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Forums > C64 Coding > ACME syntax highlighting for Notepad++
2016-04-18 10:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 468
ACME syntax highlighting for Notepad++

Below is a rough attempt at making something for Notepad++ - too lazy to create accounts elsewhere to edit wikis, upload etc.

<UserLang name="6502 asm" ext="src" udlVersion="2.1">
<Global caseIgnored="yes" allowFoldOfComments="yes" foldCompact="no" forcePureLC="0" decimalSeparator="0" />
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2016-04-18 11:13

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
2016-04-18 22:50

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2244
*shrug* Use Notepad++/ACME combo a couple of years now, always could activate Syntax-Highlighting just via Languages -> User-Defined -> NPP ACME 6510 -> Import and it was there :)

(Sorry, German only atm)
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