| | Didi
Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Event id #2757 : Intro Creation Competition 2018
Preface: Please use this thread for questions, discussion and everything else concerning this competition.
After ChristopherJam had the chance to run a similar compo last year, this year I am back with the known ruleset, with only slight change.
Runnning the competition after X party turned out to be a great timeframe, so I stay there.
Competition runs from November 5th, 2018, until January 6th, 2019. So you have a full 2 months to deliver your creations. This should be enough for an intro.
Your intro...
- has to work on a plain stock C64 (PAL standard) without any extensions.
- has to be a one-part intro. Short fade-ins and fade-outs are OK.
- has to contain at least one Logo at whatever size you like.
- has to contain a changing or moving text message (e.g. scrolling text, different lines fading in & out, etc.)
- has to contain music (not just a humming sound, please).
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
- has to be interruptable any time by pressing SPACE-key (exception are short fade-in and fade-out).
- does not need to have exclusive graphics, charsets or music. But the code should be exclusive, so reuse of existing code with just exchanged graphics and music is not allowed.
- has not been publicly used before entering the competition.
- has to be handed in as executable format startable with RUN (.prg or embedded in .t64 or .d64).
Maximum 3 entries per participant. Entries might be taken back from the compo until deadline. That means if you want to remove one of your works from the compo to make space for another entry from you, this can be done until deadline.
Deadline for entry submission is Sunday January 6th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting closes at Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting platform is CSDb (with all disadvantages it may have), therefore entries have to be posted here.
Entries will be ranked by weighted average of CSDb votes. Entries with the same weighted average are ranked by their percentages of 10s, 9s, etc.
No prices to win, just the fame. May the best creation win! |
... 155 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
| | Didi
Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Results compiled and posted. Will post detailed list later (needs a bit formating).
Congratulations to Stomp Intro for winning first place!
It was a really close race with GULBdata with both entries being rated 9.5 but the winner had a slightly higher percentage of voted 10s (76.0% to 67.5%).
Thanks to all participants for making this a really great competition again!
You make the compo - not me!
Also thanks to all the honest voters who made the cowardous downvotes having very few effect on the result. Every entry had at least 32 votes. |
| | Cruzer
Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1048 |
Yep, congrats Jammer and Joe! Well deserved. |
| | Carrion
Registered: Feb 2009 Posts: 317 |
What a compo.
Thanks to all!
Now pls someone provide a zip file with all releases so I can watch them on real HW. :) TIA |
| | Didi
Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Results collection is on its way. Will not take long this time... |
| | Golara Account closed
Registered: Jan 2018 Posts: 212 |
Cool compo, congratz to everyone who managed to submit their production. Yeah I wanna the intro compilation on a disk too :D Desire got 12th, 30th, 33th and 34th place. Not that bad I think :P |
| | Yazoo
Registered: Nov 2006 Posts: 227 |
thanks for organizing this @didi... i hope for another ICC at the end of 2019? that would be awesome! :-)
63 entries... wohooo... that's alot. and most of them are worth watching.
good job everybody |
| | ChristopherJam
Registered: Aug 2004 Posts: 1409 |
Excellent competition, congratulations all, especially the top three.
On a personal note, while it was a little demoralising watching my entry fall from it's debut at 3rd down to 14th as more votes and entries rolled in, there was plenty of constructive feedback along the way, and I've already started planning for next year.
It was also pretty entertaining seeing the randomly rotated letters in the winning entry, given that one of the three entries I started work on for this year (before realizing I'd only time to finish one) was a snurkle scroll :) |
| | Didi
Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Here is the detailed results list (from snapshot taken at January 14th 2019, 0:00 CET):
Rank Title CSDb Votes %10 %9
1 Stomp Intro by EXclusive ON 9,5 121 76,0% 11,6%
2 GULBdata by Camelot 9,5 126 67,5% 22,2%
3 Razorsharp by Genesis Project 8,9 89 37,1% 34,8%
4 You Will Be a Fossil Soon by Fossil 8,7 93 35,5% 24,7%
5 Raster Plaster by Resource 8,6 85 34,1% 25,9%
6 Raster-arse by Arsenic 8,2 67 26,9% 20,9%
7 Revolution Intro by Triad 8,1 73 23,3% 24,7%
8 Oozay's Baster Rars by Arsenic 8,1 43 11,6% 18,6%
9 WavyRasta by TempesT 8,0 58 24,1% 13,8%
10 Raster Compleeto by Triad 8,0 63 20,6% 27,0%
11 Raster Rejuvenator by Genesis Project 8,0 72 18,1% 19,4%
12 Do A Boink by Desire 8,0 62 12,9% 19,4%
13 Scatter Raster Intro by Genesis Project 8,0 51 11,8% 25,5%
14 Wir sind die Nacht by ChristopherJam 7,9 65 20,0% 29,2%
15 Rasterblues by Triad 7,9 55 16,4% 23,6%
16 Revisioned by Nah-Kolor 7,9 54 9,3% 22,2%
17 Crack Intro by Cosine 7,9 54 9,3% 18,5%
18 Level One by Cosine 7,9 47 6,4% 21,3%
19 GameTro by Blazon 7,8 61 16,4% 13,1%
20 The Elite Intro Reloaded by Low Spirit 7,8 42 7,1% 26,2%
21 Spacebar by Samar Productions 7,8 52 5,8% 32,7%
22 Rasta Punch by Samar Productions 7,7 48 10,4% 18,8%
23 Logo Letter Glider (Laxity Intro #80) by Laxity 7,7 41 7,3% 7,3%
24 Fuck the borders! by Anarchy 7,7 45 6,7% 13,3%
25 Kwan Lo by Mayday! 7,7 47 6,4% 17,0%
26 Try Not To Get Satisfied by Camelot 7,7 42 2,4% 19,0%
27 Oldest Style by Cosine 7,6 46 8,7% 8,7%
28 HF Intro Mechanix by Hokuto Force 7,6 42 7,1% 14,3%
29 Excess ESI Tribute V2.2 by Excess 7,5 36 8,3% 25,0%
30 GTA Intro by Desire 7,5 40 7,5% 7,5%
31 Africade by Cascade 7,5 50 4,0% 14,0%
32 DYSPotic by Hokuto Force 7,5 40 2,5% 15,0%
33 Waves 16k by Desire 7,4 50 8,0% 14,0%
34 PosteX 2018 by Desire 7,4 50 4,0% 10,0%
35 Atlantis Chessboard Intro V2 by Atlantis 7,4 39 2,6% 7,7%
36 HF+MHI Coop Intro by Didi 7,3 46 4,3% 2,2%
37 Atlantis Intro "Weirdo" (ugly remake) by Atlantis 7,2 35 8,6% 2,9%
38 DLoC Bounce Intro by Dark Lords of Chaos 7,2 37 5,4% 0,0%
39 Excess Intro Eighties Called by Excess 7,2 42 4,8% 2,4%
40 Turned Around (Laxity Intro #84) by Laxity 7,2 36 2,8% 5,6%
41 $4K Dreams by LemonSpawn 7,1 44 9,1% 2,3%
42 Excess Intro Checker Swing by Excess 7,1 34 2,9% 5,9%
43 Old School Intro 2019 by MCM Designs 7,0 35 2,9% 5,7%
44 Break Ya Neck by MCM Designs 7,0 34 2,9% 0,0%
45 Geartro by WiseGuy Industries 2015 7,0 40 2,5% 5,0%
46 Black and White intro by Warriors of the Wasteland 7,0 44 2,3% 2,3%
47 On Fire Intro by Fairlight 6,9 50 6,0% 12,0%
48 Alpha New Year by Alpha Flight 6,9 36 2,8% 2,8%
49 Left Over Music by Mayday! 6,8 47 4,3% 6,4%
50 Uglyuglyugly 1.1 by Focus 6,8 40 2,5% 2,5%
51 Vertical Moving by Hokuto Force 6,8 45 2,2% 4,4%
52 Messy Messi Intro by Fantastic 4 Cracking Group 6,7 41 7,3% 7,3%
53 More Diagonal Stuff by Victory 6,7 36 5,6% 2,8%
54 Happy-Hacky-NoOp-Hack-tro 2018 by NOOP 6,6 38 5,3% 2,6%
55 Plain Intro by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated 6,5 45 11,1% 2,2%
56 LXT - Flash Bang by The New Dimension 6,4 39 5,1% 0,0%
57 TND Revolution Intro by The New Dimension 6,3 32 3,1% 0,0%
58 Dancing Cubes by Really Proud Lamers 6,0 34 5,9% 0,0%
59 Alpha New Year II by Alpha Flight 5,8 36 0,0% 2,8%
60 Spaghetti Code 1 by Presence 5,7 34 2,9% 0,0%
61 Disco Rasters by Underground Domain Inc. 5,5 45 8,9% 2,2%
62 One-Sprite-Wonder by Raiders of the Lost Empire 5,3 42 4,8% 0,0%
63 Spaghetti Code 2 by Hawk 4,7 38 2,6% 0,0%
| | aNdy
Registered: Jan 2004 Posts: 41 |
Great fun with some amazing entries. Well done to winner. Congrats to all! |
| | Jammer
Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1336 |
Thanks for amazing compo! And congrats to all participants! <3 |
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