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Forums > C64 Coding > Howto flickerfree and moving rasterbar ?
2009-10-19 23:18
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
Howto flickerfree and moving rasterbar ?

<Post edited by moderator on 20/10-2009 01:24>

Making a perfect stable, flickerfree and moving rasterbar is harder than I thought.
Why and which changes are needed to the code below to fulfill my dream about the flickerfree rasterbar?
The code is based on http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/vic/stableraster.txt.
Acme code ready to compile:

!to "doubleirqrasterbar1.prg",cbm  

*= $0800
!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$33,$32,$37,$36,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00	
raspos    = $00
maxpos    = $7c

         *= $8000    ;Assemble to $8000       
         cld         ;Clear Decimal Mode
         sei         ;Disable IRQ's
         lda #$1f    ;Disable CIA IRQ's
         sta $dc0d
         sta $dd0d
;        lda #<nmi   ;Install NMI into
;        ldx #>nmi   ;Hardware NMI and
;        sta $fffa   ;RESET Vectors
;        sta $fffc
;        stx $fffb
;        stx $fffd
         lda #<irq1  ;Install RASTER IRQ
         ldx #>irq1  ;into Hardware
         sta $0314   ;Interrupt Vector
         stx $0315
;        lda #$35    ;Set MMU to RAM at
;        ldx #$ff    ;$a000-$bfff and
;        sta $01     ;$e000-$ffff
;        txs         ;Clear the STACK
         lda #$01    ;Enable RASTER IRQ
         ldx #$1b    ;High bit of RASTER
         ldy #$34    ;compare register
         sta $d01a   ;and RASTER IRQ to
         stx $d011   ;line $34
         sty $d012
                     ;NOTE double IRQ
                     ;cannot be on or
                     ;around a BAD LINE!
                     ;(Fast Line)
         lda #$0e    ;Set Background
         ldx #$06    ;and Border colors
         ldy #$00    ;to default and
         sta $d020   ;turn off sprites
         stx $d021
         sty $d015
         jsr clrscreen
         jsr clrcolor
;        jsr printtext
         asl $d019   ;Ack any previous
         lda $dc0d   ;IRQ's
         lda $dd0d
         cli         ;Renable IRQ's
         jmp *       ;Endless Loop
         sta reseta1 ;Preserve A,X and Y
         stx resetx1 ;Registers
         sty resety1 ;VIA self modifying
                     ;(Faster than the
                     ;STACK is!)
         lda #<irq2  ;Set IRQ Vector
         ldx #>irq2  ;to point to the
         ldy #$35    ;next part of the
         sta $0314   ;Stable IRQ
         stx $0315   ;ON NEXT LINE!
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         tsx         ;We want the IRQ
         cli         ;To return to our
         nop         ;endless loop
         nop         ;NOT THE END OF
         nop         ;THIS IRQ!
         nop         ;Execute nop's
         nop         ;until next RASTER
         nop         ;IRQ Triggers
         nop         ;2 cycles per
         nop         ;instruction so
         nop         ;we will be within
         nop         ;1 cycle of RASTER
         nop         ;Register change
;        nop  ;<--- remove 1 NOP for PAL

         txs         ;Restore STACK
         ldx #$08    ;Wait exactly 1
         dex         ;lines worth of
         bne *-1     ;cycles for compare
         bit $ea     ;Minus compare
         nop         ;cycles
;        nop  ;<--- remove 1 NOP for PAL
         lda #$35    ;RASTER change yet?
         cmp $d012
         beq start   ;If no waste 1 more

         ldx raspos
         cpx #maxpos   
         beq setrastup
         stx raspos
         cpx #maxpos   
         bne rasterbarctrl

         ldx #$00
         stx raspos        ;Reset raster positon to 
                           ;zero if maximum has been reached.     

         ldx raspos
         ldy rastmov,x    ;Wait for rasterline $3D-$96 at $D012 
wait     cpy $d012 
         bne wait 
         ldx #$00 
copy11   ldy rastime,x       
         bne *-1 
         lda coloursr,x       
         sta $d020 
         sta $d021 
         cpx #$10
         bne copy11

         lda #<irq3  ;Set IRQ to point
         ldx #>irq3  ;to subsequent IRQ
         ldy #$b8    ;at line $68
         sta $0314
         stx $0315
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         lda #$00    ;Reload A,X,and Y
reseta1  = *-1       ;registers
         ldx #$00
resetx1  = *-1
         ldy #$00
resety1  = *-1
;        rti         ;Return from IRQ
         jmp $ea31
         sta reseta2 ;Preserve A,X,and Y
         stx resetx2 ;Registers
         sty resety2
         ldx #$0a    ;Waste some more
         dex         ;time so effect
         bne *-1     ;can be seen
;        lda #$0e    ;More colors
;        ldx #$06
;	 nop:nop 
;        sta $d021   ;Cool! subsequent
;        stx $d021   ;IRQ's are also
                     ;stable :-)
                     ;Unless you are
                     ;running realtime
                     ;code :-)
         ldy #$18    ;Waste time so this
         dey         ;IRQ does not try
         bne *-1     ;to reoccur on the
                     ;same line!
         lda #<irq1  ;Reset Vectors to
         ldx #>irq1  ;first IRQ again
         ldy #$34    ;at line $34
         sta $0314
         stx $0315
         sty $d012
         asl $d019   ;Ack RASTER IRQ
         lda #$00    ;Reload A,X,and Y
reseta2  = *-1       ;registers
         ldx #$00
resetx2  = *-1
         ldy #$00
resety2  = *-1
;        rti         ;Return from IRQ
         jmp $ea81 
                     ;Pound RESTORE to
                     ;get back to Turbo
         asl $d019   ;Ack all IRQ's
         lda $dc0d
         lda $dd0d
         lda #$81    ;reset CIA 1 IRQ
         ldx #$00    ;remove raster IRQ
         ldy #$37    ;reset MMU to roms
         sta $dc0d
         stx $d01a
         sty $01
         ldx #$ff    ;clear the stack
         cli         ;reenable IRQ's
         jmp $9000   ;back to Turbo
         lda #$20    ;Clear the screen
         ldx #$00
clrscr   sta $0400,x
         sta $0500,x
         sta $0600,x
         sta $0700,x
         bne clrscr
         lda #$03    ;Clear color memory
         ldx #$00
clrcol   sta $d800,x
         sta $d900,x
         sta $da00,x
         sta $db00,x
         bne clrcol
         lda #$16    ;C-set = lower case
         sta $d018
         ldx #$00
moretext lda text1,x
         bpl lower   ;upper case ?
         eor #$80    ;yes
         bne lower+2
lower    and #$3f    ;lower case
         sta $0450,x
         cpx #$78
         bne moretext
exit     rts
         !scr "Stable Raster IRQ sourc"
         !scr "e (PAL/NTSC)     "
         !scr "All Code by Fungus 1996"
         !scr "                 "
         !scr "Feel free to use and mo"
         !scr "dify this code :)"

;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
;raster data
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

             !byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$01
             !byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$01

             !byte $0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0f,$0f,$0d,$0d
             !byte $0d,$0f,$0f,$0c,$0c,$0b,$0b,$00

             !byte $3D,$3D,$3E,$3E,$3F,$3F,$40,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48
             !byte $49,$4A,$4C,$4E,$50,$52,$54,$56,$58,$5A,$5C,$5E,$60,$62,$64,$66
             !byte $68,$6A,$6C,$6E,$70,$72,$74,$76,$78,$7A,$7C,$7E,$80,$82,$84,$86
             !byte $88,$8A,$8C,$8E,$8F,$90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$94,$95,$95,$96,$96,$95
             !byte $95,$94,$94,$93,$93,$92,$91,$90,$8F,$8E,$8D,$8D,$8B,$89,$87,$85
             !byte $83,$81,$7F,$7D,$7B,$79,$77,$75,$73,$71,$6F,$6D,$6B,$69,$67,$65
             !byte $63,$61,$5F,$5D,$5B,$59,$57,$55,$53,$51,$4F,$4D,$4B,$49,$48,$47
             !byte $46,$45,$44,$43,$42,$41,$40,$40,$3F,$3F,$3E,$3E

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2009-10-20 06:05
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Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 224
if you want to move your *whole* color-bar/table up and down, then you could make your color-table bigger and just increase/decrease the pointer/start-positon where you're reading your colors from (-> lda coloursr,x)...
that way you don't have to alter the whole table and save some time... however works only if you don't want to have different color-bars jumping around...
2009-10-20 07:24

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1078
The stable raster code that you started with (from the fridge) is timed for the hardware IRQ vector at $fffe, and you've changed the code to use the kernal IRQ vector at $0314. This fucks up the timing beyond repair. As others here not, you also can't move rastercode with $d012, as that also changes the timing.
2009-10-20 07:25

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 494
I agree with the guys above. Additionally moving $d012 is not that bad idea. But instead of self modifying code, I advice you to use zero page addresses holding raster positions.

Instead of

ldy #$34
sty $d012
ldy #$35
sty $d012


lda #$34
sta $a0 ; any available zeropage address is ok

ldy $a0
sty $d012
ldy $a0
sty $d012

you should take care of cycle changes, adding removing some NOPs and BITs should be enough. After that to move the raster position just increase/decrease zeropage address ($a0 in this case) at the end of the frame.
2009-10-20 07:54

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 677
you can switch off the screen (aka no badlines), then use stable raster and change $d012 but you probably dont want it this way.
2009-10-20 08:43
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
Thanks for quick response !

Anyone that could rework the code and be the first to publish a fully stable and flicker free moving rasterbar routine ?

2009-10-20 11:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1078
No. We also won't do your homework, walk your dog, or call your grandma on her birthday.
2009-10-20 11:51
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Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 48
MagerValp, the time has come for someone to finally
publish a stable, flickerfree moving rasterbar routine.
The demand for one is out there ;-)
This is what´s missing on the Internet and on the CSDB forum.
2009-10-20 12:09

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2928
8bitforever - and you can be the one to do it! Do some studying and trial and error and be the first!

2009-10-20 12:12
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Do a raster at line $xx, and then do this:

ldx #4 ;adjust this to remove flicker
bne .

ldx #0
..lda color,x
sta $d020
sta $d021
ldy timer,x
bne .
bne ..

have it running in a monitor, and adjust the timer table to remove flicker.
2009-10-20 12:36

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
Wasn't there a routine in one of the C= Hacking issues, or do I remember wrong?
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