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Registered: Oct 2002 Posts: 508 |
Compotime: Show me your (vector)balls
After several comments arised that such an amiga-ball can be filled faster, i now want to call out a filler-compo for our coders.
The vector must be rendered in hires, background is white, foreground is dark red.
There's a raster-irq running that splits the screen at $2d and $f2 to set the background and border color to white and black, as seen in the screenshot. Means, there is a charline free in the bottom, that is where the benchmark results are displayed with the system charset. Displaying the result with screencodes is enough for us coders, but hex or decimal values are okay too.
The animation will be precalculated to see the power of your filler only. Therefore a data.bin is provided that contains all animationsteps for all faces with culling etc. already done.
The data structure may be altered to your needs, but not the animation itself, obvious isn't it?
The structure of data.bin is as follows:
byte x1 | $80
byte y1
byte x2
byte y2
byte x3
byte y3
byte x4 (optional, depending on if we have a triangle or quad)
byte y4 (optional, depending on if we have a triangle or quad)
As you can see faces can have 3 or 4 vertices, the first vertice is marked with bit 7 set, to be able to determine if a face consists of 3 or 4 vertices and to have a break out point for a finished frame, which is marked with the value $ff. If there's further questions about the data-format, don't hesitate to contact Bitbreaker
The filling must happen fullframe and fullsize, means, no interlacing or other cheap tricks with reducing resolution.
A counter for benchmarking must be implemented to count the frames until 256 frames have been displayed, it must be made visible in the bottom line.
The lowest value achieved counts (as there might be some jitter), for that, each entry must run in an endless loop.
The whole mem can be used, but every free byte of mem gives extra kudos.
Deadline is June 25th 0:00.
If the deadline is extended, a severe drama is expected, if not, you are out. Also i'll participate with an own entry, make a drama about it! :-)
Entries must be handed in to Bitbreaker and must not be released beforehand. They all will then released after the deadline, for maximum thrill and drama :-)
Each entry must be executeable with run.
... 166 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1048 |
Let's stick to the original precalculations, otherwise the drama will be too intense. But I wouldn't mind getting the full set of coords, including hidden ones. I think it would be easier to pack that way. |
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Registered: Jun 2002 Posts: 2014 |
Quote: Let's stick to the original precalculations, otherwise the drama will be too intense. But I wouldn't mind getting the full set of coords, including hidden ones. I think it would be easier to pack that way.
I agree |
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Registered: Oct 2002 Posts: 508 |
So here's the C-programme that generates the data.bin for you all to play around and in the end miss the deadline for more drama :-P Attention, contains a Makefile!!1! /o\ |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1048 |
Thanx, Bitbreaker! It compiled and executed on first try. Amazing! |
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Registered: May 2004 Posts: 677 |
Why not such a vector sphere? ;-)
(bad looking example) |
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Registered: Jun 2002 Posts: 2014 |
©enthusi: because that would look undistorted and would be too easy to implement since there are no quads in it. :P But yeah... I agree. Also getting the rotated coordinates for such a sphere in real time is easier that Bitbreaker's I think, not 100% sure though, but it feels more simple. :)
But then again... it's not AAAAMIIIIGAAAAAH! |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5095 |
jackie, where's the symmetry in this triangle sphere ? recently on poutet I saw in a thread, that one method to make an 'iso' sphere is to normalize a cube's vertices. still seems more work than the doth sphere cheats: ie. average many cube points out of 8 then scale them with LUTS. dot sphere is only 3 adds and a lookup, cube is 2 adds and a lookup, hmm :) this is getting sounding like that this method leads to new sphere dot records:) anyway I may be wrong its been ages I did a dot sphere and too tired to think it really trough. |
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Registered: Jun 2002 Posts: 2014 |
Quote: jackie, where's the symmetry in this triangle sphere ? recently on poutet I saw in a thread, that one method to make an 'iso' sphere is to normalize a cube's vertices. still seems more work than the doth sphere cheats: ie. average many cube points out of 8 then scale them with LUTS. dot sphere is only 3 adds and a lookup, cube is 2 adds and a lookup, hmm :) this is getting sounding like that this method leads to new sphere dot records:) anyway I may be wrong its been ages I did a dot sphere and too tired to think it really trough.
Dunno where the symmetry is tbh, and I know how to generate one by triangulating each surface and then normalizing the middle point to the radius of the mathematical sphere. However, there are other "spheres" such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentakis_dodecahedron which might be easier to deduce from the rotated world axises. F.e. each vertex may be a simple integer multiple of the x-, y- and z axis summed (like your cube example, but with more complex numbers). Also that would exploit x, y and z symmetry, just like the cube (i.e. +x,+y,+z is just a flipped version of -x,-y,-z). |
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Registered: Feb 2003 Posts: 728 |
Honestly i don't see how this would lead to faster sphere calculations, but it's still interesting if it does :).
Thats sphere pic looks strange.. No symmetry as far as i can see.
Quote:Pentakis_dodecahedron Oh, that seems to be the one in EoD. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1048 |
Quoting HCLQuote:Pentakis_dodecahedron Oh, that seems to be the one in EoD. Sure does, almost looks like screenshots from EoD. :)
And now, back to the compo... Must the routine be vblank synched and/or double buffered, or is it ok with artifacts from filling while displaying the gfx? The latter is faster of cuz, so it's important with clear rules about this. |
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