aegis | | .... | Coder, Swapper |
Artlace | | .... | Coder, Musician, Swapper |
Atlantis Graphic Division | ( -> 13/7-2019) | .... | Graphician |
B.A. | (1994 -> 1996) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Backslash | | .... | Cracker |
Benno | | .... | Coder, Logo Graphician, Musician, Swapper |
Cam | | .... | Musician |
Cavron | | .... | Cracker, Swapper, Sysop |
Chaotic | | .... | Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician, Musician, Organizer, Public Relations Manager, Swapper |
Ciccioriccio | (31/1-2015 -> 20/7-2017) | .... | Coder |
Cop | (1995 -> 1996) | .... | Cover Designer, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Mega Swapper |
Dan | (1/2-1991 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Modem Trader, Organizer, Swapper |
DanDee | ( -> 12-1995) | .... | Co-Sysop, Graphician, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Dano | (1995 -> 4-1998) | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Darklord | | .... | Coder, Organizer, Swapper |
Darkness | | .... | Organizer, Swapper |
Diamond Design | (30/11-2013 -> 13/7-2019) | .... | Graphician, Logo Graphician |
Didi | (2-1995 -> 11-1995) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Original Supplier |
Dr. Disk | (10-1993 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Dr. Doom | | .... | Musician, Original Supplier, Sysop |
Dr. Who | (1995 -> ) | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Dr. Zoom | (1994 -> ) | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Hardware-Guru, Musician |
FatFrost | (17/8-2016 -> 9-2021) | .... | Graphician |
Ferro | | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Freddie | (4-1994 -> 8-1996) | .... | Diskmag Editor, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Galancy | (17/3-1992 -> 1993) | .... | Diskmag Editor, Musician, Swapper |
Gangstar | | .... | Coder, Musician |
Hi-Top | (1992 -> 1995) | .... | Graphician |
Human | | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Intruder | ( -> 9-1994) | .... | FTP Administrator, FTP Supporter, Hardware-Guru, Mega Swapper, Net Trader, Original Supplier, Swapper, Webmaster |
Keys | (16/1-2015 -> ) | .... | Coder, Graphician, Musician |
Kirby | (1994 -> 1996) | .... | Cracker |
Lala | | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper |
Lynx | (1994 -> 1995) | .... | Cracker, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Mercy | | .... | Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Merlin | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Swapper |
Merlin | (1992 -> 4/8-2019) | .... | Coder, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
MHD | | .... | Graphician, Musician, Organizer |
Mister Giga | | .... | Mega Swapper, Swapper |
Neotec | | .... | Diskmag Editor, Mega Swapper, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Pad | (21/7-2016 -> 2/7-2019) | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Psylicium | (12/9-2015 -> 11/9-2018) | .... | Musician |
Racer | (1/2-1991 -> ) | .... | Modem Trader, Swapper |
Ramirez | | .... | Co-Organizer, Cracker, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Ramjam | | .... | Cracker, Musician, Swapper |
Razzmatazz | | .... | Cracker |
Rebel | (1994 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Renegade | (11-1993 -> 3-1994) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Saxxon | (3/2-2014 -> 18/8-2016) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Musician |
Skull | (11-1993 -> 5-1995) | .... | Musician |
Smasher | (13/9-2013 -> 23/7-2016) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Modem Trader, Swapper |
SMD | | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
srt | (14/7-2019 -> 2020) | .... | Graphician |
Stake | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Steve | (1/2-1991 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician |
Stiff | | .... | Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Strepto | (30/8-2016 -> 10/9-2018) | .... | Co-Organizer, Coder, Graphician |
Syco | (11-1993 -> 3-1994) | .... | Cracker, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Talfarlow | (11/12-2017 -> 11/9-2018) | .... | Coder |
Thirt | | .... | Coder |
Touchstone | | .... | Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Swapper |
Troop | | .... | Cover Designer, Cracker, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Trooper | | .... | Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
TUC | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper |
Underdog | | .... | Coder, Cracker |
Unifier | (9/3-2014 -> 1/3-2015) | .... | Co-Sysop, Coder, Modem Trader, Swapper |
Zapotek | (2-1995 -> 1995) | .... | Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor, Swapper |
Zirias | (18/1-2018 -> 4/11-2018) | .... | Coder, Musician |
Mirage at Sea | ... | 2025 | Graphics | (#13 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2025) |
Bistro Mouche | ... | 2025 | Graphics | |
Hernando's Hideaway | ... | 2025 | Graphics | |
TantooMan Preview +4 | ... | 2025 | Crack (any, Onefiled, Preview) | |
Hakodate Sunrise | ... | 2025 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at BotB Winter Chip XX) |
Love is in the Hair | ... | 2025 | Graphics | |
Beamforming [2sid] | ... | 2024 | Music | |
Lemmi-Out! | ... | 2024 | Intro | (#1 C64 Fast Intro at Transmission64 2024) |
Die Einreichung des Compobeitrags | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#17 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2024) |
Women of the South | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#9 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2024) |
Time Travelers | ... | 2024 | Graphics | |
Bad Critters | ... | 2024 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at Flashparty 2024) |
North God | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#8 Mixed Graphics at Flashparty 2024) |
Boesendorfer P.S.S. [2sid] | ... | 2024 | Music | |
Sly as an Einsteinium | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#8 Mixed Graphics at Xenium 2024) |
Substate [2sid] | ... | 2024 | Music | (#10 Mixed Music at Xenium 2024) |
Somewhere in Japan | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#5 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024) |
Illinois3 | ... | 2024 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Failures of Infinity | ... | 2024 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Fuldans | ... | 2024 | Music | (#10 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Ghost in the Noise | ... | 2024 | Music | (#8 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Big Up Burglar | ... | 2024 | Music | (#5 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Quixotic Circles | ... | 2024 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at BotB Summer Chip XIV) |
Survival Cell | ... | 2024 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024) |
Der friedfertige Vegetarier am Ziel seiner Wünsche | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed at BEE #5) |
Bored of Games | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#10 Mixed Graphics at Arok Party 2024) |
Bright Eyes [2sid] | ... | 2024 | Music | |
Quark | ... | 2024 | Graphics | |
Kyrt | ... | 2024 | Graphics | |
666 Mibaru World Rally Team | ... | 2024 | Music | (#9 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2024) |
Sunriser | ... | 2024 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2024) |
PGA Tour Golf | ... | 2024 | Music | |
Get in the Van | ... | 2024 | Music Collection | (#5 C64 Demo at X'2024) |
Henko | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at X'2024) |
Triphace | ... | 2024 | Music | (#8 C64 Music at X'2024) |
Zed's Dead | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at X'2024) |
Get in the Van | ... | 2024 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at X'2024) |
Atlantis Active 2024 | ... | 2024 | Graphics | |
Black Lipstick | ... | 2024 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at BCC Party #18) |
Saudade No. 4 | ... | 2024 | Music | (#7 Mixed Music at MountainBytes 2024) |
Waiting for Departure | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#5 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2024) |
Atlantis Logo | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#58 C64 Graphics at CharSet Logo Compo 2024) |
Get Up Now | ... | 2024 | Music | |
Going 69 at 50 | ... | 2024 | Demo | (#3 Mixed Demo at rsync 2024) |
Ooops | ... | 2024 | Demo | (#2 Mixed Demo at rsync 2024) |
Airfield | ... | 2024 | Music | |
The Raggy Dolls | ... | 2023 | Music | |
Dark X-Mas | ... | 2023 | One-File Demo | (#3 Mixed at X-Mas 2023 Compo) |
Cat | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
Onomatopoeia | ... | 2023 | Music | |
Aullido | ... | 2023 | Demo | (#1 Mixed at 30N 2023) |
Robot Nation | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed at 30N 2023) |
Love is the Drug | ... | 2023 | One-File Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2023) |
Mocinno Tenochtitlan Tlapalizquixochtzin | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2023) |
Pachinko Wizard | ... | 2023 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Transmission64 2023) |
Wicked Game (Lo-Fi Love Remix) | ... | 2023 | Music | |
I'm Robot | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#11 Mixed Graphics at Deadline 2023) |
Sunloop | ... | 2023 | Music | |
Too Long in Space | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
Escape! | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
Redundance | ... | 2023 | Music | (#12 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023) |
Barghest | ... | 2023 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023) |
Never On Time | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
The Green Knight | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
Best Buddy | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#4 Mixed Graphics at X'2023) |
Brothers in Oscillators | ... | 2023 | Music | (#11 C64 Music at X'2023) |
Wise & Fat | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at X'2023) |
Electric Doobeedoo | ... | 2023 | Music | (#23 C64 Music at X'2023) |
Ueberschall | ... | 2023 | Music | (#14 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023) |
8MIDAS +6HP | ... | 2023 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Child in Time (Dub Purple Remix) | ... | 2023 | Music | (#7 Mixed Music at BCC Party #17) |
Saudade No. 3 | ... | 2023 | Music | (#4 C64 Music at BCC Party #17) |
The White Dragon | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at BCC Party #17) |
8MIDAS + | ... | 2023 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Trip to Lhasa | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
The Mask | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at FOReVER 2023 - ROBOT) |
Z | ... | 2023 | Graphics | |
Mu Mu Land | ... | 2023 | Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at MountainBytes 2023) |
Nachdruck | ... | 2023 | Music | (#3 Mixed Music at MountainBytes 2023) |
Fjällstugan | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#4 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2023) |
In Nebula | ... | 2023 | One-File Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2023) |
The Best is Yet to Come [2sid] | ... | 2023 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Game Music Remix Compo 2023) |
Crush Zone | ... | 2023 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at BotB Winter Chip XVIII) |
Dog Latin | ... | 2023 | Music | |
Young at Heart | ... | 2023 | One-File Demo | |
The Ancient Battle | ... | 2022 | Graphics | |
The Pot of Gold | ... | 2022 | Graphics | |
Honcho of the Seven Raging Coding Seas | ... | 2022 | Graphics | |
Apparition | ... | 2022 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022)) |
Ascent | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022)) |
Debbie Does Atlantis | ... | 2022 | Music | (#10 C64 Music at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022)) |
King of Currumpaw | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022)) |
Off with his head! | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#10 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2022) |
Hellofiends | ... | 2022 | One-File Demo | |
All Hallows' Eve | ... | 2022 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Zoo 2022) |
Androgit | ... | 2022 | Music | (#13 C64 Music at Zoo 2022) |
Serengueti | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#18 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2022) |
The Morning After | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2022) |
Dia de Finaos | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#4 Mixed at Bonzai Online Pop-up Compo 2022) |
Alien Boy | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#7 Mixed at Deadline 2022) |
Ausloescher | ... | 2022 | Music | (#2 Mixed Music at Deadline 2022) |
Eroismo | ... | 2022 | Demo | (#2 Mixed Demo at Deadline 2022) |
If I Were A Richman | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#8 Mixed Graphics at Function 2022) |
Atlantis Is Here | ... | 2022 | BBS Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2022) |
Garibaldi Unknown | ... | 2022 | Music | (#20 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022) |
Jump [2sid] | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Madwoods Ahoy | ... | 2022 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2022) |
Monday | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Capitulation | ... | 2022 | Music | (#40 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022) |
Rubber Leaf | ... | 2022 | Music | (#45 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022) |
Positron Cannon | ... | 2022 | Music | (#18 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022) |
Snail Cake | ... | 2022 | Music | (#41 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022) |
Charge The Sarge | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at Logo Graphics Compo 2022) |
My Pretzels | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#26 C64 Graphics at Logo Graphics Compo 2022) |
Breadbinked | ... | 2022 | One-File Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2022) |
Jack | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#11 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2022) |
Midnight Goblins | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022) |
NewMan | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#9 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022) |
Onef1ler 2 | ... | 2022 | One-File Demo | (#3 Mixed Demo at Arok Party 2022) |
(Use Your) Imagination [2sid] | ... | 2022 | Music | (#1 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2022) |
Reaktorn läck i Barsebäck | ... | 2022 | Music | (#4 Mixed at Gubbdata 2022) |
Rollin' with Tha Mouse [fm-yam] | ... | 2022 | Music | (#2 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2022) |
(The Next) Awakening [2sid] | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Darkness Nature | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2022) |
Amiotic Liquid | ... | 2022 | Graphics | |
Darkchip | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Wabbit Wampage | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Hybris | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Don't Feed After Midnight | ... | 2022 | Graphics | |
Ghost In My Loaf | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Kiev 2033 | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#14 Mixed at Revision 2022 Online) |
Spacerace | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#10 Mixed at Revision 2022 Online) |
40 Years of Love | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2022 Online) |
Burn Now Like the Sun [fm-yam] | ... | 2022 | Music | (#5 Mixed Music at Revision 2022 Online) |
Kill That Spider | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#9 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2022 Online) |
TSCrunch 1.3 | ... | 2022 | Other Platform C64 Tool | |
Is It True - Yohanna | ... | 2022 | Music | |
TSCrunch 1.2 | ... | 2022 | Other Platform C64 Tool | |
TSCrunch | ... | 2022 | Other Platform C64 Tool | |
Deep in the Forest | ... | 2022 | One-File Demo | (#2 C64 Fast Intro at BCC Party #16) |
Psychic Carpet Bombing | ... | 2022 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at BCC Party #16) |
4kPETSCII | ... | 2022 | 4K Intro | (#5 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Compo 2021) |
Rogue64 V1.02 +6H | ... | 2022 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Rogue64 Preview 2 +6H | ... | 2022 | Crack | |
The One and The Only | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at DiHalt 2022) |
You [2sid] | ... | 2022 | Music | |
Epic | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Sit Tibi Terra Levis | ... | 2021 | Demo | |
Endoskull Anniversary Edition | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | |
Destroy All Garbagez | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Endoskull | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Skull Animation Compo 2021) |
Guitar by the Fire | ... | 2021 | Music | |
Danu | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Zeruel | ... | 2021 | Music | |
Flute Loop | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Atlantis | ... | 2021 | BBS Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Autumn Harvest | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#8 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Conscience | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#10 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
COP26 | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Lydia on Speed Dial | ... | 2021 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Ohiru | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Voodoo Club | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#13 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Weird Biscuit | ... | 2021 | Music | (#9 C64 Music at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition) |
Oddfellow | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Jungle Fever | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#16 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2021) |
Night | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#6 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2021) |
The Thing | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2021) |
3screener Intro | ... | 2021 | Crack Intro | |
Offering | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#?? C64 Demo at Demosplash 2021) |
Radio Analyzer | ... | 2021 | Music | |
Rain Grey Town | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#10 Mixed Graphics at Deadline 2021) |
We Are Free | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at Deadline 2021) |
Köszönöm | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | |
Arena XIII | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at World Wide ZOO) |
Catching Kermit | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#7 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO) |
Samurai | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#18 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO) |
The Darkness Hour | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#7 C64 Graphics at World Wide ZOO) |
True Faith | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO) |
VIY | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at World Wide ZOO) |
Deep in the Forest | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Jungle Idol | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#7 Mixed Graphics at Function 2021) |
Thir(s)ty | ... | 2021 | Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at Function 2021) |
Playa de los Gatos | ... | 2021 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at Flashparty 2021 Online Edition) |
Minotaur | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Brigade Akin Eco | ... | 2021 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2021) |
Dagon Returns | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Momzilla | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
ASOA 2021 | ... | 2021 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021) |
Fear | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021) |
Clavius Gelsominus Germanicus | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
OI Atlantis USHQ Logon | ... | 2021 | BBS Graphics | |
Mr. Hyde | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Brutalism | ... | 2021 | BBS Graphics | (#15 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2021) |
Cherche le zavr | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#2 Mixed at Gubbdata 2021) |
Genesis | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#16 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021) |
Lautrec | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#14 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021) |
Monkey Business | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021) |
Vegas | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2021) |
Vitrum Oculus | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2021) |
I Can't Go On. I'll Go On | ... | 2021 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2021) |
Oh! Boy | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Subway | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
International Lobster Racing | ... | 2021 | Music | (#4 C64 Music at Je suis #Follin Music Compo) |
Nice Planet, We'll Take It! | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Don't Break the Balls +3HD | ... | 2021 | Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled) | |
Interview | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA 2o21) |
Play Dead | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at CSDB C64 Fun Compo 2021) |
Lost Lagoon | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#7 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021) |
Dicatsians | ... | 2021 | Graphics | |
Four-Point Plan | ... | 2021 | Music | (#4 Mixed Music at Outline Online 2021) |
We Want You | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#50 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021) |
Contract | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#9 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021) |
Riot House | ... | 2021 | Music | (#20 C64 Music at Like It's '83 Music Compo 2021) |
Dakini | ... | 2021 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at Transmission64) |
Elfric | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64) |
Right in the Sky | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#14 C64 Graphics at Transmission64) |
Roll Right Over That Fucker | ... | 2021 | Music | (#12 C64 Music at Transmission64) |
Sadness | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#6 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64) |
Unity | ... | 2021 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Transmission64) |
Pyttehajen | ... | 2021 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo) |
Bamse - världens starkaste björn | ... | 2021 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo) |
Kalles klätterträd | ... | 2021 | Music | (#4 C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo) |
Calipso | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#14 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2021 Online) |
Purple Lipstick | ... | 2021 | Music | (#6 Mixed Music at Revision 2021 Online) |
Worms Borders 93% | ... | 2021 | Game | (#1 C64 Demo at Borderline 2021 Compo) |
Last Night (Dream Pop Redux) | ... | 2021 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Last Night (melody compo)) |
No Mercy for the Trooper | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | |
Ronken | ... | 2021 | Music | |
Embukyaku [fm-yam] | ... | 2021 | Music | (#1 WiLD Demo at BCC Party #15) |
None of Us Are Getting Out of This Life Alive | ... | 2021 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at BCC Party #15) |
Noodles & Sake | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #15) |
Thought | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #15) |
ATL+GP Dancing Coop Intro | ... | 2021 | Crack Intro | (#10 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2020) |
Distressed | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | (#21 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo) |
Druid Too | ... | 2021 | One-File Demo | |
Lovecats | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at |
Obscure Alcopops | ... | 2020 | Music | (#4 Mixed Music at |
Babbo Maiale | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | |
Christmas Megademo | ... | 2020 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o) |
Detour | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o) |
I Want to Believe | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o) |
Sad Old Santa | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o) |
Bottox | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#5 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2020) |
Yamanote Riders | ... | 2020 | Music | (#4 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition) |
Jimmy | ... | 2020 | Graphics | |
Morning Fog Lifting | ... | 2020 | Music | (#26 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition) |
Left in the Sky | ... | 2020 | Graphics | |
Arena of Death +3 | ... | 2020 | Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled) | |
ATL+G*P Intro | ... | 2020 | Crack Intro | |
Numbertron 2020 | ... | 2020 | Crack (any) | |
Crazy Blaster V1.2 +4HD | ... | 2020 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Tiny Intro | ... | 2020 | Crack Intro | |
Almightro | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | |
Gelsomina vs. Red Baron | ... | 2020 | Graphics | |
Airsomjith Graff V2 | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | |
Procession | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#7 Mixed Graphics at Function 2020) |
Three Stooges | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#5 Mixed Graphics at Function 2020) |
Brick's Revenge +2D [tape] | ... | 2020 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Saudade No. 2 | ... | 2020 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2020) |
Tears of 2020 | ... | 2020 | Graphics | |
Lockdown | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2020) |
Scene of the Living Dead | ... | 2020 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2020) |
Petsciistein | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#6 WiLD Demo at Decrunch 2020) |
Attack and Dethrone God | ... | 2020 | Music | (#9 C64 Music at 25Hz Music Compo 2020) |
The Residents | ... | 2020 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2020) |
Come as You Are | ... | 2020 | Music | (#5 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2020) |
Far from Here | ... | 2020 | Music | (#4 Mixed Music at Nova Online 2020) |
Mario's Cement Factory +1HD | ... | 2020 | Crack | |
Unlayereadibility | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Most Unreadable Scrolltext Scroller Compo (Mibri Edition)) |
Atlantis Digintro | ... | 2020 | Intro | |
Gamblers | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#4 C64 Demo at CSDb C64 Lockdown 2020 Fun Compo) |
Propaganda List #1 2020 | ... | 2020 | Diskmag | |
Fight! | ... | 2020 | Demo | (#3 Mixed Demo at Revision 2020) |
Radio Free Truth [2sid] | ... | 2020 | Music | (#5 Mixed Music at Revision 2020) |
Tested, Untested... | ... | 2020 | Music | (#10 C64 Music at 2020 Quarantine Emotional Music Compo) |
Drunken Chopsticks | ... | 2020 | Game | (#2 C64 Game at BCC Party #14) |
Snoopy Intro | ... | 2020 | Crack Intro | |
Antarctic Burial | ... | 2020 | Music | (#3 Mixed Music at MAGFest Demoparty 2020) |
Midnight Kisses [fm-yam] | ... | 2020 | Music | |
Onef1ler | ... | 2019 | One-File Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at Under Construction 2019) |
Merry Xlantis | ... | 2019 | One-File Demo | |
Oldskoolnow 4k | ... | 2019 | Crack Intro | (#18 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019) |
Verschiebefaxen +1JDT | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled) | |
5 Quarti Alle 24 | ... | 2019 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019) |
G*P+ATL Intro | ... | 2019 | Crack Intro | |
The Lord of Dragonspire +1P [tape] | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, OK) | |
4k Intro (Invaders) | ... | 2019 | 4K Intro | (#17 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019) |
Je t'aime mon Monstre | ... | 2019 | One-File Demo | (Released at Syntax 2019) |
Kissit +2DHT | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
RSI Intro | ... | 2019 | Crack Intro | |
Propaganda List #3 2019 | ... | 2019 | Diskmag | |
Skimming Moldavite | ... | 2019 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019) |
Channel0 | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#4 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2019) |
Mr T Tells the Time +D | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, OK) | |
TRogue64 Preview +3DF | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, 100%, Preview) | |
ASOA 2019 | ... | 2019 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2019) |
Let's Drink and Worship Cats | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2019) |
Two Sided | ... | 2019 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2019) |
Propaganda List #2 2019 | ... | 2019 | Diskmag | |
Dedication | ... | 2019 | Music | (#9 Mixed Music at Solskogen 2019) |
Gubba Gubba Hey | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#10 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2019) |
Thera | ... | 2019 | Demo | (#4 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2019) |
Invasion | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at Flashback 2019) |
Looter - Haunted Castle Preview + | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, OK, Preview) | |
Nono Pixie V1.1 | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled) | |
Nono Pixie | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled) | |
Nono Pixie | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled) | |
Digiloi +2D [sales version] | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Learning to Add & Subtract +D | ... | 2019 | Crack (any, OK, Onefiled) | |
Propaganda List #1 2019 Errata | ... | 2019 | Diskmag | |
Propaganda List #1 2019 | ... | 2019 | Diskmag | |
Alien | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#5 C64 Graphics at Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens) |
Fjälldata 2019 Party Scrollers | ... | 2019 | One-File Demo | (#6 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2019) |
A Small Riddle | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#7 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #13) |
Beezarro | ... | 2019 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at BCC Party #13) |
Cellar Door | ... | 2019 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at BCC Party #13) |
Atlantis Intro "Weirdo" (ugly remake) | ... | 2019 | Crack Intro | (#37 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018) |
Atlantis Chessboard Intro V2 | ... | 2018 | Crack Intro | (#35 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018) |
Sizzler +2D | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK, Onefiled) | |
BlueJay | ... | 2018 | Graphics | (#5 Mixed Graphics at Compusphere 2018) |
Sabotage | ... | 2018 | Graphics | (#12 C64 Graphics at X'2018) |
Xcusemo | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#6 C64 Demo at X'2018) |
Propaganda List #3 2018 | ... | 2018 | Diskmag | |
Master Game +D | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Blue Eyes | ... | 2018 | Graphics | (#6 Mixed Graphics at Arok Party 2018) |
Mono +3D | ... | 2018 | Crack (PAL only, OK) | |
@ | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2018) |
Phantom of the Blasteroids +F | ... | 2018 | Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%) | |
Kalle Kloakk 4k + | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK, Onefiled) | |
Kalle Kloakk 4k + | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled) | |
Snake-a-Space +1D | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Call The Hidden | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2018) |
Propaganda List #2 2018 | ... | 2018 | Diskmag | (Released at Gubbdata 2018) |
Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe +6 | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Explorer +4T [english] | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Test Drive Intro | ... | 2018 | Crack Intro | |
Fett som fjell | ... | 2018 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2018) |
Honey | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#4 C64 Demo at BCC Party #12) |
Party-Part | ... | 2018 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Fast Intro at BCC Party #12) |
Rain of Castamere | ... | 2018 | Music | (#4 C64 Music at BCC Party #12) |
Sydney Hunter Preview + | ... | 2018 | Crack (any, OK, Preview) | |
Rob's Life +5 | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
8192 Preview | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK, Preview) | |
Modulot II | ... | 2017 | Game | |
Dinosaurs +D | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Dr. J Intro | ... | 2017 | Crack Intro | |
Beats | ... | 2017 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017 Summer) |
C=Rex Offline | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | (Released at Datastorm 2017 Summer) |
Grillieren! Preview | ... | 2017 | Crack (PAL only, Preview) | |
Competition Karate +2MD | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
That Demo from Atlantis | ... | 2017 | One-File Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2017) |
Compu Sport Auto Racing &D | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
PETSCII Intro | ... | 2017 | Crack Intro | |
Techno Sport Steeple Chase &D | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Fire of the Mind | ... | 2017 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 8) |
Platman Worlds V2.0 +10D [sales version] | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, 100%) | |
The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown +2TD | ... | 2017 | EasyFlash Release | |
Platman Worlds +10D [sales version] | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Modulot | ... | 2017 | Game | |
The Adventures of Blackbeard +MD | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown +2TD | ... | 2017 | EasyFlash Release | |
The Last Hope | ... | 2017 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017) |
Escape from London Preview | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK, Preview) | |
Mastermind 2017 + | ... | 2017 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Mazinger Z Sing-Along | ... | 2017 | Demo | |
Two Tubes Intro | ... | 2017 | Crack Intro | (#14 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016) |
SID Hero +M | ... | 2017 | Crack (PAL only, OK) | |
Chessboard Intro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | (#12 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016) |
Scaretro V2 | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | (#46 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016) |
Scaretro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | (Released at Intro Creation Competition 2016) |
Motorman Preview V2 | ... | 2016 | Crack (OK, Preview) | |
Raster Attack Intro 2 | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | (#11 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016) |
Tentacles Intro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | |
All about Dinosaurs &D [iffl] | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Survive +2H | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Whistle Intro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | |
25 Years Atlantis | ... | 2016 | Demo | (#13 C64 Demo at X'2016) |
Lumberjack +1H | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, Broken) | |
On'n'On | ... | 2016 | Music | (#4 Mixed Music at Deadline 2016) |
Zombie Massacre +2H | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Infernum +1DT | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Fantasy +D | ... | 2016 | Crack (any) | |
Rising Intro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | |
War 70 +MD | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
We Miss You | ... | 2016 | Demo | (Released at Buenzli Reboot Party 2.0) |
Eye of the Gods +8 | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
Checkers Intro | ... | 2016 | Crack Intro | |
Platman +4 | ... | 2016 | Crack (any, OK) | |
The Amazing Past of Fish | ... | 2016 | Music | (#18 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016) |
Endstation | ... | 2016 | Music | |
GOTO97 | ... | 2016 | Music | |
From Berlin to Paris and Back | ... | 2016 | Demo | (#4 C64 Demo at BCC Party #10) |
Odd Old Places | ... | 2016 | Music | (#8 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016) |
Jump Ninja +3HF | ... | 2016 | Crack (PAL fixed) | |
Athanor +D | ... | 2015 | Crack (any, 101%) | |
Underwater Intro | ... | 2015 | Crack Intro | |
Jump Ninja Preview + | ... | 2015 | Crack (Preview) | |
Gate Opening | ... | 2015 | Music | |
Mid of Ages | ... | 2015 | Music | |
On a Summer's Day | ... | 2015 | Music | |
Teeth | ... | 2015 | Music | |
Wedding Waltz | ... | 2015 | Music | |
Zebra Jam | ... | 2015 | Music | |
Zookeeper | ... | 2015 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Zoo 2015) |
Meet Us at the Zoo! | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | (Released at Bunkerparty 2015) |
Visit | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | |
Caren 2 [[[Hot Preview]]] | ... | 2015 | Fake Game | |
Rock Maze +3P &Editor | ... | 2015 | Crack | |
Demo of the Year 2014 [102% final version] | ... | 2015 | Demo | |
Demo of the Year 2014 | ... | 2015 | Demo | (Released at Edison 2015) |
P0 Snake [sales version 64k] +3PD | ... | 2015 | Crack (101%) | |
Compact Intro | ... | 2015 | Crack Intro | |
Monogram Intro | ... | 2015 | Crack Intro (any) | |
P0 Snake [sales version 64k] +3PD | ... | 2015 | Crack | |
Worm! +FH | ... | 2015 | Crack (NTSC fixed) | |
Paralax Demo | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at 15. Retro- & Hörer-Treff) |
Hidden Intro | ... | 2015 | Intro | |
Scarface! | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2014) |
Break 64 +2 | ... | 2015 | Crack | |
Swing Intro | ... | 2015 | Crack Intro | |
Vulcan Salute | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | (#12 Mixed Demo at Revision 2015) |
Hello Scope | ... | 2015 | Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2015) |
Break 64 Preview + | ... | 2015 | Crack | |
1K Forever | ... | 2015 | 1K Intro | (#3 C64 1K Intro at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace) |
GXAdvert | ... | 2015 | One-File Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace) |
Burnin' Pen '64 +3JF | ... | 2015 | Crack (NTSC fixed) | |
Twister +1D | ... | 2015 | Crack | |
Raster Attack Intro | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | (#5 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014) |
Another Scary Intro | ... | 2014 | Intro | (#38 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014) |
Blackjack aka Twenty-One +1 | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Falling &MHS | ... | 2014 | Crack (PAL only) | |
PETSCII Intro | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | (#2 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014) |
A4 Short Intro (CSDb Compo Edition) | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | (#43 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014) |
HF Short Intro (fun edition) | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
Cube Revisited Intro | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro (any) | |
P0 snake +2DP | ... | 2014 | Crack (NTSC fixed) | |
Compusphere | ... | 2014 | Intro | (#2 C64 64k Demo at Compusphere 2014) |
Rocky Memphis Preview 2 +1M | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
One Year Coop | ... | 2014 | Demo | |
WJWTWTOTGS | ... | 2014 | One-File Demo | (#12 C64 Demo at X'2014) |
The Alien Ninja | ... | 2014 | Graphics | (#30 C64 Graphics at CSDb Science Fiction Graphics Competition) |
Rasdumje +1D | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Mist-Shrouded Heart | ... | 2014 | Music | (#24 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014) |
Go Big or Go Home | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
King's Valley Preview | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Demodays2014 | ... | 2014 | Demo | (#3 Mixed Demo at Demodays 2014) |
Welcome to The Hidden | ... | 2014 | One-File Demo | |
Shine-Intro [atl+f4cg] | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
World Boxing Champ &DGPM | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Softporn Adventure &Sol | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Faster Than Light Preview +2 | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Simple Intro [atl+f4cg] | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
Xain'd Sleena Preview + | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Stronghold +3D | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Fugly intro [atl+f4cg] | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
Monstics Mystery II Preview &D +Pic | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Purple Intro [atl+f4cg] | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
The Way +4ED [german/english] | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Derrick Intro [atl+f4cg] | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
The Rat +2D | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Arcade Football &GD | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Co-op Intro 04 (atl+f4cg) | ... | 2014 | Crack Intro | |
Star Battles +5HGD | ... | 2014 | Crack | |
Darkhold +D +Pic | ... | 2013 | Crack | |
Atlantis - Rasterintro | ... | 2013 | Crack Intro | (#20 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013) |
Stars Intro (atl+f4cg) | ... | 2013 | Crack Intro | (#16 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013) |
Blue Intro (atl+f4cg) | ... | 2013 | Crack Intro | (#24 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013) |
Atlantis + F4CG Co-op Intro Compo Edition | ... | 2013 | Crack Intro | (#7 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013) |
N'trans | ... | 2013 | Music | (#9 C64 Music at Zoo 2013) |
Atlantis + F4CG co-op Intro | ... | 2013 | Crack Intro | |
The War of the Worlds &D | ... | 2013 | Crack | |
Cyber Dream | ... | 2013 | Demo | (#2 Mixed at Demodays 2013) |
Cyber Dream Tune #01 | ... | 2013 | Music | |
Skyflares in Horizon | ... | 2013 | Music | |
Dan vs Maya | ... | 2012 | One-File Demo | |
MEM64! | ... | 2012 | Game | |
Demodays 2012 | ... | 2012 | One-File Demo | (#7 Mixed Demo at Demodays 2012) |
Logo Show | ... | 2012 | Graphics Collection | |
City 2000 | ... | 2007 | Graphics | |
Azmagutah | ... | 1997 | Music | (#9 C64 Music at Assembly 1997) |
Pop Chip | ... | 1997 | Music | (#5 C64 Music at Assembly 1997) |
Rotta | ... | 1997 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at Assembly 1997) |
Abduction '97 Party Intro | ... | 1997 | One-File Demo | (Released at Abduction 1997) |
Keu 2000 | ... | 1997 | Music | |
Kao 3 | ... | 1996 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at Assembly 1996) |
The Last Wader | ... | 1996 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Assembly 1996) |
Fortress +4 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Cubic +4 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Shoot Out +F | ... | 1996 | Crack (NTSC fixed) | |
Action Replay Worm | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Bomb Mania +3 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Las Vegas | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Manganoid Preview | ... | 1996 | Crack (Preview) | |
On Ice +9 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Speedy Slug +6 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Time Out +6 | ... | 1996 | Crack | |
Dungeon Warriors +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Fun Duel | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Funny Day | ... | 1995 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival) |
Lost Future | ... | 1995 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival) |
Untitled | ... | 1995 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival) |
Swapper's Tools 2 | ... | 1995 | Tool Collection | |
Atlantis Intro (HDC) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Artris | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Atlantis Disc Cover #02 | ... | 1995 | Disk Cover | |
Black It +5 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Ikkiuchi +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Colonial Trader Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Swapper's Tools 1 | ... | 1995 | Tool Collection | (Released at X'95) |
MFI Level-Squeezer + Patch | ... | 1995 | Tool | |
Atlantis Intro (Disky) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Pure) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Flummi's World +4P | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Fruitmania +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Square Scape 2 +5 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Triss +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Ashido +4PD | ... | 1995 | Crack (100%) | |
Atlantis Disc Cover #01 | ... | 1995 | Disk Cover | |
Atlantis Intro (Marmor) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Castor + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Combination +1P | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Payday + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Pra-Se | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
The Darkest Road (Part 1) | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Tronic Force +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Timtris +T [english] | ... | 1995 | Crack (PAL only, 101%) | |
Black Heart Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Artris Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Atlantis Intro (Aegis) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Back to the Roots 2) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Blocky) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Lacing) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (The Lion King) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (TV) | ... | 1995 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Note'95 | ... | 1995 | Misc. | |
Avalanche's New Apartment | ... | 1995 | Misc. | |
Black & White +T [english] | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Bolo 2 Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Bombi | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Bouncy Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Brave Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
C-F Adventure Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Catch Me Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Colora 2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Colouration +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Coloured +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Cronic the Badger Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Crosses and Cirkels | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Cubic Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Cyberball +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Cyberwing Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Deadline Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Dioroid | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Doom Preview +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Doris +5 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Dream Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Dungeon Master Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Fast Ball Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Flag-Mania Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Flower 7 | ... | 1995 | Graphics Collection | |
Flummi's World Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Fred's in Troubles +5 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Fun Duel | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Geometric 2 +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Guesser + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Hangman + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Into the Nature Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Klepkomania Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Laced Tiles +1P | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Laced Tiles Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Lazertech + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Lemon Blues +2PH | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Logic +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Long Life +5 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Long Life Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Lunar Blitz + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Magical Formula Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Master Tetris Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Mega Force | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Moppel the Nekroklast Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Morfix +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Murder in the Monastery | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Mystery +3 (CP Verlag) | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Nonsense +F | ... | 1995 | Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%) | |
Numm +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Ograton 2 +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Oops Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Oracle III Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Pacball +4P | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Party Quest [german] | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Pieces Preview +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Power Engine BBS | ... | 1995 | Intro | |
Pozitronic | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Pumpkin Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Rainbow Bomb Preview +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Red Twenty Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Reflexis | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Roll Over +3HP | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Shaman +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Silva Pod +3 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Skyt Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Space Ball Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Speed + | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Spherebrain +4P | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Spherebrain Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Starblast Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Starscaper Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Strobosphere | ... | 1995 | Music | |
Super Pac Twins Preview V2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Technodream Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Tectron | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Tetrisack | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
The House + [german] | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
The Pinz Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
The Worm +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
The Zinj Complex +4 | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Tuc Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Twin Balls Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Twin Terrors Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Twin Terrors Preview V2 +2 | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Walkerz +2H | ... | 1995 | Crack | |
Walkerz Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Watch It Preview | ... | 1995 | Crack (Preview) | |
Heavenbound +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Remember [english] +F | ... | 1994 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | |
Bronx Medal | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Geometric +3P | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Motley Tetris | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Super Mario's Revenge +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Blue Sky | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994) |
Reactor 2 +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Arktyczne Polowanie +3 [polish] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Atlantis Intro (MTV) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Frantic) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Bubble Mania +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Trick +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Four Zax | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Exile Party 1994) |
Friends | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Exile Party 1994) |
Play Piano | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Fun Factory 1994) |
Chaos #02 | ... | 1994 | Diskmag | |
Lemon Blues +2H | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
The Shogun [german] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
My Return! | ... | 1994 | Misc. | |
Dimension 4 - The Ludwig Mystify Preview [german] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Push It +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
ESC V1.6 | ... | 1994 | Tool | |
Mad Noises | ... | 1994 | Music Collection | |
Speeder-Kernal-Collection | ... | 1994 | Tool Collection | |
Atlantis Intro (Back to the Roots) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Bobix +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Entity | ... | 1994 | Crack (101%) | |
Atlantis Intro (Bunny) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Move +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Atlantis Composer V3.0 | ... | 1994 | Tool | |
Atlantis Intro (Cool) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Duel Strike + | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
64 Mastermind - A Game of Logic | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Addgar +3P | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Amorphous +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Arc Doors +4P | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Atlantis Intro (Amiga Style) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Border Stars) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Fashion) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (H-Blockx) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Jack Alien 2) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Mega Raster) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Microwilly) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Morph) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Party) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Pong) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Remix) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Skull) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (SpriteMax) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Swing) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Thirt) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Trantro) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Ultro) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (X-Ray) | ... | 1994 | Crack Intro | |
Baby Blues +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Balla Balla Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Battle of the Giants +1T | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Blitz 2000 +5 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Bouncy Cars Revenge +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Brain Spasm | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Castle of Kraizar | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Commercial | ... | 1994 | Misc. | |
Cosmox +5 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Cube Magik +4P | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Dark Caves +6 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Dr. Mad Versus Topsy Turvy Moon Men on Mars +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Escape from Arth +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Fifteen | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Firefox +7 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Heavenbound +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Iketa +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Imperoid Preview V8 | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Later Preview +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Mastermind +M | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Melee the Battle Boardgame | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Mind Maze + | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Mind Maze + | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Minefield +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Minesweeper | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Misfortune Preview +6 | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Mizmo Terran Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Nocturno +3T | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Nocturno Preview +3T | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Nova 2 + | ... | 1994 | Crack (101%) | |
Oracle 2 +4 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Orb +2P | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Plopp Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Pole Minowe +2 [english] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Polonaese +3 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Pozitronic + | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Pro-Does Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Puzzlacki | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Puzzlacki Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Queens | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Queens (v2) | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Queens (v3) | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Quiz Show [german] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Remember [english] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Running Balls | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
S.A.C. Converter | ... | 1994 | Tool | |
Santa Claus Helper | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Sha-Jongg [german] | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Smartris Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Snake Attack +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Souls of Darkon | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Space Battle Deluxe | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Supercode | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Technoplyn +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
The Session V1.2 +1PT | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
The Time Crystal | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Treasure Isle + | ... | 1994 | Crack | |
Under the Ground Preview +2 | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Vapour Preview | ... | 1994 | Crack (Preview) | |
Naturality | ... | 1993 | Graphics | (#26 C64 Graphics at The Party 1993) |
Front Ball +2 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Bounce It +4H | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Nova + | ... | 1993 | Crack (101%) | |
Atlantis Intro (Punk) | ... | 1993 | Crack Intro | |
Work Games | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
The Quest of Kron | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Atlantis Intro (Jack Alien) | ... | 1993 | Crack Intro | |
Disc-o-Very +2 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Ghost Driver + | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Pair of Memory | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Parsec +6 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Immortal Flash #18 | ... | 1993 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Intro (Harmony) incl. Editor | ... | 1993 | Crack Intro | |
Immortal Flash #17 | ... | 1993 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Intro (First B.A. Intro) | ... | 1993 | Crack Intro | |
Demo-Intro (Atlantis Television) | ... | 1993 | Intro | |
Lethal Bombs +5 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Madrax +3 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Magnetic | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Mayhem in Monsterland +4 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Mayhem in Monsterland Preview | ... | 1993 | Crack (Preview) | |
Negatron + | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Saliva Kid Preview | ... | 1993 | Crack (Preview) | |
Shards +3 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Suburban Commando +5 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
The Space Vegetable Corps +2 | ... | 1993 | Crack | |
Immortal Flash #16 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | |
Immortal Flash #15 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | |
Immortal Flash #14 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Intro (ugly) | ... | 1992 | Crack Intro | |
Biff + | ... | 1992 | Crack | |
Logo-Show | ... | 1992 | Graphics Collection | |
Immortal Flash #13 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | |
Immortal Flash #12 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Intro (Compyrix) | ... | 1992 | Crack Intro | |
Atlantis Intro (Styled One) | ... | 1992 | Crack Intro | |
Fastnoter V1 | ... | 1992 | Tool | |
Immortal Flash Text Editor | ... | 1992 | Misc. | |
Note Creator Deluxe | ... | 1992 | Tool | |
Revenge of the Teenage Mutant Pacman | ... | 1992 | One-File Demo | |
Space Gun +3 | ... | 1992 | Crack | |
Immortal Flash #11 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | |
Immortal Flash #10 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Info - A new Group is Born! | ... | 1991 | Misc. | |
Immortal Flash #09 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | |
Atlantis Intro #1 | ... | 1991 | Crack Intro | |
Immortal Flash Demo/Intro | ... | 1991 | Intro | |
Immortal Flash Text Editor V1.0 | ... | 1991 | Tool | |
Bouncy Cars +2 | ... | ??? | Crack | |
Immortal Flash Votesheet | ... | ??? | Votesheet | |
Immortal Flash Votesheet 2 | ... | ??? | Votesheet | |
Kernal-Extractor | ... | ??? | Tool | |
Kernal-Extractor V1.0 | ... | ??? | Tool | |
Note Creator Deluxe | ... | ??? | Tool | |
The Digital Charconverter V2.0 [german] | ... | ??? | Tool | |
Ugly Noter V6.0 | ... | ??? | Tool | |