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Forums > C64 Coding > IRQ instable with music playing?!
2008-12-02 22:54

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
IRQ instable with music playing?!


Rusty old Scout here...
I have coded a sideborder routine which neatly opens the sideborder.
No problem there but...as soon as I add a music-routine the IRQ becomes instable.
I just can't get the sideborders open again.

What could be the problem ?
2008-12-02 23:12

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 154
> What could be the problem ?

It's hard to tell. Make sure there's no conflict between yours and the player's variables. Another possibility is that your routine is not perfectly stable. I can't tell how many times I achieved a "perfectly" stable routine with an empty main loop (i.e. jmp *), which failed as soon as I added something. Oh, now that I mentioned it, make sure that a recent addition you may have made didn't cause page-crossing somewhere in your sideborder routine. This can be a bitch to detect.
2008-12-02 23:53

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
Quote: Hi

Rusty old Scout here...
I have coded a sideborder routine which neatly opens the sideborder.
No problem there but...as soon as I add a music-routine the IRQ becomes instable.
I just can't get the sideborders open again.

What could be the problem ?

After your stable raster, remove the sideborders and then run the music player as each jump to the player can differ in cycle or are you doing this already?
2008-12-03 00:23
The Phantom

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 360
I had a problem similar to this with 7 years (FOE).. (shameless plug.. sorry)

My problem was the IRQ itself, which forced me to rewrite it (something with $dcod and $d019... not sure what it was now).

Show your IRQ and/or the routine your having problems with, we can all help you better that way.
2008-12-03 08:36

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Yeah, show us your top-secret routine!
2008-12-03 12:54

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
Here's the code.
I used $d012 polling in this example. Of course I use multiple IRQ's in my real project.

This code compiles in 64tass and shows 2 sprites in the left and right sideborder.
If you add a tune (doesn't matter if you use $d012-polling or mult. irq's) the IRQ isn't stable anymore.

border = $d016
;border = $d021


				.byte $00, $0c, $08, $00,  $00, $9e, $20 ,$32 , $30, $36, $34, $00 , $00, $00


				lda #%00000110  
				sta $d015
				sta $d01d
				lda #%00000100
				sta $d010

				lda #$00
				sta $d002
				lda #$50
				sta $d004

				lda #$43
				sta $d003
				adc #21
				sta $d005

				lda #8192/64
				ldx #0
				sta $07f9,x
				cpx #7
				bne -

				ldx #0
				lda #$ff
				sta $2000,x
				cpx #64
				bne spr

				lda #<irq
				ldy #>irq
				sta $fffe
				sty $ffff

				lda #<brkirq
				ldy #>brkirq
				sta $fffa
				sty $fffb

				lda #$7f
				sta $dc0d
				sta $dd0d

				lda #$00
				sta $d012

				lda #$1b
				sta $d011

				lda #$01
				sta $d019
				sta $d01a
				lda $dc0d
                                lda $dd0d

				lda #$35
				sta $1

				jmp *


				lda #$41
				cmp $d012
				bne -

				ldx #11
				bne *-1

				lda #$08
				ldx #$07

				bit $eaea			
				bit $eaea			
				bit $eaea			
				bit $eaea			
.rept 8

.rept 25
				stx border
				sta border
				bit $eaea
				bit $ea				
				stx border
				sta border
.rept 7

.rept 25
				stx border
				sta border


				bit $eaea
				bit $ea				
				stx border
				sta border

.rept 7

.rept 25
				stx border
				sta border


				bit $eaea
				bit $ea				
				stx border
				sta border

.rept 7

.rept 25
				stx border
				sta border


				bit $eaea
				bit $ea				
				stx border
				sta border

.rept 7

.rept 25
				stx border
				sta border

				bit $eaea
				bit $ea				
				stx border
				sta border

				lda #1
				sta $d019


2008-12-03 13:00

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
- I always start my code with SEI, god know when a kernal irq will hit and mess up something for me.
- cmp $d012 bne *-3 is anything but stable. use double irq or smth, check codebase.
2008-12-03 13:02

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570

- cmp $d012 bne *-3 is anything but stable. use double irq or smth, check codebase.

Yeah, but could you read what I just wrote?
2008-12-03 13:11

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
What oswald said. The code does not give stable raster all the time particularly when running a routine which may use a different amount of cycles per jump - ie. music player.

Use other stable raster methods instead (Double IRQ) etc
2008-12-03 14:43
Account closed

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
That said, you should always add a music when you are coding stable rasters because otherwise you might end up with a pseudo-stable IRQ. For example, if you have JMP * in the main loop, you will get a "stable" IRQ as soon as the rastertime outside the IRQ can be divided by 3.
2008-12-03 15:38

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
Apparently nobody reads :-(

I used $d012 polling in this example. Of course I use multiple IRQ's in my real project.

This code compiles in 64tass and shows 2 sprites in the left and right sideborder.
If you add a tune (doesn't matter if you use $d012-polling or mult. irq's) the IRQ isn't stable anymore.

Only Graham's answer seems to have some logic, by using a tune when stabilizing.
2008-12-03 15:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
you should always add a music when you are coding
2008-12-03 16:14

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
Found it!

The problem was that the music was playing in the 'visible' area ($33-$fa). Moved it somewhere else, et voilá..a stable raster with music.

Yay & Woo!

Nevertheless, thanx y'all for replying!
2008-12-03 16:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5094
thats more of a workaround :) "multiple irqs" for me didnt translated as "double irq method" sorry.
2008-12-03 16:57

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
It's possible to obtain a stable raster regardless of what you do during the graphic screen. Just moving code around until it "works" is a solution, but not a good one, since a subsequent code modification may render it all unstable again. I can't see any kind of stabilizing code at all in your example apart from the $d012 polling, so I guess it was/is simply stable by luck and of course that means it'll break if you add music (or pretty much anything at all).

If a double IRQ raster suddenly turns unstable it's pretty much the same thing: It looks stable, but the code is incorrect and any perceived stability can be attributed to chance. I wouldn't go so far as to recommend you always play music while testing; a main loop filled with sufficient nonsensical opcodes of varying cycle lengths is IME enough to reveal any false stability.
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