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2012-11-15 20:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 50
X2012 feedback

If you have visited X2012, please share your feedback here on what could be improved for X2014.
Most likely you’ll say the compos started too late which made it hard for people to vote afterwards.
Be assured, all us organizers want to improve this, but still, tell us what you think!

We appreciate your feedback, your massive effort in the productions released and your visiting X2012 and hope to welcome you all again in two years!
2012-11-15 21:14

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 124
x was fantastic... but...

My suggestions, make it 3 days and make the Saturday timeschedule like this:

16.00 music compo
18.00 graphics compo
20.00 demo compo
22.00 - 00.00 - voting
00.00 price cermony

The composchedule is the only negative with x imho.

2012-11-15 21:20

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Time schedule is obvious.

Other than that:
- have name stickers at the door
- have bigger tables
- have real meat with evening meal instead of only crumbs in rice
- have X T-shirts in size M

Also, don't make it any more expensive, because 90 euros is already quite a lot.
I'd rather have you skip the free snacks on Friday than increase the price.

Don't change too much :-)
2012-11-15 21:39

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2558
-I second the name stickers/tags
-make a list of of visitors and update csdb accordingly
-a few more voting disks

Earlier compos ok, but tbh I was happy that I made it to the deadline, which would not have been possible other wise. :-)
2012-11-15 22:47

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 493
- Seperate area for the elite
2012-11-15 23:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 50
Quote: - Seperate area for the elite

what about it?
2012-11-16 07:30

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
2012-11-16 07:47

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
Possible improvements:
- have name stickers at the door
- use a pointer or make the whole row blink to indicate the row you are on while voting. The voting program had the name of the release on the left of the screen and the vote on the right. The cursor was on the vote but it was easy to swap entry names and link each entry name to its vote.

Other than that it was just great! Thanks for organizing it!
2012-11-16 08:23

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Quoting ready.
- use a pointer or make the whole row blink to indicate the row you are on while voting.

Huh, I could have sworn I added a line of dots to fix that problem. Maybe I never released it...
2012-11-16 08:36
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Please dont again remove all chairs from the basement when compo starts. we are some old men who cannot sit on the floor, it hurts, and we cant stand up for 2 hours neither.

thats my only complaint this time. party was great!

oh and please make a compo desk with some staff that is always there, so we dont have to run around asking and searching to find out how to give compo entries.

not all people know who "werner" is, only those who actually know him :)
2012-11-16 10:44
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Everyone knows werner !! :-D

Were there any competitions, voting or prizegivings this year ? i cant recall any (i vaguely remember the gfx and music compo but after that its just all blank ) :-D
2012-11-16 11:00

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
Yup! 6AM

2012-11-16 11:31

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
ah, ah, thanks for the video! I can see myself at 00:05 rubbing my eyes for tireness... couldn't wait to go to sleep. But it was worth to wait until the cerimony.
2012-11-16 11:39

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 229
we arrived early and getting a room sort of chaos. turned out that upper floor of the building could only be reached from inside or so.. a few more signs would have helped..

the free fries and meat-thing was a fine thing. tasted better than it looked.. ^^

breakfast. man, you guys all live in the stoneage? atleast it looks like that when you see the food table.. maybe it's a little better when the ham and cheese is served pre-sliced on dishes. maybe that keeps the mess a little lower. maybe a little more diversity in marmelade or nutella would be appreciated by others, too? digged the egg-supply, nice!

the dinner on saturday was ok'ish foodwise, but next time put the table somewhere more senseful, so that the people don't have to wait in the cold.

smoking in the basement should be a no go.
please sort that chair thing out. luckily i took my chair downstairs for the democompo.

actually wouldn't it be possible to hold the compos upstairs? the wall could hold a proper screen in a decent size and we don't need to pack all downstairs. music and djs and such downstairs is perfectly fine.

t-shirts in size M were some sort of VIP or so? hadn't i asked enno/burglar and told that the guy at the counter i wouldn't have got one. i would have even taken S..

decent sticker, yes that would be fine.

after all i guess it all needs a little more organizing, now that X has more than 300 visitors.. everything can be sorted out anyways, but a little more signs and a proper timetable and such would make it all a little more enjoyable..
2012-11-16 12:01

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 493
Quote: what about it?

Oh shit,.. I guess it was perfect then..
2012-11-16 18:59

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 255
Deadlines for ALL competitions should be on Friday at midnight, no extensions. If you can't make it to the party in time, let someone else bring your entry or mail it to the organizers in advance before you leave home.

That should leave plenty of time for getting everything presented on Saturday, with voting and prize ceremonies finished before people start dozing off and going to bed.

As a bonus, everyone will have late Friday night and all of Saturday free for partying, instead of finishing up compo entries in panic mode.

And while the floppy voting system is charming, additional options for voting (sheets, web-app reachable on wifi) would help get more people to submit their votes on time.

Other than that, thanks for an amazing party once again!
2012-11-16 20:37
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
YES, it was great!! But....

1) smoking inside was terrible and made me feel ill :(

2) compo entries could be overlayed with name and group as i couldn't tell who made every demo..

3) all votes could be on a piece of paper handed out before the compos?

4) food was ok,.

5) a money exchange ;)

6) more girls

7) laxatives

8) a moustached philipino crab salesmen who is lost but can breakdance to sid tunes on saturday night!!

9) hmmm....some other stuffs...


that's it, not much? :)

2012-11-16 21:25

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 889
Quote: Everyone knows werner !! :-D

Were there any competitions, voting or prizegivings this year ? i cant recall any (i vaguely remember the gfx and music compo but after that its just all blank ) :-D

Wut? People that don't know who I am? :D

You know who I am, Jan! :D
2012-11-16 21:43
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1882
[server too busy - rewriting all this - whats the addon named dealing with this again - fuck ...]

... and we really just forgot about the stickers this time! Next time we will get proper disk labels to stick onto yourself again - or anything else that sticks for a few years.

citing someone who got the "office stuff" for the party: "and all the pens, papers and (cheap tesa) tape must have been the cheapest part overall as it was only €12" - will be 12 euro alone for stickers and gaffa tape next time - promised :)

Other than that _YOU_ people made the most stunning demo competition ever experienced on an 8bit machine on this planet and the staff shouldn't change anythings at all --- except for making the entrance desk the official place to drop compo entries even though EVERYBODY knows Werner!

@fatfrost: we had "laxatives" - plenty - just ask!
2012-11-16 22:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
whats the addon named dealing with this again

"persistant text" is the one i use :)
2012-11-16 22:01

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 509
Great party and kudos to the orgas!

My only wish is paper votesheets. Here is my reasoning:

1. Voting takes place DURING the compos - no delay before votedisks go around, no problems with remembering which entry was which.

2. You already have a list of participants beforehand on the webpage - it would be very simple (automated) to print votesheets with a name on it, which would help to deal with self-voting and/or cheating (if you decide you want to take care of that, of course). I think people not registered on the webpage are in a very small amount, easy to find some solution for that.

3. Fast & accurate results. With only 3 categories (even if 30+ releases per each), two people equipped with a laptop, smart way of working and an Excel file (in a room with some peace & quiet) will be able to count the results in less than an hour. Tested and bulletproof :) - somehow I ended up together with booker as a result counting crew for most of Polish parties in last years, and you can ask anyone, we do a good job ;)

For all the things above, I offer my support, equipment included ;)
2012-11-16 22:11

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
+1 for paper voting

however, i dont like the idea of doing anything that would involve knowing who competes before its actually shown on the big screen.

much more important would be using whatever slide system so the entry names can be shown on the big screen instead of having to resort to completely not understandable human voice =)
2012-11-16 22:13

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 935
Quoting Count Zero

@fatfrost: we had "laxatives" - plenty - just ask!

2012-11-16 22:36

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 485
+3DHS 101% for paper voting!!! I have to admit that I was 'problably' one of those drunken bastards who didn't know what to do when voting. As ist was my first X-Party I didn't even know that I was supposed to keep every entry in my mind and vote for it later.

And yes: let the compos start earlier!
2012-11-17 15:08

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 423
X2012 was wonderful.

2012-11-17 16:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
More smoking indoors please, it's in Netherlands FFS ;)
2012-11-17 17:00

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
demanding no smoking at parties/pubs immediatly makes me think of demanding no shouting at football matches an no noise at motorcycle racing.
2012-11-17 18:29

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
demanding no smoking at parties/pubs immediatly makes me think of n o r m a l.
2012-11-17 18:33

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 285
It would be realy appreciated if a solution can be found for the smoking/no smoking issue so that everybody can have a good time.

I know and understand that there are people that associate such parties with smoking but keep in mind that there are also a lot of people who don't like the smoke or cannot stand it.
2012-11-17 18:49

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Quote: demanding no smoking at parties/pubs immediatly makes me think of n o r m a l.

I guess that makes me a minority then :) (and I never smoked in my life)
2012-11-17 18:56

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Quoting Conrad
I guess that makes me a minority then :) (and I never smoked in my life)

That makes two of us. Can't stand the smoke, really.
Read my scroller in Inflatable Passion.
2012-11-17 18:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
now the only thing missing are people complaining about too much noise at nighttime - and you can call yourself pc-pussies =P
2012-11-17 19:03

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Mace, I think you misunderstood what I meant. :) I actually don't really care about the smoke... plenty of experience from a family of smokers I guess. ;P ... the fact is, I chose not to smoke because, at school, the smokers I met there happened to be right cocky arseholes, which wasn't me at all. ;)
2012-11-17 19:05

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Conrad, then we are part of different minorities but share the reason why we don't smoke ;-)
2012-11-17 19:48
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1882
Everybody is free to enter the pre-room before the hall if he wants to not smoke... :)

No puking on toilets near sleeping rooms! :)
2012-11-17 20:15
Almighty God

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 18
Amaizing party, was really much fun once again...

Compos were great but a lot, so starting a bit earlier would be great.
I think also that maybe it's a better thing to have concerts downstairs but compos in the main room...

More voting disks...

Thanxs for organaizing it... ;)
2012-11-17 21:34

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 43
I loved the Scenesat-stream!


2010 hat an audio-feed. 2012 a video-feed. BRILLIANT!
2012-11-18 08:50
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211

Really cool isn't it?
2012-11-18 08:53
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
Maybe we can bring a HUGE extractor fan and carbon filter and put it next to the smokers ?

Ps. I used to be a smoker until I had a DVT and they threatened to cut my leg off! :(
2012-11-18 12:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
FATFrost: Ok, maybe smoking isn't as healthy as I thought. :)

Anyway, I think there was a lot less indoor smoking this year that previously, so maybe the problems solves itself?
2012-11-18 13:34
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
@Cruzer, yes maybe, but still too much for me... i don't mind the odd person smoking but a whole sports hall full of smoke put me off staying in there...

but i guess i can watch outside via a video camera and wireless video sender to my laptop.. ;)

ps. if it was just pure weed i wouldn't mind!! it's nicotine and carcinogens i don't like.
2012-11-18 13:48
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Registered: Jan 2003
- a better voting system, and democompo at 21 Saturday.
- local kiosk with more goods, food and sodas.

2012-11-18 16:47

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
I join Mace and Conrad in the non-smoker club and it's not really a health issue, it's about the bother it gives me in the nostrils. Still I think air extractors would help a lot.
2012-11-18 18:13

Registered: Aug 2011
Posts: 33
Yep, less smoke indoors would be nice

Papervoting sounds like a plan to me. Why not print out all the names of the entries, but not the releasers to avoid spiolers. The diskvoting system was cool, but you need to write notes anyway to remeber how to vote..

Another bigscreen in the main data area to show nice demos and stuff from the past, and also some info and messages like updated schedule every now and then. That would be a nice addition.

However, it was a really great party!

2012-11-18 20:19

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
if it was just pure weed i wouldn't mind!! it's nicotine and carcinogens i don't like.

bad news: weed smoke contains 5 to 10 times as much carcinogens as tabacco :(
2012-11-18 20:34

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 461
Great party I will say... Im happy you changed the menu for the dinner on saturday.

2012-11-18 22:19
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Quoting Groepaz
bad news: weed smoke contains 5 to 10 times as much carcinogens as tabacco :(

2012-11-18 22:26
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Guys, just think moment about what an air cleaning setup would cost, and how the impact on the entree fee would be.

There's always been smoking at X parties. If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

I for my part can't imagine enjoying a x party without smoking the jolly green giant.

No chairs during the compo i can handle. Sleeping in a room with 5 chainsaw snorers from hell i can handle.

No smoking, i can not.
2012-11-19 07:39

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
At times the door in the opposite side of the entrance was opened and I could feel the difference. But most of the times it was closed. Just leave it always open. Actually smoking doesn't bother that much as long as smoke doesn't bild up in fog-like quantity.
2012-11-19 10:34

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1641
Quote: Quote:
if it was just pure weed i wouldn't mind!! it's nicotine and carcinogens i don't like.

bad news: weed smoke contains 5 to 10 times as much carcinogens as tabacco :(

Now I don't want to sound like some one-sided advocate of something, who is unable to appreciate scientific results that go against how you would like things to be, but as far as I know, it is not yet really clear which one is more carcinogenic than the other. While both of them contain carcinogens, the cells of the lungs have a lot of receptors that bind to nicotine but a lot less receptors that bind THC. This means that the actual effect of the smoke may still be very different, and actually seem to be. So in reality, what happens in the body is not directly proportional to the amount of "carcinogens" in the smoke as such. ...and in addition, both CBD (and to some extent THC) have some anti-carcinogen (inhibitory) functions as well, which may counteract the carcinogens to some degree, while nicotine was at one point a major insecticide in agriculture due to its nerve toxic properties. But yes.. that doesn't necessarily make weed healthy. At least not in smoked form. But, in short, it is much more complicated than what you seem to imply in your comment.
2012-11-19 12:53
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Frantic : so there is still hope XD
2012-11-19 13:13

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 493
I wouldn't have a problem with smoking in a seperate area or outside.
2012-11-19 13:18

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
I think enough is said about the smoking.
Let the organisation deal with it within the possibilities of the budget and the venue :-)
2012-11-19 13:47

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 68
No smoking would be a great idea, the only problem is: ENFORCEMENT of a no-smoking regime.

We could hang signs all over the place "no smoking", but would any of you guys actually hold yourself to it? It takes some effort from all of us, but we could give it a try. PLenty of smaking space outside anyways :D

Voting: no idea how that could be done better. Maybe more time between compos, and voting in between? No need to reinvent the wheel.

Other improvements:
- Better signs showing the various areas
- Better instructions for the volunteers stating where stuff is and all (like sleeping arrangements. I drew a blank most of the time, then again, I might have missed the briefing so maybe I'm only to blame there :D)
- We're thinking of various methods for the name tagging/keeping track of who's there. Ideas are welcome I guess :D This year was a vast improvement with the wristbands, just no administration of who's in and who's yet to come. (Guess it could be automated, with handscanners'n'stuff, registration papers, barcode.. whooo, let's go overboard :D)
- Handing in the compos should have been done different, unfortunately we forgot some backup for the person originally in charge of the releases, will figure it out next time I think :D

Fuck, next we know it's starting to become professional >_<
2012-11-19 14:33

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1641
In a way I miss the good old "unorganized" parties. Not speaking about last X now, as I wasn't even there. Just a general comment. :)
2012-11-19 16:29

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 332
Just put signs there "please dont smoke".
Some folks will smoke nevertheless inside, but it will be fewer.

PS: I smoked outside.
2012-11-19 17:01

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 354
Actually there was "NO SMOKING" sign above the stairs down to the basement!
I do not care about the weed. I do not care if you smoke upstairs.
Just do not smoke in the basement, please. And OK, I won't moan again. ;)
2012-11-19 17:10
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Gotta say, a party where smoking is not allowed is likely not a party for me. Sorry.
2012-11-19 19:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Think I'm gonna start working on a pro-smoking demo for X2014, which undoubtedly looks like it will be a big showdown of the smokingscene vs the antismokingscene. Hope I survive that long despite my unhealthy habit. There was already some anti-smoking message in the Arsenic demo this year, so it's clearly the new theme that will define the c64 scene and create drama in the coming years. :)
2012-11-19 22:20
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
Nametags, couldn't we have Rambo head ties with our names??
2012-11-20 21:58

Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 24
Great party! Enjoyed it again although I was only there on Friday and Saturday.

Please arrange some more music (some DJ-act) on the Friday after the main act.

When JT's set was over, there was not really much going on in the basement. Put some DJ there with some decent music so people who want to party (dance!) can party until the sun rises...
2012-11-20 22:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
No smoking would be a great idea, the only problem is: ENFORCEMENT of a no-smoking regime.

as a long time organizer of two parties that DO have a "no smoking inside" policy for a few years now (which is enforced by german law) i can tell: not only is enforcing unpossible, it also doesnt really add a lot of friendly atmosphere between organisiers and visitors. meaning in practise: the organizers smoke outside mostly, and try to enforce no smoking inside only if they really cant avoid it =P
Actually there was "NO SMOKING" sign above the stairs down to the basement!

this sign was one of my personal highlights of the party - it was so puny and hidden well, i managed to see it sunday evening =)
2012-11-20 22:48
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Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
Quoting Groepaz

Actually there was "NO SMOKING" sign above the stairs down to the basement!

this sign was one of my personal highlights of the party - it was so puny and hidden well, i managed to see it sunday evening =)

Some visitor put that sign above the stairs. And the first time he did that, the sign was pulled pretty soon after that... He was quite persistent, so he kept putting new signs above the stairs.
2012-11-20 23:10
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1882
L33t smokers will have their own crystal castle in the main hall and basement (comparable to the glass walled rooms inside airports) next time. :)
2012-11-20 23:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
Some visitor put that sign above the stairs.

lol! that explains =D

and +1 for crystal castle =D
2012-11-20 23:12
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1882
Oh! And really forgot: the bouncing castle for adults outside!

We thought about it when people picked up the fridge and had a commercial for it on their van.
2012-11-21 00:11

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 494
my feedback is completely positive except the most important part, compos. both schedule and voting system have problems. it was my 3rd X party but couldn't vote at any of them. if you really want to keep the voting system oldschoolish, spread votesheets with the product names on them (not after, before the compos). that "voting disk" is a total disaster. biggest problem is trying to remember all the products after all compos are over. even i am not smart enough for that. :p
2012-11-21 07:46

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
Re: No smoking inside; I've never seen this rule being broken at Swedish parties that had it. Maybe it's a cultural thing?
2012-11-21 08:23

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
Skate is right, remebering all the entries was difficult. Still I think the voting system with disks was nice, since it allowed to count the votes in a blink of an eye, otherwise going throu all the vote sheets would take much more and the final cerimony would start when the sun has risen already.

Anyhow, supplying the participants with preliminary votesheets with entry names, so that people can write down notes for each entry while the compo is running would be nice. Then each voter should just copy his/her votes from the votesheet to the C64 running the voting disk.
2012-11-21 08:27

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 50
Besides the challenges of enforcing a no-smoking policy it's also the location owner who doesn't really like all people outside after 10pm smoking (and drinking, talking, singing and what not). They complained about it already.

We'll try to come up with something for next time, though..
2012-11-21 19:53

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1069
X has always been a party where pretty much everything goes.
No authority telling you what you can and cannot do, as long as you don't
trash the place.
This has always worked out very well and it has created the party atmosphere
I always wanted at a c64 scene party.

So yes, this includes being able to drink too much, puke under deekay's
table, shit in the urinal and smoke spliffs till you can't see straight.
Hell, you're even allowed to shed a few tears during the compos.
It's X for crying out loud! ;)

Now, this doesn't mean we should ignore the anti-smokers. So especially
when we get a new schedule laid out properly (including time between compo's,
cause they can be farther apart), we could think about discouraging smoking
in the basement. It will still never mean that we will strictly enforce
such a rule, for reasons others have already mentioned above.
2012-11-21 21:04
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Quoting RadiantX
Re: No smoking inside; I've never seen this rule being broken at Swedish parties that had it. Maybe it's a cultural thing

Maybe thats why i've never been to a swedish party :-D
2012-11-21 21:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
i also doubt thats really the case - the rule is always broken, sometimes more, sometimes less =)

"Now, this doesn't mean we should ignore the anti-smokers."
i think they can be safely ignored.... non-smokers are another matter =P
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