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Forums > C64 Coding > C64/C128 combo program compilation
2024-08-15 22:47

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
C64/C128 combo program compilation

Question might turn out plainly stupid so bear with me but I'm total noob on C128.

Can C64 program be compiled to run both on C64 and C128 in its native 128k mode if it has appropriate branches in code? Or it's always two separate tailored builds?

I've already learnt that C128 program startup is either $1C01 or $4001 but if C128 startup was embedded at the right spot, would it still launch?
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2024-08-18 22:39

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 44
@Jammer, if this is for the project I think it is, why not do a native version for C-128 in the VDC 80 column display, then you can run all calculations at 2 kHz :) [Ouch, actually, writing to VDC is probably too slow...]

Almost related bits from VIC 20 world: I used this loader in Hare Basic - it does autostart on both VIC 20 and C-64, and loads&runs either the file "A000" or "C000". As a little bonus, it can be also loaded with ",8" on both machines, but then obviously requires a RUN.

(Inspired by Mike's VIC 20 memory-configuration-independent-autostart code on Denial forum.)

	processor 6502

SETLFS	equ	$ffba
SETNAM	equ	$ffbd
LOAD	equ	$ffd5
RESTOR	equ	$ff8a
CHROUT	equ	$ffd2
CLRCHN	equ	$ffcc
SCREEN	equ	$ffed

;	C-64 / VIC 20 Autostart
;	load"*",8 or load"boot",8 (and run)
;	load"*",8,1 or load"boot",8,1 (autostart)

start	equ	$02a7

	org	start
	incbin	"autostart-basic.bin"	; 2024 syspeek(44)*256+peek(43)+21

	ldy	#bootend-start-1
	lda	($2b),y
	sta	start,y
	bne	.1
	jmp	boot

	jsr	SCREEN		; detect C-64 or VIC 20 by number of rows
	cpy	#$19
	beq	.c64

	jsr	$e45b		; restore basic vectors (VIC 20)

	lda	#$a0
	sta	start_+2	; modify start address to $a000
	lda	#$41
	sta	filename	; modify filename to "A000"
	bne	.load

	jsr	$e453		; restore basic vectors (C-64)

	ldx	#<filename	; set up filename
	ldy	#>filename
	lda	#$04

	lda	#$01		; set up file
	sta	$9d
	ldx	$ba

	lda	#$00		; load and execute
	jsr	LOAD

	jmp	$c000

	dc.b	"C000"

	org	$0300
	dc.w	boot
	dc.w	boot
2024-08-19 08:53

Registered: Oct 2014
Posts: 490
yeah but the VIC-20 and C64 have the same version of BASIC with the same vectors and ROM in the same place. The 128 is not a slightly bigger C64 it's a smaller Amiga.

Putting that code on a 128 will trash
02a2-02ae	674-686	Kernal RAM

02a2-02ae	Bank Peek Subroutine
02af-02bd	Bank Poke Subroutine
02be-02cc	Bank Compare Subroutine
02cd-02e2	JSR to Another Bank
02e3-02fb	JMP to Another Bank
02fc-02fd	Function Execute Hook	[4c78]

which will cause crashes
2024-08-19 09:35

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
The 128 is not a slightly bigger C64 it's a smaller Amiga.

It has more in common with a Spectrum than with an Amiga though :D
2024-08-19 11:04

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Amiga is a direct descendent of Atari, deal with it ;)
2024-08-19 11:34

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1078
Writing a big basic program with branching logic to detect C128 or C64 is easy enough, but I'd prefer something compact even if a bit hacky. The best I could come up with on my lunch break is SYS(PEEK(57532)-219)*256+30.

Sample project here: https://github.com/MagerValp/C128-C64-PIBS
2024-08-19 18:22

Registered: Oct 2014
Posts: 490
SYS(PEEK(46)*256+30) would do it I think.
2024-08-19 19:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1078
Quoting oziphantom
SYS(PEEK(46)*256+30) would do it I think.

No that points to the end of the loaded program on the C64, which unless it's really short doesn't give you $08.
2024-08-20 01:16
Martin Piper

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 726
Quote: yeah but the VIC-20 and C64 have the same version of BASIC with the same vectors and ROM in the same place. The 128 is not a slightly bigger C64 it's a smaller Amiga.

Putting that code on a 128 will trash
02a2-02ae	674-686	Kernal RAM

02a2-02ae	Bank Peek Subroutine
02af-02bd	Bank Poke Subroutine
02be-02cc	Bank Compare Subroutine
02cd-02e2	JSR to Another Bank
02e3-02fb	JMP to Another Bank
02fc-02fd	Function Execute Hook	[4c78]

which will cause crashes

43/44 on the C128 are also not the start of basic.
2024-08-20 19:08

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 77
CBM FileBrowser v1.6 implements a basic stub that checks if the machine is VIC-20, C64, C128, C64DTV or Plus/4 and loads binary for recognized one:

2024-08-20 19:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
A stub loader is easy to do - the challenge is to make it a single self contained binary :)
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