The line may be in different places for other people. And what counts as a "proper gfx guy", someone well-established in the scene? What does that mean for new artists?
Scenario 1 1. Google something cool and save that image. Or prompt an AI and save that image. 2. Convert it, pixel over it, put your name on it and you’re done. Scenario 2 [no AI at all]
I may be a bit naive (with an entirely wrong idea about how pixel graphics are made), but isn't this a bit of a false dichotomy? As in, what about a third scenario, where you use AI to give you some ideas for a certain background object, or composition, or the like? Or to give you that particular background object, which you'd take and modify (after AI involvement) to suit your needs and integrate it via the rest of your toolchain?
Here’s a graph.
I believe The Sarge sketched the two extremes, as there are many scenario’s in-between. Like you said, one example could be incorporating elements of AI in your work, in a supporting way. In the end it boils down to: - Doing it all yourself: Full creative authorship - Outsourcing parts of the process to e.g. AI: Less creative authorship (to any extent) Here’s a graph.