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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2757 : Intro Creation Competition 2018
2018-11-05 09:38

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Event id #2757 : Intro Creation Competition 2018

Preface: Please use this thread for questions, discussion and everything else concerning this competition.

After ChristopherJam had the chance to run a similar compo last year, this year I am back with the known ruleset, with only slight change.

Runnning the competition after X party turned out to be a great timeframe, so I stay there.

Competition runs from November 5th, 2018, until January 6th, 2019. So you have a full 2 months to deliver your creations. This should be enough for an intro.

Your intro...
- has to work on a plain stock C64 (PAL standard) without any extensions.
- has to be a one-part intro. Short fade-ins and fade-outs are OK.
- has to contain at least one Logo at whatever size you like.
- has to contain a changing or moving text message (e.g. scrolling text, different lines fading in & out, etc.)
- has to contain music (not just a humming sound, please).
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
- has to be interruptable any time by pressing SPACE-key (exception are short fade-in and fade-out).
- does not need to have exclusive graphics, charsets or music. But the code should be exclusive, so reuse of existing code with just exchanged graphics and music is not allowed.
- has not been publicly used before entering the competition.
- has to be handed in as executable format startable with RUN (.prg or embedded in .t64 or .d64).

Maximum 3 entries per participant. Entries might be taken back from the compo until deadline. That means if you want to remove one of your works from the compo to make space for another entry from you, this can be done until deadline.
Deadline for entry submission is Sunday January 6th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting closes at Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting platform is CSDb (with all disadvantages it may have), therefore entries have to be posted here.
Entries will be ranked by weighted average of CSDb votes. Entries with the same weighted average are ranked by their percentages of 10s, 9s, etc.

No prices to win, just the fame. May the best creation win!
2018-11-05 11:21
Angel of Death

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 211
Didn't do anything at X'2018 except for partying, playing games and drinking so...
I think I'll give it a shot! :)
2018-11-05 13:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Nice! And the $4000 block rule is back. \o/

Didn't compete last time since there were new rules that didn't fit what I was working on. But I will try to finish it now.
2018-11-05 13:20

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
great one Didi!!! gimme 2-3 days of C64-detox after X, then I'll start doing something for the compo! :)
2018-11-06 14:30

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Yay! I'm in.
2018-11-06 18:41

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Didi
- has to work on a plain stock C64 (PAL standard) without any extensions.
Does that rule out using the disk drive for co-processing?
2018-11-06 18:44

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
OMG, yasssss! <3
2018-11-07 00:32
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Can the logo be made out of sprites for each character moving around ? I guess that's not much of a logo, but it displays the group name...
2018-11-07 07:01

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Sure you can use sprites for the logo and move the letters individually, as long as you can read the name. That has tradition.
2018-11-07 09:15
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
Woohoo! Now I just need to come up with some ideas for an intro. =-)
2018-11-07 09:37
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
another question.
You say any continuous $4000 memory is ok
but if we need the basic upstart then we're limited to the memory around $801 right ? or can you put the basic line somewhere else ? I tried didn't work. I started coding my intro with 4000-7fff in mind.
2018-11-07 10:10
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
You can (and have to) obviously crunch memory 4000-7fff, the memory usage after decrunch is what matters. The crunched prg is at $0801 because it has to be RUNed normally.
2018-11-07 11:07
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: You can (and have to) obviously crunch memory 4000-7fff, the memory usage after decrunch is what matters. The crunched prg is at $0801 because it has to be RUNed normally.

But say my intro is exactly 16kb from $4000 to $7fff and I crunch it to 4kb from $801 to $1801. Doesn't that break the rule of having all ram besides the chosen $4000 bytes be untouched ?
2018-11-07 11:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
No doesnt matter.
Should be in one 16kb block while the intro is running.
so if you keep the intro between $4000 - $7fff then it is okay.
But then dont use screen ram $0400-$07ff.
2018-11-07 11:48
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
gotcha. Thanks
2018-11-07 11:50

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Excellent news! Looking forward to this :)

Thanks Didi for your blessing to run last year's compo, and thanks for taking up the reins again this year.
2018-11-07 13:30

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Just checking my understanding of the memory restriction:

I gather *post decrunch* anything you touch anything outside

- $0000-$01ff
- your chosen 16k block
- $fffc-$ffff
- the IO area (VIC, SID, CIA 1&2, colour RAM)

must be be restored upon exit.

Is that correct?
2018-11-07 13:49

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting ChristopherJam
- $fffc-$ffff
Plus $fffa/b, i hope? :)
2018-11-07 14:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Quoting ChristopherJam
[...]must be be restored upon exit.
As I understood it from earlier years, you couldn't touch anything outside these areas, regardless of whether it was restored.
2018-11-07 15:09

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
From the rules:
RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.
2018-11-07 15:46

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
That's the new part of the rules. You may use RAM outside the chosen $4000 but you have to restore it to its previous content on exit. I mean really restore it, so e.g. clearing the normal screen RAM at $0400-$07ff does not mean "restore". ;)
I took that inspiration from the discussion thread of ICC 2016, hoping it opens new possibilities for some people.
2018-11-07 16:04

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Oh, so having sparse memory layouts for certain VIC effects is legal? As in, e.g., a few bytes at every $0400 bytes block boundary throughout the entire address range? Cool as long as they're restored to their original contents after intro?
2018-11-07 16:51

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Yep. It's an experiment. Let's see what comes along.
That's why I called it "has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block" this time.
2018-11-07 17:15
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Isn't most of the memory just zeros or some pattern alternating 00 ff ? If i can generate lots of speedcode to some upper memory and the zero it out or fill it with the default memory pattern it would be perhaps too easy ?

I'm trying to make my intro only use $4000 - $7fff, maybe i'll use more if others do to.
2018-11-07 17:34

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Quoting Didi
That's why I called it "has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block" this time.
That's not exactly unambiguous. So, in other words, "Payload is $xxxx* bytes in one contiguous chunk of memory before running the intro and is expected to be the same after running the intro, but may be changed at will while running the intro."?

* $xxxx would be something slightly smaller than $c000, maybe $bdfa = $c000 - $0200 - 6, so 64k minus intro minus zeropage minus stack minus vectors?
2018-11-07 18:45

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Quoting Golara
Isn't most of the memory just zeros or some pattern alternating 00 ff ? If i can generate lots of speedcode to some upper memory and the zero it out or fill it with the default memory pattern it would be perhaps too easy?

It's an intro competition, so my understanding is that we are to imagine that most of memory is filled with a compressed copy of the game it is introducing.

Hence, we can copy it to somewhere within our 16k block for later copying back, but even assuming it to be compressible would be on very shaky ground, never mind assuming it contains a specific pattern.
2018-11-07 19:24

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
The idea was that you may copy memory around. Data with random pattern may be around the chosen 16k block and has to be there equally after your intro has ended. An Intro "introduces" something so the "something" you introduce has to be there, unchanged, after your intro has ended.
I hope this is clear enough. It seems ChristopherJam already got it right.
2018-11-08 12:35

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
perhaps provide a packed binary that needs to be linked? just a crazy idea!
2018-11-08 13:38

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 954
Nah, let someone find a cornercase that's gonna keep him from coding a cool intro.
2018-11-08 13:59
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: perhaps provide a packed binary that needs to be linked? just a crazy idea!

I guess the best way to verify if the intro does in fact restore all memory beyond the chosen $4000 bytes is to fill the memory with some stuff, save a snapshot, run the intro, save snapshot again and compare the two.
2018-11-08 21:06

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Quote: I guess the best way to verify if the intro does in fact restore all memory beyond the chosen $4000 bytes is to fill the memory with some stuff, save a snapshot, run the intro, save snapshot again and compare the two.

Or just use a tool that compares memory before and after, regardless what the content is.
Jesus Christ, we all get the point of a 4k intro, we're not writing a legal document here.
2018-11-08 23:12
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: Or just use a tool that compares memory before and after, regardless what the content is.
Jesus Christ, we all get the point of a 4k intro, we're not writing a legal document here.

If you don't preload the memory with something before you run the intro the memory is all zero or alternating 00 ff so someone could cheat with just filling the whole memory with the same pattern, hence my proposition of comparing 2 snapshot (with a tool, not manually of course).
2018-11-08 23:20

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
What Mace said. Don't be ridiculous, guys. Every goddamn edition the same shitty discussion ;)
2018-11-09 01:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
hence just provide a (packed) binary of some game you have to link - it makes all other rules pointless :)
2018-11-09 07:00

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Oh, and where I said 4k, I meant 16k. I was getting too emotional...
2018-11-09 13:30

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
I think Didi's got this, guys :P
2018-11-09 16:05

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 255
Quoting Jammer
What Mace said. Don't be ridiculous, guys. Every goddamn edition the same shitty discussion ;)

With very little overlap between people involved in the discussion and people delivering the goods for the compo. Strange, isn't it?
2018-11-09 16:11

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Quoting Perplex
With very little overlap between people involved in the discussion and people delivering the goods for the compo. Strange, isn't it?

Yup, a bit! ;)
2018-11-09 16:18

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Discussing is easier than producing real content. :p
2018-11-12 19:52

Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 61
Have a little something that was mostly written a while ago, perfect excuse to finish it off 😉
2018-11-13 14:33
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
I didn't mean to nitpick or whatever you think, I just wanted to make sure I understand the rules as I never done an intro like this. You can be sure to see an entry from me.
2018-11-13 15:50

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 688
"has not been publicly used before entering the competition"

I assume we can't create an intro, enter it and then use it the next day (before the compo finishes)..?
2018-11-13 17:17

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
You can create intro entry and post the release where it is used on right afterwards, as long as the intro comes first and the intro was not already used on an earlier release.
2018-11-17 17:11

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 500
Just to clarify: if despite my 16K block I only used VIC, SID, ZP I may just jump to FCE2 at spacebar exit without more cleanup?
2018-11-17 17:15

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Yes... but it will look ugly exiting without even screenblank.
2018-11-17 17:20

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 500
Quote: Yes... but it will look ugly exiting without even screenblank.

Ok. Inserted 0 >> D011 beforehand. If it's okay with the rules that's good enough for me - have to fill RAM with stupid scrolltext now ;-)
2018-12-04 17:06

Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 27
Yay, I started working on a little thing for this. :D
2018-12-10 14:06

Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 27
So... been coding like mad and should be finished with the intro soon. Do I submit it via the "Add Information" section or do I have to send it by e-mail?
2018-12-10 14:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Userpage -> Add release
2018-12-10 23:02

Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 27
Thanks! Aaaand it's up! :D
2018-12-11 16:58

Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 6
I wonder about
"- does not need to have exclusive graphics, charsets or music. But the code should be exclusive, so reuse of existing code with just exchanged graphics and music is not allowed."

"...reuse of existing code... not allowed."
Hmm, how will it be possible to write anything at all?
2018-12-11 17:31

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Nitpicker. ;) I guess you know what it means: Don't take an old intro, exchange music and/or graphics and throw it into the compo.
2018-12-12 00:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Quoting e5frog
Hmm, how will it be possible to write anything at all?
Write new code. But yeah, reusing some routines is ok I guess, as long as the result doesn't look too much like the same. I got away with using pretty much the same multiplexor in Snolder & Garn, Tis the Season and Transcom Intro 08 Remake.
2018-12-12 09:55

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4734
When adding your intro to the compo, please choose "C64 Intro (not crack intro)" as release type. The choice "C64 Crack Intro" is for Intros that actually have been used as crack intros. When and if your "C64 Intro (not crack intro)" has been used in a crack, you can change the release type to "C64 Crack Intro".

I have already corrected the release types for the intros in the compo accordingly. Took a while.

2018-12-19 10:50

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Quoting Didi (on the front page)
Deadline is ... just 2,5 weeks ahead!


cjam runs around in circles with his hair on fire

cjam gets back to work
2018-12-21 11:22
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
I've been using a copyright symbol as a Cosine logo for a couple of decades now, so that counts as per the ICC rules, right...?
2018-12-21 15:39

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
I would count this as known logo for Cosine.
2018-12-22 13:35
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
Quoting Didi
I would count this as known logo for Cosine.

Sorted. Just got to tidy things up a little and write the feckin' scrolltext. =-)
2018-12-30 16:18
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
My GTA intro is under "released outside the compo" even though it fits all the rules. Can someone fix please ? :)
2018-12-30 16:51
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
Quote: My GTA intro is under "released outside the compo" even though it fits all the rules. Can someone fix please ? :)

Golara: push Update button; change Compo field from (Outside Compo) to C64 Demo; Save changes.
2018-12-30 17:08
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Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
Quoting Golara
My GTA intro is under "released outside the compo" even though it fits all the rules. Can someone fix please ? :)

Probably because of this?

Quoting Golara
I added a download to the version with exit on space. Nothing else changed.

With the current release you have two downloads for one release of which the first download does not comply with the compo rules.

Perhaps create a new release for the new version and have that enter the compo?
2018-12-30 18:49
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: Quoting Golara
My GTA intro is under "released outside the compo" even though it fits all the rules. Can someone fix please ? :)

Probably because of this?

Quoting Golara
I added a download to the version with exit on space. Nothing else changed.

With the current release you have two downloads for one release of which the first download does not comply with the compo rules.

Perhaps create a new release for the new version and have that enter the compo?

Well, my first intro for this compo also had a problem that was fixed with additional file download (it shows how sloppy I am with releases, very sorry...) And it's still as released at the compo. Should I make another entry for that one too ? I understand the moderators desire to archive every version of some demo or a crack, but I think requiring another release for a really minor fix like this (and it's not like, oh this is a party version, the fixed one comes out 2 weeks later, but the second upload is published few minutes after the first). I'll obey the rules though, I'd just like some yes or no to this question. Should I make another release for these intros ?

EDIT: Didn't notice Ians post. Entry has been updated.
2018-12-30 18:59
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
Technically every new release should have its own entry.
For a minor bug, if fixed few minutes after the upload, I can close both eyes. But if the fix is made and added the day after, for me is a new release, because it's actually made the day after. So yeah, leave the 1st release without space sense in the entry, put it outside compo, and make a new entry dated 27/11 for the fix, which can be set as competing.
2018-12-30 19:10
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Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: Technically every new release should have its own entry.
For a minor bug, if fixed few minutes after the upload, I can close both eyes. But if the fix is made and added the day after, for me is a new release, because it's actually made the day after. So yeah, leave the 1st release without space sense in the entry, put it outside compo, and make a new entry dated 27/11 for the fix, which can be set as competing.

Fair enough. I guess it could be avoided if I moved my ass out of the bed and compiled the prg again (I was reading the csdb entry from my bed) Oh well :P
2018-12-31 00:37

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 32
@Didi: do you differ between zeropage and extended zeropage ?
2018-12-31 00:54

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
For me zeropage is address area $0000-$00ff. Extended zeropage counts as used RAM.
2018-12-31 06:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
What kind of gobbledygook is extended zeropage?
2018-12-31 08:41

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: What kind of gobbledygook is extended zeropage?

Just a crap naming convention used by some references when talking about the KERNEL variable space, like: http://unusedino.de/ec64/technical/aay/c64/zpmain.htm
2018-12-31 15:02

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Hmm, i use to refer to that as LOWMEM, which would be anything above zeropage but within hardware stack ($0100..$01ff) and below screen RAM ($0200..$03ff).

Thought i've seen that in some reference documents as well, but not sure now. :)
2019-01-01 01:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
i have seen it often in books and articles. 64er used that term a lot.

hey, it makes more sense than IFFL afterall :)
2019-01-01 06:32

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Question about the rules:

If the decruncher I use installs itself in the stack, can the demo rely on it being still being present there when it starts up?

(I may need to decrunch a bit more after doing SID detection and deciding which digi table to discard).
2019-01-01 07:04

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
No. You cannot rely on leftover code or addresses from the decruncher. Assume a normal reset being done before running your intro. So everything your intro needs to run should be part of it.

I remember an intro from a previous compo which changed parts of itself after initialization. I presume it was also done by depacking. It was one from Cruzer if I remember correctly.
2019-01-01 08:14

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
OK, so we're just to assume the 16k block has been loaded and SYSed into.

I remember I got into trouble with my first submission of Scharf for ICC 2016 by using the decruncher to initialize color memory. I'll learn my lesson one of these days :)
2019-01-03 16:26

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
Does someone have a PRESS SPACE code handy (without using Kernal's $ffe4)?
2019-01-03 16:45

Registered: Dec 2015
Posts: 111
Quoting Digger
Does someone have a PRESS SPACE code handy (without using Kernal's $ffe4)?

I have this in an irq:
		lda #%01111111 
		sta $dc00 
		lda $dc01 
		and #%00010000 
		bne !+
		inc exit

And this as exit routine in the code outside irq:
.label exit = * + 1
		lda #$00
		beq !-
		lda #$37
		sta $01
		jmp 64738
Pretty crummy, but it does the job for me ;)
2019-01-03 17:38

Registered: Jan 2014
Posts: 48
Well, this will detect J#1 fire as well, just like the original kernal code... but apart from that, what's "crummy"? Just straight-forward code I'd say.
2019-01-03 18:14
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
please also exit with
lda #$37
sta $01
lda #0
sta $d011
sta $d020
jmp $fce2

it's ugly to see leftovers of the screen =)
2019-01-03 18:45

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Proper looking exit is optional but appreciated if you have the few bytes left.
2019-01-03 19:36

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
If you’re too low on memory to do a proper music fade, writing a zero to $d418 wouldn’t go astray either.
2019-01-05 00:13
Angel of Death

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 211
Entry, finally, uploaded and awaiting validation. Woohoo! \o/
2019-01-05 01:27

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2268
Feels good, doesn't it!? :)
2019-01-05 15:53

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Sorry, didn't make it for the compo... life got in the way :)
2019-01-06 13:12

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
@Didi: Any chance for moving the deadline by few days? ^_^
I am 90% there but need more than 4hrs in the evening.
I am sure others would support this view too :) Plizzzzzz 🙏🏻 :)
2019-01-06 15:23

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
Quote: @Didi: Any chance for moving the deadline by few days? ^_^
I am 90% there but need more than 4hrs in the evening.
I am sure others would support this view too :) Plizzzzzz 🙏🏻 :)

next time start in time. the rules should be same for everyone.
2019-01-06 16:56

Registered: Dec 2015
Posts: 111
Quote: @Didi: Any chance for moving the deadline by few days? ^_^
I am 90% there but need more than 4hrs in the evening.
I am sure others would support this view too :) Plizzzzzz 🙏🏻 :)

I've got enough intros to watch to properly vote for, so either hurry your socks off or forfeit. ;) :P
2019-01-06 17:15

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4734
Quote: next time start in time. the rules should be same for everyone.

2019-01-06 18:39

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 688
I haven’t started my entry yet... can we extend the deadline by a couple of weeks? To make it fair, we just cancel all the entries so far so that everyone’s working to the same two weeks as me ;-)
2019-01-06 18:48
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
lazy coders can enter next compo.
2019-01-06 19:22

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2268
or finish their stuff and submit it for BCC#13 ;)
2019-01-06 19:25

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
or procrastinate further!
2019-01-06 19:29

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
I love your support guys ;) Thanks!
2019-01-06 20:04

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
I have unfinished stuff as well, I'll just hope there's a ICC next year, which gives me a year to finish that stuff :)

Though I'll probably either forget about that, or delete it by accident.
2019-01-06 20:19

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Yes, I started two other parts for this year's compo. Best get cracking if I'm going to have them finished by next year :)
2019-01-06 20:21

Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 43
Quote: OK, so we're just to assume the 16k block has been loaded and SYSed into.

I remember I got into trouble with my first submission of Scharf for ICC 2016 by using the decruncher to initialize color memory. I'll learn my lesson one of these days :)

I just did exactly that too, but simply moved everything (including exodecrunch) to $4000-$7fff first, just to be sure. I'm being told it was unnecessary, but it seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

If it was OK to initialize excepted areas (colorram, SID, VIC, zeropage, stack..) outside the 16k area -- how would that make sense? Then it would be a "16k + about 1k + unlimited amount of initializer code" -intro.
2019-01-06 20:41

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Ah, by Wodan,

My entry uses $0800-$46a4, but it calls $ff5b in the init code, meaning it wipes $0400+.

I refuse to release a 1.2 version that doesn't do that. Invalidate my entry if that standard init code violates the rules (I also use $fda3 and $fd15).
2019-01-06 21:59

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Come on, Digger, you can do it! Two more hours to go!
2019-01-06 22:09

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
@Compyx: Unconvenient initialization. But the intro works properly without the JSR $FF5B and does not use the area $0400+ afterwards. I will ignore this flaw and run it at $0859 instead.
2019-01-06 22:21

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
2019-01-06 22:22

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2268
one more suggestion for the desperate from the good old party release times: up it in whatever state it is at 23:59:59 and make TITLE$=TITLE$+INT(99*RND(1))+1+"%" ;)
2019-01-06 22:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
But that leaves a little over 1% chance that the title will end in "100%". Edit: No it doesn't. I'm not good with numbers. :)
2019-01-06 23:07

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
1 hour left! bets are open!! will Digger make it? :)
(hey pssst, Digger.. I collect all the money, then we share 50-50, ok?)
2019-01-07 00:36

Registered: May 2010
Posts: 126
Is deadline gone..?
2019-01-07 00:38

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Yep. Deadline for new entries is over.
Because I just checked all entries now, I notified the ones with invalid memory layout and gave them until midnight today to fix.
2019-01-07 01:32

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 48
I voted for them all, amazing work everyone! And thanks Didi for organizing this.

Moar, moar moar!
2019-01-07 08:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 202
Thumbs up for not extending the deadline. Extending deadlines in the final hours is a slap in the face of everybody who managed to make it in time, especially when you already have an amazing turnout of both quantity AND quality in the competition. Great work everybody.
2019-01-07 09:28
Account closed

Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
After the compo and all the entries having their place set will there be a disk with all the entries and some selector ? (Demo of the year style). I volunteer for helping out with such disk.
2019-01-07 10:41

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
I planned to do a collection like in the previous years. The selector is the same and turned out to be simple but convenient.
You can help with an intro for it. Seems not to be a size limit this time because from the amount of entries it will be 3 disksides this time (2016 I managed to squeeze them onto 2 sides with 0 blocks free each. Will not work this time with 10 entries more). There will also be a d81 image without diskchange.
2019-01-07 10:44
Account closed

Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: I planned to do a collection like in the previous years. The selector is the same and turned out to be simple but convenient.
You can help with an intro for it. Seems not to be a size limit this time because from the amount of entries it will be 3 disksides this time (2016 I managed to squeeze them onto 2 sides with 0 blocks free each. Will not work this time with 10 entries more). There will also be a d81 image without diskchange.

Some of the entries are not exomized. Would you pack them ?
2019-01-07 10:55

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 688
Deadline for new entries is over.

I notified the ones with invalid memory layout and gave them until midnight today to fix.

This seems counter-intuitive to me... rules should be rules with no exceptions IMO... if they're not, they're open to abuse and favouritism. Teams should QA their own releases, it shouldn't be up to the community to let entrants know that they've failed a criteria before the deadline.

I say this without knowing whether one of the G*P entries failed on the memory restriction or not.

There might be an entrant out there that didn't submit on time, but was minutes away from doing so, because their QA department found that they'd gone a single byte over the restriction ... it's unlikely - but if it happened, it wouldn't seem fair that they didn't enter just because they properly QA'd their intro.
2019-01-07 10:58

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
I already prepared the entries for slideshow while validating them. They will be level-packed with Exomizer and fast-loaded with Fload 2.1 from GRG for good compatibility to a lot of drivetypes.
Check ICC 2016 Results Collection as example.
2019-01-07 12:15

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
@Raistlin: I see it a a flaw from my side not checking validity of the entries earlier. Primarily the producers are responsible to enter compliant entries, but usually I check them timely if they are and report if they are not.
2019-01-07 12:19

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
All 63 entries are validated and now it is up to you to vote for them to get a fair result.

Go! Go! Go!

Voting closes at Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
2019-01-07 14:05

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1105
I say this without knowing whether one of the G*P entries failed on the memory restriction or not.

are you saying G*P's QA dept didn't do their job? where's the "Accepted For Release" approval-stamp? ;)))

anyways, I think Didi did the right thing here, especially since the Excess intro was uploaded almost a month ago. I guess it would've been different if the entry was uploaded on the last day of the compo.

that said, what an awesome amount of great entries again this year, well done everybody!
2019-01-07 16:16

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 214
This compo has been an absolute joy to follow. My thanks to Didi for organising it and to all entrants!

Some personal favourites:
You Will Be a Fossil Soon
Raster Plaster
Stomp Intro
2019-01-07 16:30

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
I hope you will give votes to the others as well. ;)
2019-01-07 16:38

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 214
Sure, I think I voted on most already but may have missed a few, so will check!
2019-01-08 12:56

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Cool that a contender for first place appeared short before closing. Now there is a really close race. Let's wait and see who wins in the end.

There is already a new record with 100+ votes made for an ICC entry. Being curious how high it will climb.
2019-01-09 00:33

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
amazing compo!!! my personal thank-you to Didi for organizing it and to all participants for their fab works! there are no bad intros, only great intros and excellent intros! oops, I forgot I did something too... correction: there's just one bad intro! :)
now hands up who also thinks Cruzer and Jammer should finish ex-aequo #1! :)
2019-01-09 08:32

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Quoting ZeSmasher
now hands up who also thinks Cruzer and Jammer should finish ex-aequo #1! :)

2019-01-09 08:43

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: Quoting ZeSmasher
now hands up who also thinks Cruzer and Jammer should finish ex-aequo #1! :)


2019-01-09 21:25

Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 210
There should be no discussion about what intro is the best in this compo. Intro by Jammer/Joe is the only option.
It has everything an excellent intro needs: super nice logo, amazing scroller, superb sound. I even like the choice of colors :)
2019-01-09 21:39

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 229
XIII: Thank you for the kind words, I'm sure Kamil will be happy (he did most part afterall).
Plenty of nice intros in this competition regardless, which has been incredible nice to see.
I have voted for all and had a great time in reviewing them all.
2019-01-10 11:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048

2019-01-10 18:29

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
2019-01-10 22:24

Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 27
Re-watched all intros today, all commented, all voted for. Many thanks for the good time to all participants. Happy 2019 everyone!
2019-01-11 16:44

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Same here! Compo was great! \o/

@Cruzer: LOL! :D
2019-01-11 20:47
Low Spirit

Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 23
this was a great competition.
I am very surprised and extremely pleased that so many (63!!! valid) high-quality contributions have been
Due to the fact that one day after the deadline I reached the fifties, it was also a personal challenge for me
to make this big technical step (sideborderstuff).
I am very happy to still be able to learn :)
although I had to fix, but this seems to be a local problem (hello yazoo :D), I'm very satisfied with the result.
2019-01-11 20:59

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
I just made a check through the voting:
- Race is still very close for rank 1.
- Usual amount of self and friendly upvotes.
- Also a few obvious and calculated downvotes, as always.
- The amount of votes per entry varies between 115 and only 22.

Big hooray for all who really voted for all entries!
This compo needs more of you!

Voting is still open until Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
2019-01-12 07:49
Angel of Death

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 211
Lots and tasty entries this year indeed but, eh...
I just want to point out (as voting is not yet finished) that our intro is one of the few that has some love and attention put into "ending" it.
Can I haz more voties, pleez? ;)

thanks a lot, however, to the people that did vote already. \o/
2019-01-12 18:25

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
GULBdata has 9.6 again, gogogo! \o/ :D
2019-01-13 09:05

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Finally, I've finished voting on all the entries (I think). So many quality entries!

Thanks Didi for organising. The rest of you, go upvote GULBdata some more ;)
2019-01-13 22:03

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 110
With this many releases I thought about my voting quality.
Just watching and writing down a number between 1 and 10 can't be it!
So I thought following would be possible:
First run: watching all entries and voting yes/no -->the no's go into 1 point directory
Second run again yes/no --> the no's go into 2 points directory
until 10th run yes/no --> there are no more no's
Now I got all entries sorted in 1st run no (1 point), second run no (2 points) etc.
Could work it out until I catch all 62 entries (if I count right)
But problem: 2 hours left for voting *panic*
OK, I just vote my groupmates 10 and the rest... ok 7 :D
but I could also use our last years voting machine from BCC#12 - should I?

OK, sorry everyone... I think I couldn't vote at least, because I can't be fair to myself here :(
Nerd problems ;)
2019-01-13 22:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Oh shit! Stomp Intro and GULBdata both at 9.5. Congrats on keeping the suspense, guys! Maybe if I upvote my own entry and downvote Stomp Intro I could just tip it around. No, must resist. :D
2019-01-13 22:46

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
Quote: Oh shit! Stomp Intro and GULBdata both at 9.5. Congrats on keeping the suspense, guys! Maybe if I upvote my own entry and downvote Stomp Intro I could just tip it around. No, must resist. :D

and I could do the same if you pay me :P
2019-01-13 22:50

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
HAHAHAHAHA, those strategic 4s! :D It's getting fun like hell! ;)
2019-01-13 23:59

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Whoever voted the 4s on Stomp and GulbData short before end, it did not change much by this amount of votes. :p
2019-01-14 01:30

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Results compiled and posted. Will post detailed list later (needs a bit formating).

Congratulations to Stomp Intro for winning first place!
It was a really close race with GULBdata with both entries being rated 9.5 but the winner had a slightly higher percentage of voted 10s (76.0% to 67.5%).

Thanks to all participants for making this a really great competition again!
You make the compo - not me!

Also thanks to all the honest voters who made the cowardous downvotes having very few effect on the result. Every entry had at least 32 votes.
2019-01-14 08:41

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Yep, congrats Jammer and Joe! Well deserved.
2019-01-14 09:13

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 317
What a compo.
Thanks to all!
Now pls someone provide a zip file with all releases so I can watch them on real HW. :) TIA
2019-01-14 09:19

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Results collection is on its way. Will not take long this time...
2019-01-14 10:18
Account closed

Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Cool compo, congratz to everyone who managed to submit their production. Yeah I wanna the intro compilation on a disk too :D Desire got 12th, 30th, 33th and 34th place. Not that bad I think :P
2019-01-14 10:38

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 227
thanks for organizing this @didi... i hope for another ICC at the end of 2019? that would be awesome! :-)

63 entries... wohooo... that's alot. and most of them are worth watching.

good job everybody
2019-01-14 10:45

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Excellent competition, congratulations all, especially the top three.

On a personal note, while it was a little demoralising watching my entry fall from it's debut at 3rd down to 14th as more votes and entries rolled in, there was plenty of constructive feedback along the way, and I've already started planning for next year.

It was also pretty entertaining seeing the randomly rotated letters in the winning entry, given that one of the three entries I started work on for this year (before realizing I'd only time to finish one) was a snurkle scroll :)
2019-01-14 13:11

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
Here is the detailed results list (from snapshot taken at January 14th 2019, 0:00 CET):

  Rank Title                                               CSDb Votes %10   %9    
     1 Stomp Intro by EXclusive ON                          9,5   121 76,0% 11,6%
     2 GULBdata by Camelot                                  9,5   126 67,5% 22,2%
     3 Razorsharp by Genesis Project                        8,9    89 37,1% 34,8%
     4 You Will Be a Fossil Soon by Fossil                  8,7    93 35,5% 24,7%
     5 Raster Plaster by Resource                           8,6    85 34,1% 25,9%
     6 Raster-arse by Arsenic                               8,2    67 26,9% 20,9%
     7 Revolution Intro by Triad                            8,1    73 23,3% 24,7%
     8 Oozay's Baster Rars by Arsenic                       8,1    43 11,6% 18,6%
     9 WavyRasta by TempesT                                 8,0    58 24,1% 13,8%
    10 Raster Compleeto by Triad                            8,0    63 20,6% 27,0%
    11 Raster Rejuvenator by Genesis Project                8,0    72 18,1% 19,4%
    12 Do A Boink by Desire                                 8,0    62 12,9% 19,4%
    13 Scatter Raster Intro by Genesis Project              8,0    51 11,8% 25,5%
    14 Wir sind die Nacht by ChristopherJam                 7,9    65 20,0% 29,2%
    15 Rasterblues by Triad                                 7,9    55 16,4% 23,6%
    16 Revisioned by Nah-Kolor                              7,9    54  9,3% 22,2%
    17 Crack Intro by Cosine                                7,9    54  9,3% 18,5%
    18 Level One by Cosine                                  7,9    47  6,4% 21,3%
    19 GameTro by Blazon                                    7,8    61 16,4% 13,1%
    20 The Elite Intro Reloaded by Low Spirit               7,8    42  7,1% 26,2%
    21 Spacebar by Samar Productions                        7,8    52  5,8% 32,7%
    22 Rasta Punch by Samar Productions                     7,7    48 10,4% 18,8%
    23 Logo Letter Glider (Laxity Intro #80) by Laxity      7,7    41  7,3%  7,3%
    24 Fuck the borders! by Anarchy                         7,7    45  6,7% 13,3%
    25 Kwan Lo by Mayday!                                   7,7    47  6,4% 17,0%
    26 Try Not To Get Satisfied by Camelot                  7,7    42  2,4% 19,0%
    27 Oldest Style by Cosine                               7,6    46  8,7%  8,7%
    28 HF Intro Mechanix by Hokuto Force                    7,6    42  7,1% 14,3%
    29 Excess ESI Tribute V2.2 by Excess                    7,5    36  8,3% 25,0%
    30 GTA Intro by Desire                                  7,5    40  7,5%  7,5%
    31 Africade by Cascade                                  7,5    50  4,0% 14,0%
    32 DYSPotic by Hokuto Force                             7,5    40  2,5% 15,0%
    33 Waves 16k by Desire                                  7,4    50  8,0% 14,0%
    34 PosteX 2018 by Desire                                7,4    50  4,0% 10,0%
    35 Atlantis Chessboard Intro V2 by Atlantis             7,4    39  2,6%  7,7%
    36 HF+MHI Coop Intro by Didi                            7,3    46  4,3%  2,2%
    37 Atlantis Intro "Weirdo" (ugly remake) by Atlantis    7,2    35  8,6%  2,9%
    38 DLoC Bounce Intro by Dark Lords of Chaos             7,2    37  5,4%  0,0%
    39 Excess Intro Eighties Called by Excess               7,2    42  4,8%  2,4%
    40 Turned Around (Laxity Intro #84) by Laxity           7,2    36  2,8%  5,6%
    41 $4K Dreams by LemonSpawn                             7,1    44  9,1%  2,3%
    42 Excess Intro Checker Swing by Excess                 7,1    34  2,9%  5,9%
    43 Old School Intro 2019 by MCM Designs                 7,0    35  2,9%  5,7%
    44 Break Ya Neck by MCM Designs                         7,0    34  2,9%  0,0%
    45 Geartro by WiseGuy Industries 2015                   7,0    40  2,5%  5,0%
    46 Black and White intro by Warriors of the Wasteland   7,0    44  2,3%  2,3%
    47 On Fire Intro by Fairlight                           6,9    50  6,0% 12,0%
    48 Alpha New Year by Alpha Flight                       6,9    36  2,8%  2,8%
    49 Left Over Music by Mayday!                           6,8    47  4,3%  6,4%
    50 Uglyuglyugly 1.1 by Focus                            6,8    40  2,5%  2,5%
    51 Vertical Moving by Hokuto Force                      6,8    45  2,2%  4,4%
    52 Messy Messi Intro by Fantastic 4 Cracking Group      6,7    41  7,3%  7,3%
    53 More Diagonal Stuff by Victory                       6,7    36  5,6%  2,8%
    54 Happy-Hacky-NoOp-Hack-tro 2018 by NOOP               6,6    38  5,3%  2,6%
    55 Plain Intro by Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated     6,5    45 11,1%  2,2%
    56 LXT - Flash Bang by The New Dimension                6,4    39  5,1%  0,0%
    57 TND Revolution Intro by The New Dimension            6,3    32  3,1%  0,0%
    58 Dancing Cubes by Really Proud Lamers                 6,0    34  5,9%  0,0%
    59 Alpha New Year II by Alpha Flight                    5,8    36  0,0%  2,8%
    60 Spaghetti Code 1 by Presence                         5,7    34  2,9%  0,0%
    61 Disco Rasters by Underground Domain Inc.             5,5    45  8,9%  2,2%
    62 One-Sprite-Wonder by Raiders of the Lost Empire      5,3    42  4,8%  0,0%
    63 Spaghetti Code 2 by Hawk                             4,7    38  2,6%  0,0%
2019-01-14 16:54

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 41
Great fun with some amazing entries. Well done to winner. Congrats to all!
2019-01-14 16:59

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Thanks for amazing compo! And congrats to all participants! <3
2019-01-14 18:42
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 91
Indeed very good competition. Thanks to Didi and congratz to the winners.
2019-01-14 18:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
No I would like to see "demo of the year" next year instead.
2019-01-14 20:32

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
Congrats to all, well done indeed!
2019-01-14 21:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Congrats to the whole scene for amassing this amount of creativity and activity. If only Digger had finished his entry we would have had 64 of 'em.

Quoting Dwangi
I would like to see "demo of the year" next year instead.
Me too. Wonder why these never turn out as succesful.
2019-01-14 22:29

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
Quote: Congrats to the whole scene for amassing this amount of creativity and activity. If only Digger had finished his entry we would have had 64 of 'em.

Quoting Dwangi
I would like to see "demo of the year" next year instead.
Me too. Wonder why these never turn out as succesful.

@Cruzer: I just thought the same! I will finish and release it anyway, Psych858o made a great tune for it.
2019-01-15 21:06
da Blondie

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 6
To make it easier to see them all I have made a zip of the entries.
It has four dirs:

orig - the files as they were uploaded (except that zips are extracted) in subdirs according to place

prg - just the prg files in subdirs according to place

flat_prg - just the prg files in a single dir, names prefixed with place

d64 - four d64 images with the prgs named as place

2019-02-04 12:40

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.

I did not check in depth, but as far as I have seen nobody made use of the rules extension to use memory outside the $4000 block and restore it later. So I think about removing this rule estension again next time.

I noticed that quite a lot selected the $4000-$8000 area this time. I guess because it is the only bank without restrictions of overlayed ROM or IRQ vector on the ghost byte. ;)
2019-02-04 13:27

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
Yup, I decided not to repeat my mistake of using Bank 0 ;) That was a nightmare with samples :P
2019-02-04 13:32

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
Quote: Quote:
- has a maximum RAM footprint of $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors. This means RAM besides chosen $4000 bytes area and exceptions has to be the same before and after running the intro. What happens during runtime is up to you.

I did not check in depth, but as far as I have seen nobody made use of the rules extension to use memory outside the $4000 block and restore it later. So I think about removing this rule estension again next time.

I noticed that quite a lot selected the $4000-$8000 area this time. I guess because it is the only bank without restrictions of overlayed ROM or IRQ vector on the ghost byte. ;)

I did use mem outside the designated 16k and restore, its a pretty useful rule if you plan to use beginning of all char sets or screens because of some raster effect. made for me possible to use an extra screen outside my bank, and not having to have an even more fucked up memory map.
2019-02-04 13:35

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 488
OK, I'll leave it in.
2019-02-04 18:44
Account closed

Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 212
Quote: OK, I'll leave it in.

It's good to leave. I thought of using it, but didn't do any effects requiring that. FPP would be one.
2019-02-04 22:11

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
Oswald: made for me possible to use an extra screen outside my bank

I thought it was illegal?! ;P
2019-05-19 08:09

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
Finally, my intro for Intro Competition 2018 was released at Moonshine Dragons party together with this release:
The Great Escape 115%

The intro actually uses more than one RAM bank, so it would be disqualified anyway. But here you go!

It features a charmode logo and a hires scroll over a "transparent" layer with custom font that's also available to download (see comments in the release link).
2019-05-19 10:25

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 521
great intro Digger! cool idea and very stilish.
but that 23:59... sigh! no real coder release something that early :)
2019-05-19 11:30

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
@Ze: The time was meant for ICC 2018 deadline ;-P)
2019-05-20 08:24

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Nice work, Digger!

I was about to ask why the scroll jumps four pixels every four frames, then realised it's highres 3 colours (fill/edge/transparent) over a two colour background.. and now I need to think some more :)
2019-05-20 12:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
indeed nice puzzle, here is my guess:

-black outlines are bitmap
-font inner color expanded sprites
-checkerboard background must be adjusted so its always see trough if char color is in front
2019-05-20 16:12

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Yup, looking a bit more closely, every 4x1 cell in that area contains a mix of black outline pixels and a single background colour, where the background is either one of the two greys of the checkerboard or the current fill colour of the characters.

So, X expanded multicolour sprite underlay, with the fill colour plotted into it wherever required. Mode is probably capable of a three colour background or a couple of char colours too :)
2019-05-21 23:44

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 438
@Oswald, @CJ: Thanks for kind words. You've solved the puzzle!

Yeah, the scroll "jumps" every 4px because of x-expanded sprites underlay:

Black outlines are actually drawn on double buffered circular chars – faster to rewrite than bitmap, although I have 4 frames to do that (otherwise the scroll would move too fast).

Buffer for sprite underlay is single and ROL'led by 2px (that gives 4px when x-expanded) and checkerboard colors are swapped – that makes the chessboard static (the area under the tools is flipped too).

It's possible to have an alternate font color (or even rasterbars) but I didn't have time to implement it, perhaps I will release an updated version.

It was fun, but quite tricky to do :)
2019-05-22 06:27

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1409
Quoting Digger
... and checkerboard colors are swapped – that makes the chessboard static ...

Ooh, clever!
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