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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Best C64 Demo Ever?
2008-10-29 19:03

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1071
Best C64 Demo Ever?

Now that Edge of Disgrace is out, I thought everybody would agree that this is the best c64 demo ever released.

Though, judging from comments here (and on pouet), there seem to be a couple ppl disagreeing. Yet only few actually state their favorites.

So, if you don't think EoD is the best, which one is and why?
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2008-10-30 00:09
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Registered: Apr 2002
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It's not the best demo ever made, it's just the hardest to code ever made.

Still, anything less than 10 is a no go :-)
2008-10-30 04:21

Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 115
Mentallic remains my all-time favourite (despite loading times and lack of transition effects).

Still EoD is a total masterpiece, no doubt.
2008-10-30 08:36

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 109
Best demo ever would be a demo coded by coderkings HCL/Dane, flavoured by creative coding of Hollowman, design cooperation between Mirage, Hein, Electric, Jailbird and Sander and superb audio by Maniacs of Noise like they did in Dutch Breeze. All good for a minimal 9-rating but as joint forces an average of 10 :)
So no pure mathematical chess/cube/plot/plasma stuff, but mathematical applied well designed storytelling codepr0n like glenz shaded cars driving through some plasma filled jelly pudding fantasy buildings :P

For now Dutch Breeze, Edge of Disgrace and Deus Ex Machina (just to mention a few, there are more) are my top demos ever made.
2008-10-30 08:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Quote: Mentallic remains my all-time favourite (despite loading times and lack of transition effects).

Still EoD is a total masterpiece, no doubt.

Funny you should say that, because until yesterday Mentallic was the only demo ever that I voted a '10'. However, after watching it again yesterday I noticed it looked a bit .. 'pale' .. compared to today's stuff.

Not sure what the best demo ever is, not even sure if that's the same as 'my favourite' demo ;) But if I really had to choose right now, I'd go for Emanation Machine, and yes, that's after I watched EoD on the real c64 ;)
2008-10-30 08:50

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 498
I still love Graphixmania 2. So sue me.

Kalle Kloak probably made the biggest impact on me back in the day.

I guess what I mean is, everyone's #1 demo will be different depending on tastes and circumstance. EOD is very very very good though.
2008-10-30 09:16
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Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 87
One of only a few demo's that I can watch over and over and over again is Unsound Minds: Follow the Sign 3 by Byterapers.

So I'd say that its my favourite. Wonderful music by AMJ, a fast pace with varied effects (back in the 90's so a few "big pixel" parts) by Mr Sex and great graphics. It also doesnt drag on, over and done in minutes but youre left asking for more.

Technically though Edge of Disgrace (Cycle 2?) is incredible.
2008-10-30 12:41

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1071
Quote: It's not the best demo ever made, it's just the hardest to code ever made.

Still, anything less than 10 is a no go :-)

that's all cool and all, but the point of this thread is to share which demo *you* think is Best Ever ;) not just saying eod isn't it ;)

anyway, I also think Mathematica deserves a mention here, always loved that one a lot!
2008-10-30 12:44

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1071
I guess what I mean is, everyone's #1 demo will be different depending on tastes and circumstance.

exactly the point of this thread, its interesting to see what other ppl appreciate the most.
2008-10-30 13:07

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 675
Whats the problem with a 10 vote?
Is it just me or is 10 not stating "the one and only best" but rather "excellent".
You are allowed to vote 10 MORE than once throughout all demos. People discuss this so seriously here these days - you could almost think the CSDb-vote-system (AND its voters) are NOT totally fucked up :o)
I doubt anyone re-evaluates ALL his votes once he meets a 10 and thus has to do relative changes to all other entries.
I vote 10 if I think something is extremely excellent.
10 does not mean "cant be better - ever".
I rarely vote in general though.
Just my thoughts about the moral conflict of some here to vote 10 at all.
2008-10-30 13:44

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 68

I just have a couple of favourite demos:

Radio Napalm/Reflex just blew me away. Awesome soundtrack, lovely effects.
Red Storm/Triad also blew me away. Iirc it has been in the top10 demos on csdb for quite some time eh? :)

EoD just blew me away at the party. Watched it 3 times yesterday, doesn't get boring :) (I only need an 8580 now! growl)

Other favourites, hmmmmmmmm... Deus Ex Machina, Mathematica, actually virtually all Reflex demos from that era :D
Comalight 12

Oh well, my top 3 is now something like "EoD, Radio Napalm, Red Storm" :)
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