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Forums > C64 Coding > Optimizing span filler
2015-04-15 12:57

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
Optimizing span filler

To prove a quote recently made in another thread by Skid Row wrong, i am going to ask in public :-)
"Average programmers do ask friends or in forums (like Lemon64, Forum64, CSDB Forum...) and experienced programmers... well,they just don't need to ask! ;)"

I had optimized my span filler some time ago and used it on various occasions with different effects. I meanwhile shrank it down by size, but i would love to get a few things even faster, most of all the inner loop that looks like the following:

                * = $0010
;x = x2
;y = y2

                lda #$f8
                sax <f_jmp+1            ;set initially, as it is not set on every turn later on
f_back                                  ;common entry point where all code segments reenter when done
f_yend          cpy #$00                ;forces carry to be set \o/
                bcc f_end

f_err           lda #$00                ;restore error
f_dx1           sbc #$00                ;do that bresenhamthingy for xend, code will be setup for either flat or steep slope
f_code          bcs +                   ;inx                    ;in case of flat slopes
bcs_start       dex                     ;bcs * - 3              ;
f_dx2           adc #$00
                sta <f_err+1
                lda #$f8
                sax <f_jmp+1            ;update start of span, depending on bit 7 stuff is rendered to buffer 1 or 2 (offset of $80 in the table)
                bne ++                  ;so buttugly, but need to skip
                sta <f_err+1            ;save error
                lda xstart,y            ;load previously calced x1
                sta <f_msk+1            ;setup mask without tainting X
                arr #$78                ;-> carry is still set, bit 7 always cleared. This way we generate values from $80 .. $bc, a range to which we adopt the memory layout of the row tables
                sta <f_jmp+2            ;update byte of jump responsible to select all code-segments that start with xstart
f_patt          lda patt_0,y            ;fetch pattern
f_msk           and maskl               ;apply mask for left edge
f_jmp           jmp ($1000)             ;do it! \o/

Keep in mind that this loop shall not be unrolled or even duplicated, as the entrypoint f_back is fix and used by all speedcode chunks that are entered through the indirect jump. Doing so would mean multiplying the speedcode chunks or giving them a variable entry point by introducing another indirect jump (which wastes another 2 cycles + setup)
The code at f_dx1 (3 bytes is self modifying, depending on if there's a steep or flat slope generated. Patterns are alternating each line, so the additional lookup (lda patt_0,y is somewhat necessary)

One of the many speedcode chunks could look like:
                sta .addr,y             ;write through, smart poly order avoids clashes
                lda (f_patt+1),y        ;refetch pattern, expensive, but at least less than sta patt, lda patt
                sta .addr + $080,y
                sta .addr + $100,y
                sta .addr + $180,y
                sta .addr + $200,y
                sta .addr + $280,y
                sta .addr + $300,y

                and maskr,x             ;right edge
                ora .addr + $380,y      ;need to ora here
                sta .addr + $380,y
                jmp f_back

So any suggestions on how to save further cycles? As you see, there's a few awkward and painful spots, like creating xstart table in a separate step, refetching the pattern again via lda (zp),y, the pattern lookup, the bne++ and the fact that i cannot use any register or facing a register store and load galore that will slow down things to death.
Or is this already the ultimate "optimum hut ab"?
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2015-04-15 14:15

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
Unfortunately writing out the second slope as well is more expensive as it inflicts a store and another load (+7 cycles minimum per line). Been there, and even was using the stack therefore. It is true however that flat slopes are not optimal. However they do not mean much beef, as the flat portions usually result in just a few lines to be rendered. The latter is the real expensive part.

Edit: also when separating into flat and steep slopes you would need two inner loops, what would again either slow down the returning jump or double the speedcode size, which has quite some size.
2015-04-15 18:31

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 728
Interesting.. what did he write? something like.. "span fillers are just slow and ugly.." i guess :D.
2015-04-15 20:46

Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 265
Lol I read "spam filter" and didn't get a thing. Even now I don't =)
2015-04-16 10:14

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
HCL: there was this amiga ball compo somewhen, remember ;-P
2015-04-16 10:28

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
too lazy to count all the cycles, but I think there might be a little chance of unrolling both slopes and span selector might be better. then you may use jsr abs, since lo/hi jmp address can be tabled, hence edge can be kept in a register.
2015-04-20 13:01

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
I replaced the right slope precalculation by an on the fly calculation now, just as i do it with the left side, and it turns out to be even faster (though having penalties due to not being able to use x-register). So much about that :-D
2015-04-21 16:59

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Failing to improve on this one, but it's inspiring some thoughts for an alternate approach...
2015-04-21 19:36

Registered: Jul 2007
Posts: 369
This may or may not result in a net gain. Perhaps you could try it out with some actual data:

First, at the cost of two cycles, change
f_err         lda #$00

Then, at no cycle cost, change each of the two
              sta <f_err+1

Next, relocate the code so that f_jmp+1 = $48, which is the opcode PHA.

Now you can remove bne ++, and point bcs_end/+ to the operand of the SAX.

The code path for flat slopes is now one cycle faster, but the code path for steep slopes is either two cycles slower or one cycle faster depending on whether the branch is taken. Hence the need to measure on real data.
2015-04-22 06:44

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
LFT: That's one ossom idea, and i would have wished it performs better as it is just my taste! However it performs slightly (but really slightly) worse, the case when the jmp is updated doesn't happen too often as it seems, such a pity :-(
2015-04-22 06:48

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
That is btw. what the loop currently looks like:

f_yend = * + 1  
                cpy #$00
                beq f_end
;--------RIGHT SLOPE-----------------------------------------
f_err = * + 1   
                lda #$00
f_dy = * + 1
                sbc #$00
f_code          bcs +
bcs_start       dex
f_dx = * + 1
                adc #$00
                sta <f_err
                lda #$f8
                sax <f_jmp+1
                bne ++
                sta <f_err
;--------LEFT SLOPE-----------------------------------------
f_err2 = * + 1  
                lda #$00
f_dy2 = * + 1   
                sbc #$00
f_code2         bcs +
bcs_start2      dec <f_x2

f_dx2 = * + 1   
                adc #$00
                sta <f_err2
                lda <f_x2
                arr #$78
                sta <f_jmp+2
                bne ++
                sta <f_err2
;--------PATTERN SETUP and ---------------------------------
f_patt          lda patt_0,y
f_x2 = * + 1
                and maskl
f_jmp           jmp ($1000)

The overall gain so far due to a easier setup and faster loops is ~5%
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