Forums > C64 Coding > Fast large multiplies
2012-06-09 19:45

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
Fast large multiplies

I've discovered some interesting optimizations for multiplying large numbers, if the multiply routine time depends on the bits of the mulitplier. Usually if there's a 1 bit in the multiplier, with a standard shift and add routine, there's a "bit" more time or that bit.
The method uses several ways of transforming the input to have less 1 bits. Normally, if every value appears equally, you average half 1 bits. In my case, that becomes the worst case, and there's about a quarter 1 bits. This can speed up any routine, even the one that happens to be in rom, by using pre- and post- processing of results. The improvement is about 20%.
Another speedup is optimizing the same multiplier applied to multiple multiplicands. This saves a little in processing the multiplier bits once. This can save another 15%.
Using the square table method will be faster but use a lot of data and a lot of code.
Would anyone be interested in this?

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2017-04-15 18:48

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Actually, scratch that; for the 16x16->32 case, I only ever read from 13 bytes of the identity table.

Make that 2061 bytes of tables required. Also 16 bytes of zero page for pointers.
2017-04-15 20:39

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
Ok, I don't know who won because I'm counting things differently. I've always assumed branches are taken equally and averaged them. By that method, jackasser's is clearly 233+12 for jsr/rts=245.

One of the alternate versions I already have written is 207+12=219.

Yet, you reported 241 for JackAssers which is 3 less, and if you scale the same way, I get 219 for yours, exactly the same. As far as I can tell, we're tied.

They are not the same at all. My alternate version is very straightforward and doesn't use the repeated add technique. Still working on that (sorry I'm so slow). We're tied, but this isn't even my final entry.
setup   74
mults  116
adds    43
total  233
2017-04-15 21:08

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
I hadn't yet counted the cycles in the source yet, so I just timed both my and JackAsser's routines with CIA for ten randomly selected pairs of numbers.

Now I've annotated my source, if I assume branches are taken equally and page crossings on table lookups also cost on average half a cycle, I get 206.5+12=218.5

So yes, ridiculously close at the moment given the different approaches I gather we've taken.

I can shave another two cycles off mine, but only if I bump the memory back up to 5 pages of tables again. (or rather, I need to place a 7 byte table somewhere in the last 64 bytes of a pageĀ… long story..)

I gather you have something better in the wings; I look forward to seeing it!
2017-04-15 21:21

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
Same, I can easily take 4 off mine at the expense of ~36 bytes more zp, but I don't consider that elegant or worthwhile.
2017-04-15 21:25

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
My current best:
    lda mT1+ 0      ; 3
    sta zp_fl0      ; 3
    sta zp_fh0      ; 3
    eor#255         ; 2
    sta zp_gl0      ; 3
    sta zp_gh0      ; 3

    lda mT1+ 1      ; 3
    sta zp_fl1      ; 3
    sta zp_fh1      ; 3
    eor#255         ; 2
    sta zp_gl1      ; 3
    sta zp_gh1      ; 3

    clc             ; 2
    ldy mT2+0       ; 3
    lda (zp_fl0),y  ; 5.5
    adc (zp_gl0),y  ; 5.5
    sta mRes+0      ; 3

    ldx#0           ; 2
    lda (zp_fh0),y  ; 5.5
    adc (zp_gh0),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_fl1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_gl1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    ldy mT2+1       ; 3
    adc (zp_fl0),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_gl0),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    sbc ofste_3f,x  ; 4
    sta mRes+1      ; 3

    txa             ; 2
    ldx#$bf         ; 2
    adc (zp_fh0),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_gh0),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_fl1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_gl1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    ldy mT2+0       ; 3
    adc (zp_fh1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    adc (zp_gh1),y  ; 5.5
    bcc *+3         ; 2.5
    inx             ; 1
    sbc ofste_80-$bf,x  ; 4
    sta mRes+2      ; 3

    txa             ; 2
    ldy mT2+1       ; 3
    adc (zp_fh1),y  ; 5.5
    clc             ; 2
    adc (zp_gh1),y  ; 5.5
    sta mRes+3      ; 3


    ; total=204.5

	.byt $3f,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44

    .dsb <$bf-*,0
	.byt $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86

(and of course a one off init of the high bytes of the zero page pointers, and square tables as follows:
f=lambda x:x*x//4
g=lambda x:(0x4000-f(x-255))&0xffff
dumpArrayToA65(fo, "flo", [lo(f(i)) for i in range(512)])
dumpArrayToA65(fo, "fhi", [hi(f(i)) for i in range(512)])
dumpArrayToA65(fo, "glo", [lo(g(i)) for i in range(512)])
dumpArrayToA65(fo, "ghi", [hi(g(i)) for i in range(512)])
2017-04-15 21:28

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Quoting Repose
Same, I can easily take 4 off mine at the expense of ~36 bytes more zp, but I don't consider that elegant or worthwhile.

Haha, then I should probably acknowledge that my ~750 cycle 32x32->64 requires 32 bytes of zero page pointers, on top of the 16 bytes of zero page split between the multiplier, multiplicand and result :)
2017-04-15 22:26

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
Wow, you really squeezed that dry - good job! Even though my approach is different (in the runs of adds vein), it follows the same pattern as yours, and thus will turn out almost exactly the same time.

There's other approaches to faster adds though.
2017-04-16 05:27

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
I think I have 195, but it requires a different approach. You're going to have to wait another day though :)
2017-04-17 09:30

Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 225
Finally, after fixing a bad sqrtab...

The World's Fastest Published 16x16 Unsigned Mult on 6502.

Testing methodology
To measure a particular multiply, you can enter the monitor in vice and type (where pc is your start address):
r pc=c000

Then type:

and keep hitting enter to step through the code. Copy and paste the first line. When you've reached the line *after* the last you want to measure, copy and paste that (also include any points in between). You can now subtract the two to get the timing.

LDA $FB        - A:00 X:0A Y:00 SP:eb ..-..IZ.   72210316
CLC            - A:00 X:0A Y:00 SP:eb ..-..IZC   72210476
RTS            - A:00 X:0A Y:00 SP:eb ..-..IZ.   72210520

This shows me that my multiply body was 160 cycles, and the adds were 44 cycles, for a total of 204 (nevermind the slow times, I had nothing in zp for testing purposes).

I used that as a guide, but really I added by hand and averaged page crossings and branches for the reported total.

Tell me the speed
158 cycles for the multiply part, with no variation, and the inputs/outputs in zp.
43 cycles for the final additions, with each branch equally likely.
The total is 201. However, if you include the simple variation which requires that part of the code is in zp, you save 3 cycles for a total of 198 (I just wanted to say I could break 200).
-add 12 for jsr/rts. I report this way to be consistent with CJ's results above-

The Code
;World's fastest 16x16 unsigned mult for 6502
;you can go faster, but not without more code and/or data
;and being less elegant and harder to follow.
;by Repose 2017

;tables of squares
sqrlo=$c000;511 bytes
sqrhi=$c200;511 bytes
negsqrlo=$c400;511 bytes
negsqrhi=$c600;511 bytes

;pointers to square tables above
p_sqr_lo=$8b;2 bytes
p_sqr_hi=$8d;2 bytes
p_invsqr_lo=$8f;2 bytes
p_invsqr_hi=$91;2 bytes

;the inputs and outputs
x0=$fb;multiplier, 2 bytes
y0=$fd;multiplicand, 2 bytes
z0=$80;product, 4 bytes

;not shown is a routine to make the tables
;also you need to init the pointers' high bytes to the tables

;set multiplier as x0
lda x0
sta p_sqr_lo
sta p_sqr_hi
eor #$ff
sta p_invsqr_lo
sta p_invsqr_hi;17

ldy y0
lda (p_sqr_lo),y
sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y;note these two lines taken as 11 total
sta z0;x0*y0l
lda (p_sqr_hi),y
sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y
sta c1a+1;x0*y0h;31
;c1a means column 1, row a (partial product to be added later)

ldy y1
;sec  ;notice that the high byte of sub above is always +ve
lda (p_sqr_lo),y
sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y
sta c1b+1;x0*y1l
lda (p_sqr_hi),y
sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y
sta c2a+1;x0*y1h;31

;set multiplier as x1
lda x1
sta p_sqr_lo
sta p_sqr_hi
eor #$ff
sta p_invsqr_lo
sta p_invsqr_hi;17

ldy y0
lda (p_sqr_lo),y
sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y
sta c1c+1;x1*y0l
lda (p_sqr_hi),y
sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y
sta c2b+1;x1*y1h;31

ldy y1
lda (p_sqr_lo),y
sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y
sta c2c+1;x1*y1l
lda (p_sqr_hi),y
sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y
sta z3;x1*y1h;31

;4*31+2*17 so far=158
;add partials
;-add first two numbers in column 1
;jmp do_adds;put in zp to save 3 cycles :)
c1a lda #0 
c1b adc #0;add first two rows of column 1
sta z1;9
;-continue to first two numbers in column 2                   
c2a lda #0
c2b adc #0 
sta z2;7
bcc c1c;3 taken/9 not taken, avg 6 
inc z3
;-add last number of column 1 (row c)
c1c lda #0 
adc z1
sta z1;8
;-add last number of column 2
c2c lda #0 
adc z2
sta z2;8
bcc fin;3/7 avg 5
inc z3
fin rts
2017-04-17 18:54

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Repose, really nice!

Some further optimization:

sta c2b+1;x1*y1h;31 => tax

c2a lda #0
c2b adc #0 =>

c2b txa
c2a adc #0

But I somehow like the fact that X is kept clean otoh.
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