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Registered: Aug 2010 Posts: 143 |
Project SIDFX (formerly known as SIDFIXER)
Sorry for spamming you all, but regarding the DUAL SID hardware module SIDFX:
I mailed all PRE-ORDER contacts tuesday and I still miss a reply from 33% of you... please check your spam folder/email if there is any mail from sidfx-preorder@kick-ass.dk (16th december)
Thanks in advance.
There will be a registration site up shortly... so if you didnt pre-order/registrate already, you can also just mail me directly on the sidfx-preorder@kick-ass.dk mail address.
Cheers and merry X-mas to everyone! |
... 177 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Aug 2010 Posts: 143 |
Great to hear you all got it so quickly and are as happy with it as we are.
I just updated the manual a little more tonight.
Nuckhead: have you rececived the "Final Confirmation" mail and updated your account?
I can't find you in the list, did you use your CSDb nick?
PM me or mail me on contact@sidfx.dk |
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Registered: Feb 2004 Posts: 73 |
I recived mine too. Going to be an experience to rewire my main SID Recording machines with this dynamite! |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 3067 |
Xiny, I hope you make a lot of stereo/sixchannel recordings with this one ;-) Btw. I got mine too, it's awesome, although I was said it's primary purpose is *NOT* to have 2 new SIDs inside (...coz if I wanted that I could go with some cheaper solution.) Problem is, that I'm not very keen on soldering and stuff and this one is cute and easy to install I had to have one) ;-) |
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Registered: Aug 2010 Posts: 143 |
Yeah, it's intentional design idea was to facilitate the hot switching between any two SID models so all the old and new demos would sound equally great on a single machine.
I have tried it with two 8580's (to hear my Singularity dual SID tune) and that was an awesome experience for me to finally hear it on real hardware.
BUT - the whole API for asking which models are installed, tell the SIDFX to swap them when needed etc. is kinda lost when used with two of the same model.
Of course if you go for easy install, no jumpers - I totally agree, this is the easy out of the box soltion.
That's actually why I wanted two myself.
One to mix models and one to have 2x8580
Btw. I foresee and recommend the following:
SID socket #1 : 6581
SID socket #2 : 8580
so we have a standard for how we make stereo tunes if we combine the models in a tune.
I know for certain that I am going to try to use the fat old filter from 6581 combined with the new models extra waveforms and its more "digital" filter.
Reason for these kinda dual tunes? Because from our sales log, I can tell that there is going to be a LOT of people with exactly that setup in the scene. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 3067 |
I'm also interested in trying OLD+NEW SID for exactly the same reasons (composing with different types of filter ;-), but I only have 2 old SID machines and about 10 new so I first tried it with two NEW sids ;-)
Anyway, now I need to tweak DMC5.0+ for 6 channels ;-) In monitor (no sources ;-) |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Just installed mine. I had some troubles attaching the alligator clips to the CPU, due to the (Swedish) char rom and kernal rom sitting on some kind of extra little "board" (e.g. higher up than just straight into sockets at the motherboard). This C64 is from 1984 (Assy 250425). It was bought like that so it is not some hack. Anyway.. Using some force and slight bending worked in the end, and it seems to run fine as far as I can tell. Good!
One thing that I find very nice is that I can now use headphones straight into the jack in the C64. :) A bit funny to hear different SID revisions in each ear. Makes for a kind of stereo effect in itself, even on all those mono tunes. ;) |
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Registered: Jun 2016 Posts: 121 |
Yeah I think that I'll set myself up for another one... hopefully another batch in the making.. as previous peepz stated... a 8580 + 8580 machine would be sweet as well... My initial purchase was to minimize the need to swap machine due to SID... but a machine for stereo-SID would be sweet as well.. :) |
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Mr.Ammo Account closed
Registered: Oct 2002 Posts: 228 |
Quoting Scarzix
Btw. I foresee and recommend the following:
SID socket #1 : 6581
SID socket #2 : 8580
so we have a standard for how we make stereo tunes if we combine the models in a tune.
Ha, that's exactly my config right now. But, since the there's this API, it shouldn't matter since the player software can ask the SIDFX where to send the 6581 and the 8580 parts of the mixed 2SID tune.
Also, will you create a facebook group for support and stuff? |
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Registered: Aug 2010 Posts: 143 |
SIDFX has a Facebook page already, but yes I am creating an API/support group too. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 469 |
CreaMD: If you could adapt to Sync then I could provide some sources. |
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