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Rudi Account closed
Registered: May 2010 Posts: 125 |
Fast way to rotate a char?
Im not talking about rol or ror, but swap bits so that they are rotated 90 degrees:
a char (and the bits can be random):
10110010 byte 1..
11010110 byte 2.. etc..
10110100 after "rotation" (rows and columns are swapped):
00100110 is it possible to use lookup tables for this or would that lookup table be too big?
or other lookuptable for getting and setting bits?
-Rudi |
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Rudi Account closed
Registered: May 2010 Posts: 125 |
What I really meant was reordering merges, which I think Axis pointed on in one of his posts. Here I only managed to reorder the 2x2 rotation into 4x4 by removing some sta's and reusing the accumulator iirc. But unfortunately the code is so messy that I myself easily get tired after trying to optimize this. So, here comes a long list of code if you dont mind. I used tables for the shifts, and dot mind the eor-tag its the same as or. the next tag is the and value. Also used specific addresses in zp since this is just a test.
;4x4 & 2x2 rotation (195 cycles)
ldy $61
lax $65
and #$0f
eor shl4, y
sta $81
and #$f0
eor shr4, x
sta $85
ldy $63
lda $67
and #$0f
eor shl4, y
ldy $81
and #$33
eor shl2_eor_cc, y
sta $91
and #$cc
eor shr2_eor_33, x
sta $93
lda $63
ldx $67
and #$f0
eor shr4, x
ldy $85
and #$33
eor shl2_eor_cc, y
sta $95
and #$cc
eor shr2_eor_33, x
sta $97
ldy $60
lax $64
and #$0f
eor shl4, y
sta $80
and #$f0
eor shr4, x
sta $84
ldy $62
lax $66
and #$0f
eor shl4, y
ldy $80
and #$33
eor shl2_eor_cc, y
sta $90
and #$cc
eor shr2_eor_33, x
sta $92
lda #$62
and #$f0
eor shr4, x
ldy $84
and #$33
eor shl2_eor_cc, y
sta $94
and #$cc
eor shr2_eor_33, x
sta $96
;1x1 rotation (104 cycles)
ldy $90
lax $91
and #$55
eor shl1_eor_aa, y
sta $70
and #$aa
eor shr1_eor_55, x
sta $71
ldy $92
lax $93
and #$55
eor shl1_eor_aa, y
sta $72
and #$aa
eor shr1_eor_55, x
sta $73
ldy $94
lax $95
and #$55
eor shl1_eor_aa, y
sta $74
and #$aa
eor shr1_eor_55, x
sta $75
ldy $96
lax $97
and #$55
eor shl1_eor_aa, y
sta $76
and #$aa
eor shr1_eor_55, x
sta $77 I wanted to make the 4x4vs2x2 rotator shorter by using other method, but havent found a solution for this yet (the 1x1 rotator also, for that matter, by optimizing those two distinct sections).
The character is at $60-$67 and the result is at $70-$77. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 478 |
I have to admit that the approach with those "Amiga-style"-merges is really outstanding. Hardly possible to force oneself to think different approaches...
Ok, at least I tried ;) One idea I had is to use the CMP-instruction to read out the bits of every byte. E.g.
ldx #$7f
cpx byte0
cpx byte1
cpx byte2
cpx byte3
cpx byte4
cpx byte5
cpx byte6
cpx byte7
eor #$ff
sta dest0
but this already sums up to 47cycle (if sticking to zp lda/sta/cpx). Furthermore, this will only work for dest0 unless one masks out bit7-bit1 step by step -> every byte needed 8 times, too many table lookups -> most probably not feasible :/
Another idea would be to store the char bit patterns along the diagonal. Usually we have
byte0: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte1: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte2: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte3: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte4: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte5: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte6: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte7: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Now we could store the same information as e.g.
data0: byte0.b0 X X X X X X X
data1: byte0.b1 byte1.b0 X X X X X X
data7: byte0.b7 byte1.b6 byte2.b5 byte3.b4 byte4.b3 byte5.b2 byte6.b1 byte7.b0
dataE: byte7.b7 X X X X X X X
The huge advantage of such a data structure is obvious: mirroring the bitpatterns is equivalent to reversing the order of the dataX-bytes. Drawback: in order to display the corresponding bitpattern a conversion routine is _always_ needed (no matter if the "original" bitpattern should be displayed or the "mirrored" pattern). I couldn't come up with a decent routine to compensate for this.
Maybe someone can take the good points out of these thoughts... |
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Rastah Bar Account closed
Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 336 |
I'm now at 326 cycli. |
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Rudi Account closed
Registered: May 2010 Posts: 125 |
Looking at the 4x4 rotation an recipe that I have made look like this:1. rol 4 times higher 4 bytes.
2. swap lower nybbles of byte0->byte4, byte1->byte5 etc.
3. rol 4 times lower 4 bytes. Done.
1 and 3 can be done with lookuptables. 2 is a more tricky.
So, what no.2 need is a fast way to swap lo-nybbles of two bytes, but it seems to be difficult. One would have to do that in 14 cycles or so. Impossible.
Someone gave me this xor-swap algorithm which takes 27 cycles:LDA byte1
AND #$0f
EOR byte2
STA byte2
AND #$0f
EOR byte1
STA byte1
AND #$0f
EOR byte2
STA byte2 I also made this, but it takes one cycle more than the former:LDX byte1
LDY byte2
LDA lowCleared,x
ORA andTab,y
STA byte1
LDA lowCleared,y
ORA andTab,x
STA byte2 I guess this wont help at all. Because 27*4 = 108 cycles. Allready reached the limit from the 312 version where each rotator-section take 104 cycles. |
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Rastah Bar Account closed
Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 336 |
Quoting RudiSomeone gave me this xor-swap algorithm which takes 27 cycles:LDA byte1
AND #$0f
EOR byte2
STA byte2
AND #$0f
EOR byte1
STA byte1
AND #$0f
EOR byte2
STA byte2
26 cycles:
lax byte1
and #$f0
ldy byte2
ora grabLowNybble,y ;This table performs AND #$0f
sta byte1 ;Now low nybble of byte2 is in byte1
and #$f0
ora grabLowNybble,x ;byte1 was kept in X
sta byte2
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5094 |
you just need a 64k table
lda byte1byte2
sta result
:) |
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Rudi Account closed
Registered: May 2010 Posts: 125 |
Colorbar: nice
Oswald: hah yeah, like thats gonna happen. :P |
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Rastah Bar Account closed
Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 336 |
Flip disk ...
Rotate monitor clockwise ... |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5094 |
del. |
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Rastah Bar Account closed
Registered: Oct 2012 Posts: 336 |
Quote: Flip disk ...
Rotate monitor clockwise ...
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