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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3035 : Kids TV Show Music Compo
2021-04-08 09:26

Registered: Oct 2020
Posts: 46
Event id #3035 : Kids TV Show Music Compo

I'm surprised by the few contributions to this compo!
I had a million ideas, maybe that say more about me and my mindset... ;-)

Or maybe everyone is waiting to the last minute?

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2021-04-09 12:42

Registered: Apr 2020
Posts: 33
Quote: I think it has more to do with
1. My lack of status in the C64 community
2. Lack of the expected multiple thousand euro price... (just kidding!)

Anyway, some entires now at least, very fun.

Although I was more going for _contemporary_ kids shows that my kids watch currently, but classics are fun also...

Think people got more excited about the old stuff as we're all love a trip down memory lane, but nevertheless some great releases coming through 😃
2021-04-11 09:57

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2344
Quote: I extended the deadline 2 weeks since several people seems to have been a bit late to the party :)

daddy-approved, thanks :)

Weeks ago, I thought hitting the deadline should be easy but there's been BCC in late Feb and then in March a lot to do in house and garden popped up, kindergarten opened, shut again (lockdown)... and suddenly finishing my 60% done tune on time seemed rather stressful.

Just btw, regarding online standalone compos and deadlines: I don't think vast time ranges are a good idea in general. For once, people (especially older or confused ones) tend to think "Great, let's do this, sometime later!" and then forget about it till it's too late. What is more, in some demo compos I felt after half the deadline has passed: "Hmh, know everything I could contribute, seems done" and thus, had no more motivation. So I'd go for announcing(!) the compo 2 weeks before it stars and then(!) let it run for 2 weeks, also to prevent the feeling, there's always a dozen things running at the same time. And as weekends provide most nerding time for most of us, pretty please, set it to Sun 23:59:59, never Fri ^^ Real parties (time table etc.) are a different story. Changing deadlines while compo is running can(!) annoy people who did there best to deliver whatever they got finished within the original deadline. I don't think it's the case here, just saying/sharing experience.

BTT: Having seen and appreciated the extra-time, I delayed finishing to next week's nights. I hereby promise to deliver whatever version I get done within the new deadline!
2021-04-20 02:08

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2344
just delivered ^^

not much could be improved compared to short-before-real-deadline status, only added sirens. could have been a lot better, but never apologize for releases... simply had to get it out of the door to get my mind clear for some hopefully-last-minute release for another compo ^^

glad some really cool stuff was released within extended deadline in this compo
2021-04-23 19:50

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 317
I still keep my fingers crossed that some Hungarian or Czech/Slovak/Polish musician will do a Mikrobi theme ;)
like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoAN76vlESU
Where are all the Cane and DOS when we need them ;)

I guess this cartoon was popular in our block. At least it was popular in Poland in mid 80's on Saturday's show called 5-10-15...
Oh and BTW: I talk to Drax and Laxity and all BZ musicians for long time to do a proper cover of this show intro tune. One day we will have it :) I'm pretty sure about it. Just listen to this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfs5GOczNr0
This is the music we used to listen to while watching our beloved polish kids show on Saturdays.
Laxity? Shogoon? Drax? Jammer? MCH? Anyone willing to do a cover?

Fantastic compo! Thanks for doing this virtual event that brings so fond memories

ps. there was so many and so kool cartoons back in the comunist block times like:
Bolek & Lolek(Polish), Wolf and rabbit(Russian), The Coralgor Bear(Polish)... Any Polish musician feels like doing these covers? Jammer? Shogoon? MCH?
2021-04-23 22:31

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Eric Dobek did great cover of Nu Pagadi - too bad that before the compo ;)
2021-04-23 23:15

Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 8
Quote: Eric Dobek did great cover of Nu Pagadi - too bad that before the compo ;)

Darn it, i completely forgot about Mikrobi and Nu Pogodi. Maybe I'll do them sometime in the future
2021-04-24 08:18

Registered: Apr 2020
Posts: 20
Thank you everyone for great entries! I enjoy this kind of nostalgia quite a bit. Wish I had had time to do more, Nick Knatterton for example.
So, how will you count the votes? Is there a voting period or did it end already?
2021-04-28 22:56

Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 8
Awesome compo, can't wait for Part II...there will be part II, right?!?
2021-04-29 09:25

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Thanks for fun! :)
2021-04-29 09:43

Registered: Oct 2020
Posts: 46
Quote: Awesome compo, can't wait for Part II...there will be part II, right?!?

Fingers crossed! :-)
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