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Forums > CSDb Entries > Group id #242 : Fucked Beyond Repair
2005-02-02 08:01
Death Demon
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 68
Group id #242 : Fucked Beyond Repair

I just found this site and fixed entries that were made about me. I would like to fix the entries made by an ex-member of FBR who, if memory serves, was not in the group very long at all and was never our leader.

The group originally consisted of Punisher, Ninja, Infernal, Microman, Changeling, and myself. Punisher left very early on. Boba Fette came on board quite a while later and I don't remember him being in the group very long. Ninja was teaching him how to import when Ninja and Infernal got busted. Microman was already importing and sort of took leadership of FBR as he was the next senor member. Boba Fette quit shortly after this. Nobody from FBR went with him.

The leadership eventually went to Oahawhool. Long time ago, so I can't totally remember. But I do remember that Boba Fette was never the leader. In fact, in handing the reins to Oahawhool, all of the original FBR members had to say it was OK for a newer member to "lead" the group. Ninja was even involved in the discussion/decision.

The group went on for years after that. Eventually, Oahawhool and Candyman were running the show and all original members were gone. They decided to retire the name and start a new group. This new group was NOT The Survivors, nor was the Survivors created by the remaining FBR people (as Boba Fette stated). Sooner or later, Oahawhool, who was living with Candyman, slept with Candyman's wife and they all had one hell of a falling out. Joe (Oahawhool) was booted and Candyman pulled the group through Amiga and eventually to the PC where they were known as The Humble Guys.

I tried editing the group's information, but I can't as Boba Fette has ownership and it is locked. Can someone assist me with that?
2005-02-02 12:10
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 163
Your information is of great value and appears to be pretty trustworthy. Send an email to Perff, you have my blessings..
2005-02-02 12:12

Posts: 1680
You should try to contact the maintainter of that record (Boba Fette) either via PM or e-mail, and ask him to either fix the entry, or add you as maintainer.

If none of this works you could try to contact the admin (that would be me :) ), and ask to be added as maintainer.

2005-02-02 18:40

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2948
I noticed these changes a while ago, some day some changes were made to a few other groups also.

One question, FBR has been dead for ages, is it right to list long gone members as "in-active"?
2005-02-02 19:55
Death Demon
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 68
You should be able to verify this by looking here:


The Shark from INC listed some info about FBR in the INC history as he was competing with us (and more particularly Oahawhool). You should also be able to see the member list for The Survivors doesn't really share anything with FBR.

Another note, the group that FBR became when they finally retired the name was "Intense" on the C64 (and I think Amiga) scene. They released a demo with various FBR intros all packed into one demo with a new intro page at the end announcing the name Intense.

At least, I think that was the name. I was pretty uninvolved at that point in time. Girlfriend and all.
2005-02-03 06:27

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2948
Yes, Intense was the name.
2005-02-03 22:37

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 599
>> "Oahawhool, who was living with Candyman, slept with Candyman's wife and they all had one hell of a falling out."

fuck, call me a bitch or anything but is this a cool story or what?
I'm deeply sorry but I'm laughing my ass off!
2005-02-19 05:56
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 4
Quote: You should be able to verify this by looking here:


The Shark from INC listed some info about FBR in the INC history as he was competing with us (and more particularly Oahawhool). You should also be able to see the member list for The Survivors doesn't really share anything with FBR.

Another note, the group that FBR became when they finally retired the name was "Intense" on the C64 (and I think Amiga) scene. They released a demo with various FBR intros all packed into one demo with a new intro page at the end announcing the name Intense.

At least, I think that was the name. I was pretty uninvolved at that point in time. Girlfriend and all.

The demo with the collection of FBR intros is called 'FAREWELL DEMO'

And the intense logo at the end, just as Death Demon said. :)

2005-03-28 05:24
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Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 9
Does anyone know where I can get the "farewell demo"?

Ronski/FBR 2001
2005-03-28 06:06
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Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 478
Quote: Does anyone know where I can get the "farewell demo"?

Ronski/FBR 2001

Mike (the guy who responded just before you) has a screencap of it.


I think Mike has copies of all of those releases. I know he's helped me enormously in getting some of my older releases.

2005-03-28 07:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2948
Yes, Core321 (Mike) has all of those releases. He is currently working to get the website updated with all the downloads. I'm still working on the new layout, the current layout is dated.
2005-03-28 15:57
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 4
Hey Guys,

I just got a PM from Ronski about the Farewell Demo. I did not see the addional parts to this thread til now.

So here is the Farewell Demo.



2005-03-28 17:48
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Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 478
Page one scrolltext reads, "No its not another Satan demo"

LOL... flattering to know *I* was the last thought on someone's mind before the nails went into the coffin :)

Ronski - very impressive work on your pages, unfortunate that it didn't see the light of day.

2018-07-18 18:29
Death Demon
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Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 68
Someone added a "Trivia" section of text that is incorrect. I have seen FBR being used as a DVD release group with my name and other originals as members. We are not, this is not FBR, and FBR was retired for eternity. I don't seem to have access to fix this, but would like it returned to what it used to be if possible. Can the responsible party please be exposed as well?

Bogus entry:
Trivia :
In 2001 FBR was closed as our deal with satan had come to an end! It was the day to pay for our success! Infernal, Ninja, Oahawhool, The Punisher, Death Demon, SCOOT, Microman, FF&S (FunkFlex & Siphiroth), The Last Dragon, and some others, were sent to the firey pits for all of eternity!

Alas! The day of a new birth June 6, 2006, has come! It is a new day, a new era, a new coming!

FBR is reborn for another 15 years to circumvent havoc!

Beware you have been warned!" - FBR 2020
2018-07-18 18:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
apparently the entry has been locked by YOU =) (and it doesnt appear in the log... which is just wrong. *sigh*)
2018-07-18 20:10
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3214
Removed lock on record, even tho you were indeed the maintainer. Removed the 3 lines from "alas" to "beware", go on with modifying it freely.
The trivia was added in 2012 by Jazzcat, then edited by Celtic for adding more memberstatus links on bottom of it.
You can't blame anyone if some fake news were spread and then reported in the entry, but good that after all these years you noticed they were wrong.
2018-12-03 17:39
Radd Maxx

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 63
Can Oahawhool's membership entry be edited? Oahawhool was welcomed into the group in In 80 Days Around the World, released on Oct. 29th, 1987.
2018-12-04 16:35

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2633
Set to October 1987.
You can check it next time from the scener entry as well: it was not locked in this case.
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