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Forums > C64 Pixeling > first post and hello
2009-07-03 23:26

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
first post and hello

first post on this forum.

hi all.

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2009-07-04 09:10

Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 150
hello ste'86...

i remember as it had been yesterday. 14 year old oliver watching the intro screens of green beret or city cobra - salvating full of admiration.

thanks for these moments and thanks for your work...
2009-07-04 09:29
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
\o/ Welcome aboard! It's allways a joy when some of the old legends find their way to our little haven here :-D

PS: Just looked at some of your work again. It's fucking impressive you have such a great eye for details and technique.

If you ever have the time and feel a little nostalgic, grab this or this and push some pixels.

Please. Pretty please, with lots of cherry and sugar on top. You would make alot of us old farts here really happy :-D

2009-07-04 10:19

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 850
Welcome Steve! Great to see some Compunet folks on here! :) Hope you will stay!
2009-07-04 15:51
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 189
Hi Steve,

this is probably THE place to ask if anyone has your Paradroid picture ;)
2009-07-04 17:46

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 293
hello STE'86!

I am pal of offence... I got active in the scene(and later created some games on amiga and c64) when your images were some of the best there were, and they were on big releases too.. I just wanted to say thanx for beeing an insperation to me. I have been working professional with graphics since 1993 work wise... I have run my own graphics company www.flottaltsaa.no in about 11-12 years now... thank you so much for your early pionering and very inspiring work. Really, bob and you were in my mind like the best, and I wanted to be the best too... that is why I am what I am today... the best there is... ha ha... really, I am quite good and know abit of this and that but those like you are allways going to be my heros because you made my body feel something when I looked at your arts.

I read from bob taht he got work from compunet and that it were a really great thing, I think that is like my days the last 15 years... getting work from emails and interest... thet is the coolest... were you apart of the compunet too... I just wonder as I can imagine that were really exiting times... wish I were there in a way at that early stage in online communication... what a rush... felt so good to se you posting here.

Your PAL
2009-07-04 20:16

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
yeah, i was on Cnet, my id was Ste'86. i was started about 6 months after after Bob Stevenson and at the same time as Paul Docherty (Dokk).

It was definitely a strange magical time. the first time really in computers where a whole community developed without anyone needing to actually meet in person.

tho in reality loads of Cnetters did camp out at the bar of many trade shows and also at the Zapp64 stand and of course the official Compunet stand.

2009-07-04 21:22

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 293
Your J is for Judge is one of my absolutely favs on the c64 of all time. It really does what no man have ever done before and after in a way... it just stands there like an icon and it is really sharp too. I just love the highlights and shadows in this one. This is the ultimate "LESS IS MORE" art on the c64 in my memory... it really does something magical this one... it is the perfect c64 oldschool image ever!

It is abit also in the D.R. & Quinch you did... looks like other work than all others if you know what I meen... so defined and sharp, my daugther is 6,5 years and these are the favs of her too... yhink it has to the defined shaped they are executed in... thanx and a humble salute to you...

On both fantastic self control on the colors... wow those are the best! I have created several new images on the c64 the last two years just for the fun of it, I think you will love my artwork as I really think they are great and will be something else than the thimantehs dithering and palette... I have spent so much hours on the design of the new demo, and it were all fun... to design something for me, not the world, not the interested ones... but for me and the ones that help me make it reality... I hope we can release a demo next year! A demo that I do not matter if anybody than us loves it... artist freedom the c64 is,no established jugde table or norm, it is a platform that is beyond normal trends and borders... ha ha... nirvana maybe it is! The forgotten one, but hwo cares?

The green beret is also in a way like that but more complex image and shape way... You did some really good images man, I really loved the mentioned ones... alot of the others are more like scans or phothos on the c64, still great but the mentioned ones are my favs that were released in big stuff that I can remember here and now. You are one of my heros. Isnt that cool to know? I got a mail the other day from a bloke that told me that the earlier stuff I created made him interested in graphic design and so on... and that he live from this now, how cool is that? ...I am more proud of that than having been the designer of opera software the browser with 12 million users every day graphic interface the last 10 years or winning the best interface of the year 3 years in a row with my client get on their setup tv box..

Hope life is nice and that you have a good time...

What do you do these days?

Your PAL
2009-07-05 07:59

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 469
wow.. one of the first memories I have from graphics on the c64 is your and Bob's stuff!

thanks for being such a brilliant pioneer and inspiring others to push themselves to their limits!

It's stuff like your work I used to show people that were totally not c64 related just to proove how much this machine could do! :)

2009-07-06 13:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 499
Hey Steve!
Please be a bit harder on Lars / Mirage, he's never tired when he gets home..
2009-07-06 17:35
Wile Coyote
Account closed

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
Hi Ste'86,
Heh, back in.. it was the image as feat. in Zzap!64 'Immediate Launch' that made me go wow, and think to myself, graphic's don't get much better than..

Immediate Launch:
Immediate Launch

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