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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3008 : Intro Creation Competition 2020
2020-12-10 22:15

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Event id #3008 : Intro Creation Competition 2020

Preface: Please use this thread for questions, discussion and everything else concerning this competition.

Again several people were asking about the competition being held this year. Especially during Corona restrictions people need something to spend their time. ;-)

As the 4k category was very successful last year for the cost of 16k entries, I had a little discussion thread here about using that category again.
ICC 2020 with 16k & 4k or 16k only again?
The majority there wanted to have 4k category again, so it's in.

I delayed the start of the compo a bit because some other compos were running I did not want to disturb.
But finally here here you go...

Competition runs from December 10th, 2020, until February 14th, 2021. So you have a good 2 months to deliver your creations. This should be enough for an intro.

RULES for both categories:

Your intro entry...
- has to work on a plain stock C64 (PAL standard) without any extensions.
- has to be a one-part intro. Short fade-ins and fade-outs are OK.
- has to contain at least one Logo at whatever size you like.
- has to contain a changing or moving text message (e.g. scrolling text, different lines fading in & out, etc.)
- has to be interruptable any time by pressing SPACE-key (exception are the short fade-in and fade-out).
- does not need to have exclusive graphics, charsets or music. But the code should be exclusive, so reuse of existing code with just exchanged graphics and music is not allowed.
- has not been publicly used before entering the competition.
- has to be handed in as executable format startable with RUN (.prg or embedded in .t64 or .d64).

Your 16kB intro...
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
- has to contain music (not just a humming sound, please).
- is linked to this competition as "C64 Demo" entry (sorry, no other fitting entry exists).

Your 4kB intro...
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $1000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $1000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
- does not have to contain any sound, but feel free to add some.
- is linked to this competition as "C64 4k Intro" entry.

You are allowed to enter maximum 3 entries per participant and category, so you can enter 6 entries at best. Entries might be taken back from the compo until deadline. That means if you want to remove one of your works from the compo to make space for another entry from you, this can be done until deadline.
Deadline for entry submission is Sunday February 14th, 2021 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting closes at Sunday Febuary 21th, 2020 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting platform is CSDb (with all disadvantages it may have), therefore entries have to be posted here.
Entries will be ranked by weighted average of CSDb votes. Entries with the same weighted average are ranked by their percentages of 10s, 9s, etc.

No prices to win, just the fame. May the best creation win!
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2020-12-11 11:54

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
We agreed that the required logo should be more permanently present on screen than just being part of the scrolltext.
2020-12-11 12:27

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Wot, even if it's in Hellvetica ? :D

(Jeanette's idea, not mine /o\)
2020-12-11 12:29

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
(but also yes, I can understand requiring the logo to be a separate design entity to the text-message-player :P)
2020-12-11 12:39

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Didi
We agreed that the required logo should be more permanently present on screen than just being part of the scrolltext.
Any minimum size requirements? Is 7x3 pixels ok? =)
2020-12-11 12:50

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Guess I would not recognize that as a "logo". ;-) I suspect a mini +H sign somewhere on screen.

Surprisingly after all the years with nearly the same rules, still somebody finds something to probe them. ;-)
2020-12-11 13:46

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 240
Happens when some people mistake a Crack Intro Competition with a Demo(part) competition. And then it ends up with a race who can cram the best routine into 4k or 16k..

Crack Intros always have been built around logos. Or recognizeable images like Eagle Soft.
2020-12-11 14:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
what dano said.

i expect someone to argue how "intro" does not imply "crack intro" now.
2020-12-11 17:13

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Dano
Happens when some people mistake a Crack Intro Competition with a Demo(part) competition. And then it ends up with a race who can cram the best routine into 4k or 16k..
Well... so? :) No mistaking involved. Apart from the word "crack" appearing nowhere in the OP plus the demoscene emerging from making those intros (and yes, the very word "intro" being used as a synonym for single-load size-constrained demo here and there, in fact), a few of the more memorable specimens did venture down more interesting avenues than logo+scroll+tune. =)

Also allow me to link some intros of past ICC instalments with more or less loose interpretations of the logo rule (not as a precedent, but as an illustration):
Level One
Hidden in Plain Sight
Minimalistic Intro
Wir sind die Nacht
2020-12-11 21:24

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2268
Quoting Groepaz
what dano said.

i expect someone to argue how "intro" does not imply "crack intro" now.

Does anyone miss Dentro category?!
scnr, *runs away very fast*
2020-12-12 09:25

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Didi
Your 4kB intro...
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $1000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $1000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
So, if i get this right, $0000..$01ff does not count, neither does anything $dxxx in IO space.

The "IRQ vectors" bit is referring to $fffa/b and $fffe/f, i guess, but does it also include $0314..$0319? Do all the other system vectors or anything else in lowmem ($0200..$03ff) count?
(Note that the system vectors can be reset to default by calling INITV = $e453 and RESTOR = $ff8a, which is what the link glue code running the payload would probably do anyways.)

In other words, would an intro sitting at $0801..$13ff (with the payload at $1400..$fff9) having its screen at $0400 (thus 4K at $0400..$13ff) and leaving $0000..$03ff in an undefined state after pressing space be okay according to the rules?
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