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Atlantis   (ATL)

- Atlantis - Rising from the Ocean (by Avalanche)
- Atlantis - The Way to Heaven (by RoBoCop)

Founded by :
Avalanche, Dr. Science, Dan & Steve on 1 February 1991

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group, Music Group, Magazine Staff, Swapping Group

Base Country :

Website :

Trivia :
Last active c64 Swiss based group!!!

When the Computer Freaks Association died, most of the remaining active members started a new group called Atlantis. Immortal Flash was then released for Atlantis as well.

Between 09.11.2013 and 24.07.2016 in Co-op with Fantastic 4 Cracking Group.

In 2018-2020 ATL worked on Propaganda First Release List and some cracks together with Genesis Project.

User rating:*********_  8.6/10 (25 votes)   See votestatistics

Ex Members :
aegis .... Coder, Swapper
Artlace .... Coder, Musician, Swapper
Atlantis Graphic Division ( -> 13/7-2019) .... Graphician
B.A. (1994 -> 1996) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Backslash .... Cracker
Benno .... Coder, Logo Graphician, Musician, Swapper
Cam .... Musician
Cavron .... Cracker, Swapper, Sysop
Chaotic .... Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician, Musician, Organizer, Public Relations Manager, Swapper
Ciccioriccio (31/1-2015 -> 20/7-2017) .... Coder
Cop (1995 -> 1996) .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Mega Swapper
Dan (1/2-1991 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Modem Trader, Organizer, Swapper
DanDee ( -> 12-1995) .... Co-Sysop, Graphician, Original Supplier, Swapper
Dano (1995 -> 4-1998) .... Coder, Graphician
Darklord .... Coder, Organizer, Swapper
Darkness .... Organizer, Swapper
Diamond Design (30/11-2013 -> 13/7-2019) .... Graphician, Logo Graphician
Didi (2-1995 -> 11-1995) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Original Supplier
Dr. Disk (10-1993 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Dr. Doom .... Musician, Original Supplier, Sysop
Dr. Who (1995 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Dr. Zoom (1994 -> ) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Hardware-Guru, Musician
FatFrost (17/8-2016 -> 9-2021) .... Graphician
Ferro .... Graphician, Swapper
Freddie (4-1994 -> 8-1996) .... Diskmag Editor, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Galancy (17/3-1992 -> 1993) .... Diskmag Editor, Musician, Swapper
Gangstar .... Coder, Musician
Hi-Top (1992 -> 1995) .... Graphician
Human .... Coder, Graphician
Intruder ( -> 9-1994) .... FTP Administrator, FTP Supporter, Hardware-Guru, Mega Swapper, Net Trader, Original Supplier, Swapper, Webmaster
Keys (16/1-2015 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician
Kirby (1994 -> 1996) .... Cracker
Lala .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Lynx (1994 -> 1995) .... Cracker, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mercy .... Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Merlin .... Coder, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Swapper
Merlin (1992 -> 4/8-2019) .... Coder, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
MHD .... Graphician, Musician, Organizer
Mister Giga .... Mega Swapper, Swapper
Neotec .... Diskmag Editor, Mega Swapper, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Pad (21/7-2016 -> 2/7-2019) .... Coder, Graphician
Psylicium (12/9-2015 -> 11/9-2018) .... Musician
Racer (1/2-1991 -> ) .... Modem Trader, Swapper
Ramirez .... Co-Organizer, Cracker, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Ramjam .... Cracker, Musician, Swapper
Razzmatazz .... Cracker
Rebel (1994 -> ) .... Graphician
Renegade (11-1993 -> 3-1994) .... Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Saxxon (3/2-2014 -> 18/8-2016) .... Coder, Cracker, Musician
Skull (11-1993 -> 5-1995) .... Musician
Smasher (13/9-2013 -> 23/7-2016) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Modem Trader, Swapper
SMD .... Graphician, Swapper
srt (14/7-2019 -> 2020) .... Graphician
Stake .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Steve (1/2-1991 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician
Stiff .... Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Strepto (30/8-2016 -> 10/9-2018) .... Co-Organizer, Coder, Graphician
Syco (11-1993 -> 3-1994) .... Cracker, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper
Talfarlow (11/12-2017 -> 11/9-2018) .... Coder
Thirt .... Coder
Touchstone .... Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Swapper
Troop .... Cover Designer, Cracker, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper
Trooper .... Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
TUC .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper
Underdog .... Coder, Cracker
Unifier (9/3-2014 -> 1/3-2015) .... Co-Sysop, Coder, Modem Trader, Swapper
Zapotek (2-1995 -> 1995) .... Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Zirias (18/1-2018 -> 4/11-2018) .... Coder, Musician

BBS's :
Fortress of Doom (HQ)
OPTiCAL iLLUSiON (HQ) from 27 December 2018
Power Engine (HQ)
State of the Art (HQ)
The Hidden (HQ) from August 2014

Releases : (794)
DownloadMirage at Sea ... 2025 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadBistro Mouche ... 2025 Graphics
DownloadHernando's Hideaway ... 2025 Graphics
DownloadTantooMan Preview +4 ... 2025 Crack (any, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadHakodate Sunrise ... 2025 Music(#?? C64 Music at BotB Winter Chip XX)
DownloadLove is in the Hair ... 2025 Graphics
DownloadBeamforming [2sid] ... 2024 Music
DownloadLemmi-Out! ... 2024 Intro(#1 C64 Fast Intro at Transmission64 2024)
DownloadDie Einreichung des Compobeitrags ... 2024 Graphics(#17 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2024)
DownloadWomen of the South ... 2024 Graphics(#9 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2024)
DownloadTime Travelers ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadBad Critters ... 2024 Music(#3 C64 Music at Flashparty 2024)
DownloadNorth God ... 2024 Graphics(#8 Mixed Graphics at Flashparty 2024)
DownloadBoesendorfer P.S.S. [2sid] ... 2024 Music
DownloadSly as an Einsteinium ... 2024 Graphics(#8 Mixed Graphics at Xenium 2024)
DownloadSubstate [2sid] ... 2024 Music(#10 Mixed Music at Xenium 2024)
DownloadSomewhere in Japan ... 2024 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadIllinois3 ... 2024 Music(#7 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadFailures of Infinity ... 2024 Music(#6 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadFuldans ... 2024 Music(#10 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadGhost in the Noise ... 2024 Music(#8 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadBig Up Burglar ... 2024 Music(#5 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadQuixotic Circles ... 2024 Music(#1 C64 Music at BotB Summer Chip XIV)
DownloadSurvival Cell ... 2024 Music(#2 C64 Music at $81 Music Compo 2024)
DownloadDer friedfertige Vegetarier am Ziel seiner Wünsche ... 2024 Graphics(#3 Mixed at BEE #5)
DownloadBored of Games ... 2024 Graphics(#10 Mixed Graphics at Arok Party 2024)
DownloadBright Eyes [2sid] ... 2024 Music
DownloadQuark ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadKyrt ... 2024 Graphics
Download666 Mibaru World Rally Team ... 2024 Music(#9 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2024)
DownloadSunriser ... 2024 Music(#7 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2024)
DownloadPGA Tour Golf ... 2024 Music
DownloadGet in the Van ... 2024 Music Collection(#5 C64 Demo at X'2024)
DownloadHenko ... 2024 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at X'2024)
DownloadTriphace ... 2024 Music(#8 C64 Music at X'2024)
DownloadZed's Dead ... 2024 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at X'2024)
DownloadGet in the Van ... 2024 Music(#2 C64 Music at X'2024)
DownloadAtlantis Active 2024 ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadBlack Lipstick ... 2024 Music(#3 C64 Music at BCC Party #18)
DownloadSaudade No. 4 ... 2024 Music(#7 Mixed Music at MountainBytes 2024)
DownloadWaiting for Departure ... 2024 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadAtlantis Logo ... 2024 Graphics(#58 C64 Graphics at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024)
DownloadGet Up Now ... 2024 Music
DownloadGoing 69 at 50 ... 2024 Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at rsync 2024)
DownloadOoops ... 2024 Demo(#2 Mixed Demo at rsync 2024)
DownloadAirfield ... 2024 Music
DownloadThe Raggy Dolls ... 2023 Music
DownloadDark X-Mas ... 2023 One-File Demo(#3 Mixed at X-Mas 2023 Compo)
DownloadCat ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadOnomatopoeia ... 2023 Music
DownloadAullido ... 2023 Demo(#1 Mixed at 30N 2023)
DownloadRobot Nation ... 2023 Graphics(#3 Mixed at 30N 2023)
DownloadLove is the Drug ... 2023 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2023)
DownloadMocinno Tenochtitlan Tlapalizquixochtzin ... 2023 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2023)
DownloadPachinko Wizard ... 2023 Music(#6 C64 Music at Transmission64 2023)
DownloadWicked Game (Lo-Fi Love Remix) ... 2023 Music
DownloadI'm Robot ... 2023 Graphics(#11 Mixed Graphics at Deadline 2023)
DownloadSunloop ... 2023 Music
DownloadToo Long in Space ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadEscape! ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadRedundance ... 2023 Music(#12 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023)
DownloadBarghest ... 2023 Music(#6 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023)
DownloadNever On Time ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadThe Green Knight ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadBest Buddy ... 2023 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at X'2023)
DownloadBrothers in Oscillators ... 2023 Music(#11 C64 Music at X'2023)
DownloadWise & Fat ... 2023 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at X'2023)
DownloadElectric Doobeedoo ... 2023 Music(#23 C64 Music at X'2023)
DownloadUeberschall ... 2023 Music(#14 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2023)
Download8MIDAS +6HP ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadChild in Time (Dub Purple Remix) ... 2023 Music(#7 Mixed Music at BCC Party #17)
DownloadSaudade No. 3 ... 2023 Music(#4 C64 Music at BCC Party #17)
DownloadThe White Dragon ... 2023 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at BCC Party #17)
Download8MIDAS + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrip to Lhasa ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadThe Mask ... 2023 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at FOReVER 2023 - ROBOT)
DownloadZ ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadMu Mu Land ... 2023 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at MountainBytes 2023)
DownloadNachdruck ... 2023 Music(#3 Mixed Music at MountainBytes 2023)
DownloadFjällstugan ... 2023 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadIn Nebula ... 2023 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadThe Best is Yet to Come [2sid] ... 2023 Music(#6 C64 Music at Game Music Remix Compo 2023)
DownloadCrush Zone ... 2023 Music(#1 C64 Music at BotB Winter Chip XVIII)
DownloadDog Latin ... 2023 Music
DownloadYoung at Heart ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Ancient Battle ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadThe Pot of Gold ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadHoncho of the Seven Raging Coding Seas ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadApparition ... 2022 Music(#3 C64 Music at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadAscent ... 2022 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadDebbie Does Atlantis ... 2022 Music(#10 C64 Music at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadKing of Currumpaw ... 2022 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadOff with his head! ... 2022 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2022)
DownloadHellofiends ... 2022 One-File Demo
DownloadAll Hallows' Eve ... 2022 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Zoo 2022)
DownloadAndrogit ... 2022 Music(#13 C64 Music at Zoo 2022)
DownloadSerengueti ... 2022 Graphics(#18 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2022)
DownloadThe Morning After ... 2022 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2022)
DownloadDia de Finaos ... 2022 Graphics(#4 Mixed at Bonzai Online Pop-up Compo 2022)
DownloadAlien Boy ... 2022 Graphics(#7 Mixed at Deadline 2022)
DownloadAusloescher ... 2022 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Deadline 2022)
DownloadEroismo ... 2022 Demo(#2 Mixed Demo at Deadline 2022)
DownloadIf I Were A Richman ... 2022 Graphics(#8 Mixed Graphics at Function 2022)
DownloadAtlantis Is Here ... 2022 BBS Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2022)
DownloadGaribaldi Unknown ... 2022 Music(#20 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadJump [2sid] ... 2022 Music
DownloadMadwoods Ahoy ... 2022 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2022)
DownloadMonday ... 2022 Music
DownloadCapitulation ... 2022 Music(#40 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadRubber Leaf ... 2022 Music(#45 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadPositron Cannon ... 2022 Music(#18 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadSnail Cake ... 2022 Music(#41 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadCharge The Sarge ... 2022 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Logo Graphics Compo 2022)
DownloadMy Pretzels ... 2022 Graphics(#26 C64 Graphics at Logo Graphics Compo 2022)
DownloadBreadbinked ... 2022 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadJack ... 2022 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadMidnight Goblins ... 2022 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadNewMan ... 2022 Graphics(#9 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadOnef1ler 2 ... 2022 One-File Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at Arok Party 2022)
Download(Use Your) Imagination [2sid] ... 2022 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadReaktorn läck i Barsebäck ... 2022 Music(#4 Mixed at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadRollin' with Tha Mouse [fm-yam] ... 2022 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2022)
Download(The Next) Awakening [2sid] ... 2022 Music
DownloadDarkness Nature ... 2022 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2022)
DownloadAmiotic Liquid ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadDarkchip ... 2022 Music
DownloadWabbit Wampage ... 2022 Music
DownloadHybris ... 2022 Music
DownloadDon't Feed After Midnight ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadGhost In My Loaf ... 2022 Music
DownloadKiev 2033 ... 2022 Graphics(#14 Mixed at Revision 2022 Online)
DownloadSpacerace ... 2022 Graphics(#10 Mixed at Revision 2022 Online)
Download40 Years of Love ... 2022 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2022 Online)
DownloadBurn Now Like the Sun [fm-yam] ... 2022 Music(#5 Mixed Music at Revision 2022 Online)
DownloadKill That Spider ... 2022 Graphics(#9 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2022 Online)
DownloadTSCrunch 1.3 ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadIs It True - Yohanna ... 2022 Music
DownloadTSCrunch 1.2 ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadTSCrunch ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadDeep in the Forest ... 2022 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Fast Intro at BCC Party #16)
DownloadPsychic Carpet Bombing ... 2022 Music(#1 C64 Music at BCC Party #16)
Download4kPETSCII ... 2022 4K Intro(#5 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Compo 2021)
DownloadRogue64 V1.02 +6H ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadRogue64 Preview 2 +6H ... 2022 Crack
DownloadThe One and The Only ... 2022 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at DiHalt 2022)
DownloadYou [2sid] ... 2022 Music
DownloadEpic ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadSit Tibi Terra Levis ... 2021 Demo
DownloadEndoskull Anniversary Edition ... 2021 One-File Demo
DownloadDestroy All Garbagez ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadEndoskull ... 2021 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Skull Animation Compo 2021)
DownloadGuitar by the Fire ... 2021 Music
DownloadDanu ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadZeruel ... 2021 Music
DownloadFlute Loop ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadAtlantis ... 2021 BBS Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadAutumn Harvest ... 2021 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadConscience ... 2021 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadCOP26 ... 2021 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadLydia on Speed Dial ... 2021 Music(#3 C64 Music at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadOhiru ... 2021 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadVoodoo Club ... 2021 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadWeird Biscuit ... 2021 Music(#9 C64 Music at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadOddfellow ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadJungle Fever ... 2021 Graphics(#16 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2021)
DownloadNight ... 2021 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2021)
DownloadThe Thing ... 2021 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2021)
Download3screener Intro ... 2021 Crack Intro
DownloadOffering ... 2021 One-File Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Demosplash 2021)
DownloadRadio Analyzer ... 2021 Music
DownloadRain Grey Town ... 2021 Graphics(#10 Mixed Graphics at Deadline 2021)
DownloadWe Are Free ... 2021 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Deadline 2021)
DownloadKöszönöm ... 2021 One-File Demo
DownloadArena XIII ... 2021 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadCatching Kermit ... 2021 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadSamurai ... 2021 Graphics(#18 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadThe Darkness Hour ... 2021 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadTrue Faith ... 2021 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadVIY ... 2021 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadDeep in the Forest ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadJungle Idol ... 2021 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Function 2021)
DownloadThir(s)ty ... 2021 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Function 2021)
DownloadPlaya de los Gatos ... 2021 Music(#1 C64 Music at Flashparty 2021 Online Edition)
DownloadMinotaur ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadBrigade Akin Eco ... 2021 Music(#1 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2021)
DownloadDagon Returns ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadMomzilla ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadASOA 2021 ... 2021 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021)
DownloadFear ... 2021 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2021)
DownloadClavius Gelsominus Germanicus ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadOI Atlantis USHQ Logon ... 2021 BBS Graphics
DownloadMr. Hyde ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadBrutalism ... 2021 BBS Graphics(#15 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadCherche le zavr ... 2021 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadGenesis ... 2021 Graphics(#16 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadLautrec ... 2021 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadMonkey Business ... 2021 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadVegas ... 2021 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadVitrum Oculus ... 2021 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadI Can't Go On. I'll Go On ... 2021 Music(#7 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadOh! Boy ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadSubway ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadInternational Lobster Racing ... 2021 Music(#4 C64 Music at Je suis #Follin Music Compo)
DownloadNice Planet, We'll Take It! ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadDon't Break the Balls +3HD ... 2021 Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled)
DownloadInterview ... 2021 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA 2o21)
DownloadPlay Dead ... 2021 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at CSDB C64 Fun Compo 2021)
DownloadLost Lagoon ... 2021 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021)
DownloadDicatsians ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadFour-Point Plan ... 2021 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Outline Online 2021)
DownloadWe Want You ... 2021 Graphics(#50 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021)
DownloadContract ... 2021 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2021)
DownloadRiot House ... 2021 Music(#20 C64 Music at Like It's '83 Music Compo 2021)
DownloadDakini ... 2021 Music(#7 C64 Music at Transmission64)
DownloadElfric ... 2021 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64)
DownloadRight in the Sky ... 2021 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at Transmission64)
DownloadRoll Right Over That Fucker ... 2021 Music(#12 C64 Music at Transmission64)
DownloadSadness ... 2021 Graphics(#6 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64)
DownloadUnity ... 2021 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Transmission64)
DownloadPyttehajen ... 2021 Music(#?? C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo)
DownloadBamse - världens starkaste björn ... 2021 Music(#?? C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo)
DownloadKalles klätterträd ... 2021 Music(#4 C64 Music at Kids TV Show Music Compo)
DownloadCalipso ... 2021 Graphics(#14 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2021 Online)
DownloadPurple Lipstick ... 2021 Music(#6 Mixed Music at Revision 2021 Online)
DownloadWorms Borders 93% ... 2021 Game(#1 C64 Demo at Borderline 2021 Compo)
DownloadLast Night (Dream Pop Redux) ... 2021 Music(#?? C64 Music at Last Night (melody compo))
DownloadNo Mercy for the Trooper ... 2021 One-File Demo
DownloadRonken ... 2021 Music
DownloadEmbukyaku [fm-yam] ... 2021 Music(#1 WiLD Demo at BCC Party #15)
DownloadNone of Us Are Getting Out of This Life Alive ... 2021 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at BCC Party #15)
DownloadNoodles & Sake ... 2021 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #15)
DownloadThought ... 2021 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #15)
DownloadATL+GP Dancing Coop Intro ... 2021 Crack Intro(#10 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
DownloadDistressed ... 2021 One-File Demo(#21 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo)
DownloadDruid Too ... 2021 One-File Demo
DownloadLovecats ... 2020 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Hogmanay.party)
DownloadObscure Alcopops ... 2020 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Hogmanay.party)
DownloadBabbo Maiale ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadChristmas Megademo ... 2020 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o)
DownloadDetour ... 2020 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o)
DownloadI Want to Believe ... 2020 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o)
DownloadSad Old Santa ... 2020 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o)
DownloadBottox ... 2020 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2020)
DownloadYamanote Riders ... 2020 Music(#4 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadJimmy ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadMorning Fog Lifting ... 2020 Music(#26 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadLeft in the Sky ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadArena of Death +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadATL+G*P Intro ... 2020 Crack Intro
DownloadNumbertron 2020 ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadCrazy Blaster V1.2 +4HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTiny Intro ... 2020 Crack Intro
DownloadAlmightro ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadGelsomina vs. Red Baron ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadAirsomjith Graff V2 ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadProcession ... 2020 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Function 2020)
DownloadThree Stooges ... 2020 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Function 2020)
DownloadBrick's Revenge +2D [tape] ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSaudade No. 2 ... 2020 Music(#1 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2020)
DownloadTears of 2020 ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadLockdown ... 2020 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2020)
DownloadScene of the Living Dead ... 2020 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2020)
DownloadPetsciistein ... 2020 Graphics(#6 WiLD Demo at Decrunch 2020)
DownloadAttack and Dethrone God ... 2020 Music(#9 C64 Music at 25Hz Music Compo 2020)
DownloadThe Residents ... 2020 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadCome as You Are ... 2020 Music(#5 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadFar from Here ... 2020 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Nova Online 2020)
DownloadMario's Cement Factory +1HD ... 2020 Crack
DownloadUnlayereadibility ... 2020 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Most Unreadable Scrolltext Scroller Compo (Mibri Edition))
DownloadAtlantis Digintro ... 2020 Intro
DownloadGamblers ... 2020 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at CSDb C64 Lockdown 2020 Fun Compo)
DownloadPropaganda List #1 2020 ... 2020 Diskmag
DownloadFight! ... 2020 Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at Revision 2020)
DownloadRadio Free Truth [2sid] ... 2020 Music(#5 Mixed Music at Revision 2020)
DownloadTested, Untested... ... 2020 Music(#10 C64 Music at 2020 Quarantine Emotional Music Compo)
DownloadDrunken Chopsticks ... 2020 Game(#2 C64 Game at BCC Party #14)
DownloadSnoopy Intro ... 2020 Crack Intro
DownloadAntarctic Burial ... 2020 Music(#3 Mixed Music at MAGFest Demoparty 2020)
DownloadMidnight Kisses [fm-yam] ... 2020 Music
DownloadOnef1ler ... 2019 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Under Construction 2019)
DownloadMerry Xlantis ... 2019 One-File Demo
DownloadOldskoolnow 4k ... 2019 Crack Intro(#18 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadVerschiebefaxen +1JDT ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
Download5 Quarti Alle 24 ... 2019 Music(#6 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019)
DownloadG*P+ATL Intro ... 2019 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Lord of Dragonspire +1P [tape] ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
Download4k Intro (Invaders) ... 2019 4K Intro(#17 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadJe t'aime mon Monstre ... 2019 One-File Demo(Released at Syntax 2019)
DownloadKissit +2DHT ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadRSI Intro ... 2019 Crack Intro
DownloadPropaganda List #3 2019 ... 2019 Diskmag
DownloadSkimming Moldavite ... 2019 Music(#2 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019)
DownloadChannel0 ... 2019 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Zoo 2019)
DownloadMr T Tells the Time +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTRogue64 Preview +3DF ... 2019 Crack (any, 100%, Preview)
DownloadASOA 2019 ... 2019 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2019)
DownloadLet's Drink and Worship Cats ... 2019 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2019)
DownloadTwo Sided ... 2019 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2019)
DownloadPropaganda List #2 2019 ... 2019 Diskmag
DownloadDedication ... 2019 Music(#9 Mixed Music at Solskogen 2019)
DownloadGubba Gubba Hey ... 2019 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadThera ... 2019 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadInvasion ... 2019 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Flashback 2019)
DownloadLooter - Haunted Castle Preview + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadNono Pixie V1.1 ... 2019 Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled)
DownloadNono Pixie ... 2019 Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled)
DownloadNono Pixie ... 2019 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadDigiloi +2D [sales version] ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLearning to Add & Subtract +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadPropaganda List #1 2019 Errata ... 2019 Diskmag
DownloadPropaganda List #1 2019 ... 2019 Diskmag
DownloadAlien ... 2019 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens)
DownloadFjälldata 2019 Party Scrollers ... 2019 One-File Demo(#6 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadA Small Riddle ... 2019 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #13)
DownloadBeezarro ... 2019 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at BCC Party #13)
DownloadCellar Door ... 2019 Music(#2 C64 Music at BCC Party #13)
DownloadAtlantis Intro "Weirdo" (ugly remake) ... 2019 Crack Intro(#37 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadAtlantis Chessboard Intro V2 ... 2018 Crack Intro(#35 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadSizzler +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBlueJay ... 2018 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Compusphere 2018)
DownloadSabotage ... 2018 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at X'2018)
DownloadXcusemo ... 2018 Demo(#6 C64 Demo at X'2018)
DownloadPropaganda List #3 2018 ... 2018 Diskmag
DownloadMaster Game +D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBlue Eyes ... 2018 Graphics(#6 Mixed Graphics at Arok Party 2018)
DownloadMono +3D ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Download@ ... 2018 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2018)
DownloadPhantom of the Blasteroids +F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadKalle Kloakk 4k + ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadKalle Kloakk 4k + ... 2018 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadSnake-a-Space +1D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCall The Hidden ... 2018 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadPropaganda List #2 2018 ... 2018 Diskmag(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadSydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe +6 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadExplorer +4T [english] ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadTest Drive Intro ... 2018 Crack Intro
DownloadFett som fjell ... 2018 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2018)
DownloadHoney ... 2018 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at BCC Party #12)
DownloadParty-Part ... 2018 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Fast Intro at BCC Party #12)
DownloadRain of Castamere ... 2018 Music(#4 C64 Music at BCC Party #12)
DownloadSydney Hunter Preview + ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRob's Life +5 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
Download8192 Preview ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadModulot II ... 2017 Game
DownloadDinosaurs +D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDr. J Intro ... 2017 Crack Intro
DownloadBeats ... 2017 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017 Summer)
DownloadC=Rex Offline ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Datastorm 2017 Summer)
DownloadGrillieren! Preview ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, Preview)
DownloadCompetition Karate +2MD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThat Demo from Atlantis ... 2017 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2017)
DownloadCompu Sport Auto Racing &D ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadPETSCII Intro ... 2017 Crack Intro
DownloadTechno Sport Steeple Chase &D ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadFire of the Mind ... 2017 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadPlatman Worlds V2.0 +10D [sales version] ... 2017 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadThe Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown +2TD ... 2017 EasyFlash Release
DownloadPlatman Worlds +10D [sales version] ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadModulot ... 2017 Game
DownloadThe Adventures of Blackbeard +MD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown +2TD ... 2017 EasyFlash Release
DownloadThe Last Hope ... 2017 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadEscape from London Preview ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMastermind 2017 + ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMazinger Z Sing-Along ... 2017 Demo
DownloadTwo Tubes Intro ... 2017 Crack Intro(#14 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadSID Hero +M ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadChessboard Intro ... 2016 Crack Intro(#12 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadScaretro V2 ... 2016 Crack Intro(#46 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadScaretro ... 2016 Crack Intro(Released at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadMotorman Preview V2 ... 2016 Crack (OK, Preview)
DownloadRaster Attack Intro 2 ... 2016 Crack Intro(#11 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadTentacles Intro ... 2016 Crack Intro
DownloadAll about Dinosaurs &D [iffl] ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSurvive +2H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWhistle Intro ... 2016 Crack Intro
Download25 Years Atlantis ... 2016 Demo(#13 C64 Demo at X'2016)
DownloadLumberjack +1H ... 2016 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadOn'n'On ... 2016 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Deadline 2016)
DownloadZombie Massacre +2H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadInfernum +1DT ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFantasy +D ... 2016 Crack (any)
DownloadRising Intro ... 2016 Crack Intro
DownloadWar 70 +MD ... 2016 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadWe Miss You ... 2016 Demo(Released at Buenzli Reboot Party 2.0)
DownloadEye of the Gods +8 ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCheckers Intro ... 2016 Crack Intro
DownloadPlatman +4 ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Amazing Past of Fish ... 2016 Music(#18 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016)
DownloadEndstation ... 2016 Music
DownloadGOTO97 ... 2016 Music
DownloadFrom Berlin to Paris and Back ... 2016 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at BCC Party #10)
DownloadOdd Old Places ... 2016 Music(#8 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016)
DownloadJump Ninja +3HF ... 2016 Crack (PAL fixed)
DownloadAthanor +D ... 2015 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadUnderwater Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro
DownloadJump Ninja Preview + ... 2015 Crack (Preview)
DownloadGate Opening ... 2015 Music
DownloadMid of Ages ... 2015 Music
DownloadOn a Summer's Day ... 2015 Music
DownloadTeeth ... 2015 Music
DownloadWedding Waltz ... 2015 Music
DownloadZebra Jam ... 2015 Music
DownloadZookeeper ... 2015 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Zoo 2015)
DownloadMeet Us at the Zoo! ... 2015 One-File Demo(Released at Bunkerparty 2015)
DownloadVisit ... 2015 One-File Demo
DownloadCaren 2 [[[Hot Preview]]] ... 2015 Fake Game
DownloadRock Maze +3P &Editor ... 2015 Crack
DownloadDemo of the Year 2014 [102% final version] ... 2015 Demo
DownloadDemo of the Year 2014 ... 2015 Demo(Released at Edison 2015)
DownloadP0 Snake [sales version 64k] +3PD ... 2015 Crack (101%)
DownloadCompact Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro
DownloadMonogram Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadP0 Snake [sales version 64k] +3PD ... 2015 Crack
DownloadWorm! +FH ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadParalax Demo ... 2015 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at 15. Retro- & Hörer-Treff)
DownloadHidden Intro ... 2015 Intro
DownloadScarface! ... 2015 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2014)
DownloadBreak 64 +2 ... 2015 Crack
DownloadSwing Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro
DownloadVulcan Salute ... 2015 One-File Demo(#12 Mixed Demo at Revision 2015)
DownloadHello Scope ... 2015 Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2015)
DownloadBreak 64 Preview + ... 2015 Crack
Download1K Forever ... 2015 1K Intro(#3 C64 1K Intro at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace)
DownloadGXAdvert ... 2015 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace)
DownloadBurnin' Pen '64 +3JF ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadTwister +1D ... 2015 Crack
DownloadRaster Attack Intro ... 2014 Crack Intro(#5 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadAnother Scary Intro ... 2014 Intro(#38 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadBlackjack aka Twenty-One +1 ... 2014 Crack
DownloadFalling &MHS ... 2014 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadPETSCII Intro ... 2014 Crack Intro(#2 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadA4 Short Intro (CSDb Compo Edition) ... 2014 Crack Intro(#43 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadHF Short Intro (fun edition) ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadCube Revisited Intro ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadP0 snake +2DP ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadCompusphere ... 2014 Intro(#2 C64 64k Demo at Compusphere 2014)
DownloadRocky Memphis Preview 2 +1M ... 2014 Crack
DownloadOne Year Coop ... 2014 Demo
DownloadWJWTWTOTGS ... 2014 One-File Demo(#12 C64 Demo at X'2014)
DownloadThe Alien Ninja ... 2014 Graphics(#30 C64 Graphics at CSDb Science Fiction Graphics Competition)
DownloadRasdumje +1D ... 2014 Crack
DownloadMist-Shrouded Heart ... 2014 Music(#24 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadGo Big or Go Home ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadKing's Valley Preview ... 2014 Crack
DownloadDemodays2014 ... 2014 Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at Demodays 2014)
DownloadWelcome to The Hidden ... 2014 One-File Demo
DownloadShine-Intro [atl+f4cg] ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadWorld Boxing Champ &DGPM ... 2014 Crack
DownloadSoftporn Adventure &Sol ... 2014 Crack
DownloadFaster Than Light Preview +2 ... 2014 Crack
DownloadSimple Intro [atl+f4cg] ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadXain'd Sleena Preview + ... 2014 Crack
DownloadStronghold +3D ... 2014 Crack
DownloadFugly intro [atl+f4cg] ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadMonstics Mystery II Preview &D +Pic ... 2014 Crack
DownloadPurple Intro [atl+f4cg] ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Way +4ED [german/english] ... 2014 Crack
DownloadDerrick Intro [atl+f4cg] ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Rat +2D ... 2014 Crack
DownloadArcade Football &GD ... 2014 Crack
DownloadCo-op Intro 04 (atl+f4cg) ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadStar Battles +5HGD ... 2014 Crack
DownloadDarkhold +D +Pic ... 2013 Crack
DownloadAtlantis - Rasterintro ... 2013 Crack Intro(#20 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadStars Intro (atl+f4cg) ... 2013 Crack Intro(#16 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadBlue Intro (atl+f4cg) ... 2013 Crack Intro(#24 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadAtlantis + F4CG Co-op Intro Compo Edition ... 2013 Crack Intro(#7 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadN'trans ... 2013 Music(#9 C64 Music at Zoo 2013)
DownloadAtlantis + F4CG co-op Intro ... 2013 Crack Intro
DownloadThe War of the Worlds &D ... 2013 Crack
DownloadCyber Dream ... 2013 Demo(#2 Mixed at Demodays 2013)
DownloadCyber Dream Tune #01 ... 2013 Music
DownloadSkyflares in Horizon ... 2013 Music
DownloadDan vs Maya ... 2012 One-File Demo
DownloadMEM64! ... 2012 Game
DownloadDemodays 2012 ... 2012 One-File Demo(#7 Mixed Demo at Demodays 2012)
DownloadLogo Show  ... 2012 Graphics Collection
DownloadCity 2000 ... 2007 Graphics
DownloadAzmagutah ... 1997 Music(#9 C64 Music at Assembly 1997)
DownloadPop Chip ... 1997 Music(#5 C64 Music at Assembly 1997)
DownloadRotta ... 1997 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Assembly 1997)
DownloadAbduction '97 Party Intro ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at Abduction 1997)
DownloadKeu 2000 ... 1997 Music
DownloadKao 3 ... 1996 Music(#7 C64 Music at Assembly 1996)
DownloadThe Last Wader ... 1996 Music(#2 C64 Music at Assembly 1996)
DownloadFortress +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCubic +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadShoot Out +F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadAction Replay Worm ... 1996 Crack
DownloadBomb Mania +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLas Vegas ... 1996 Crack
DownloadManganoid Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadOn Ice +9 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadSpeedy Slug +6 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTime Out +6 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDungeon Warriors +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFun Duel ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFunny Day ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadLost Future ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadSwapper's Tools 2 ... 1995 Tool Collection
DownloadAtlantis Intro (HDC) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadArtris ... 1995 Crack
DownloadAtlantis Disc Cover #02 ... 1995 Disk Cover
DownloadBlack It +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadIkkiuchi +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadColonial Trader Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSwapper's Tools 1 ... 1995 Tool Collection(Released at X'95)
DownloadMFI Level-Squeezer + Patch ... 1995 Tool
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Disky) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Pure) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadFlummi's World +4P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFruitmania +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSquare Scape 2 +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTriss +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadAshido +4PD ... 1995 Crack (100%)
DownloadAtlantis Disc Cover #01 ... 1995 Disk Cover
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Marmor) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadCastor + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCombination +1P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPayday + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPra-Se ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe Darkest Road (Part 1) ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTronic Force +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTimtris +T [english] ... 1995 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadBlack Heart Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadArtris Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Aegis) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Back to the Roots 2) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Blocky) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Lacing) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (The Lion King) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (TV) ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Note'95 ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadAvalanche's New Apartment ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadBlack & White +T [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBolo 2 Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBombi ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBouncy Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBrave Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadC-F Adventure Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCatch Me Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadColora 2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadColouration +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadColoured +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCronic the Badger Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCrosses and Cirkels ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCubic Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCyberball +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCyberwing Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDeadline Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDioroid ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDoom Preview +3 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDoris +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDream Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDungeon Master Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFast Ball Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFlag-Mania Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFlower 7 ... 1995 Graphics Collection
DownloadFlummi's World Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFred's in Troubles +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFun Duel ... 1995 Crack
DownloadGeometric 2 +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadGuesser + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadHangman + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadInto the Nature Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadKlepkomania Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaced Tiles +1P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaced Tiles Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLazertech + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLemon Blues +2PH ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLogic +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLong Life +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLong Life Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLunar Blitz + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMagical Formula Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMaster Tetris Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMega Force ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMoppel the Nekroklast Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMorfix +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMurder in the Monastery ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMystery +3 (CP Verlag) ... 1995 Crack
DownloadNonsense +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadNumm +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadOgraton 2 +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadOops Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadOracle III Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPacball +4P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadParty Quest [german] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPieces Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPower Engine BBS ... 1995 Intro
DownloadPozitronic ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPumpkin Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadRainbow Bomb Preview +3 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadRed Twenty Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadReflexis ... 1995 Crack
DownloadRoll Over +3HP ... 1995 Crack
DownloadShaman +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSilva Pod +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSkyt Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSpace Ball Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSpeed + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpherebrain +4P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpherebrain Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadStarblast Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadStarscaper Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadStrobosphere ... 1995 Music
DownloadSuper Pac Twins Preview V2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTechnodream Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTectron ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTetrisack ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe House + [german] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe Pinz Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Worm +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe Zinj Complex +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTuc Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTwin Balls Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTwin Terrors Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTwin Terrors Preview V2 +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWalkerz +2H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadWalkerz Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWatch It Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadHeavenbound +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadRemember [english] +F ... 1994 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadBronx Medal ... 1994 Crack
DownloadGeometric +3P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMotley Tetris ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSuper Mario's Revenge +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBlue Sky ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994)
DownloadReactor 2 +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadArktyczne Polowanie +3 [polish] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAtlantis Intro (MTV) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Frantic) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadBubble Mania +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTrick +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadFour Zax ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Exile Party 1994)
DownloadFriends ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Exile Party 1994)
DownloadPlay Piano ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fun Factory 1994)
DownloadChaos #02 ... 1994 Diskmag
DownloadLemon Blues +2H ... 1994 Crack
DownloadThe Shogun [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMy Return! ... 1994 Misc.
DownloadDimension 4 - The Ludwig Mystify Preview [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPush It +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadESC V1.6 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadMad Noises ... 1994 Music Collection
DownloadSpeeder-Kernal-Collection ... 1994 Tool Collection
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Back to the Roots) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadBobix +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadEntity ... 1994 Crack (101%)
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Bunny) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadMove +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAtlantis Composer V3.0 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Cool) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadDuel Strike + ... 1994 Crack
Download64 Mastermind - A Game of Logic ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAddgar +3P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAmorphous +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadArc Doors +4P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Amiga Style) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Border Stars) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Fashion) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (H-Blockx) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Jack Alien 2) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Mega Raster) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Microwilly) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Morph) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Party) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Pong) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Remix) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Skull) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (SpriteMax) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Swing) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Thirt) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Trantro) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Ultro) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (X-Ray) ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadBaby Blues +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBalla Balla Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBattle of the Giants +1T ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBlitz 2000 +5 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBouncy Cars Revenge +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBrain Spasm ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCastle of Kraizar ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCommercial ... 1994 Misc.
DownloadCosmox +5 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCube Magik +4P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadDark Caves +6 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadDr. Mad Versus Topsy Turvy Moon Men on Mars +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadEscape from Arth +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadFifteen ... 1994 Crack
DownloadFirefox +7 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadHeavenbound +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadIketa +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadImperoid Preview V8 ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLater Preview +2 ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMastermind +M ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMelee the Battle Boardgame ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMind Maze + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMind Maze + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMinefield +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMinesweeper ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMisfortune Preview +6 ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMizmo Terran Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNocturno +3T ... 1994 Crack
DownloadNocturno Preview +3T ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNova 2 + ... 1994 Crack (101%)
DownloadOracle 2 +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadOrb +2P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPlopp Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPole Minowe +2 [english] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPolonaese +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPozitronic + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPro-Does Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPuzzlacki ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPuzzlacki Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadQueens ... 1994 Crack
DownloadQueens (v2) ... 1994 Crack
DownloadQueens (v3) ... 1994 Crack
DownloadQuiz Show [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadRemember [english] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadRunning Balls ... 1994 Crack
DownloadS.A.C. Converter ... 1994 Tool
DownloadSanta Claus Helper ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSha-Jongg [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSmartris Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSnake Attack +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSouls of Darkon ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSpace Battle Deluxe ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSupercode ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTechnoplyn +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadThe Session V1.2 +1PT ... 1994 Crack
DownloadThe Time Crystal ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTreasure Isle + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadUnder the Ground Preview +2 ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadVapour Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNaturality ... 1993 Graphics(#26 C64 Graphics at The Party 1993)
DownloadFront Ball +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBounce It +4H ... 1993 Crack
DownloadNova + ... 1993 Crack (101%)
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Punk) ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadWork Games ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Quest of Kron ... 1993 Crack
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Jack Alien) ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadDisc-o-Very +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGhost Driver + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPair of Memory ... 1993 Crack
DownloadParsec +6 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadImmortal Flash #18 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Harmony) incl. Editor ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadImmortal Flash #17 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Intro (First B.A. Intro) ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadDemo-Intro (Atlantis Television) ... 1993 Intro
DownloadLethal Bombs +5 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMadrax +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMagnetic ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMayhem in Monsterland +4 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMayhem in Monsterland Preview ... 1993 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNegatron + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSaliva Kid Preview ... 1993 Crack (Preview)
DownloadShards +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSuburban Commando +5 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Space Vegetable Corps +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadImmortal Flash #16 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadImmortal Flash #15 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadImmortal Flash #14 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Intro (ugly) ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadBiff + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadLogo-Show ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadImmortal Flash #13 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadImmortal Flash #12 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Compyrix) ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadAtlantis Intro (Styled One) ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadFastnoter V1 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadImmortal Flash Text Editor ... 1992 Misc.
DownloadNote Creator Deluxe ... 1992 Tool
DownloadRevenge of the Teenage Mutant Pacman ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadSpace Gun +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadImmortal Flash #11 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadImmortal Flash #10 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Info - A new Group is Born! ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadImmortal Flash #09 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis Intro #1 ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadImmortal Flash Demo/Intro ... 1991 Intro
DownloadImmortal Flash Text Editor V1.0 ... 1991 Tool
DownloadBouncy Cars +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadImmortal Flash Votesheet ... ??? Votesheet
DownloadImmortal Flash Votesheet 2 ... ??? Votesheet
DownloadKernal-Extractor ... ??? Tool
DownloadKernal-Extractor V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadNote Creator Deluxe ... ??? Tool
DownloadThe Digital Charconverter V2.0 [german] ... ??? Tool
DownloadUgly Noter V6.0 ... ??? Tool

Organizer of :
MountainBytes 2024 ... 2024  (Switzerland)
Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition ... 2021  (???)
Transmission64 ... 2021  (???)
Demodays 2011 ... 2011  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 19 ... 2010  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 17 ... 2008  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 16 ... 2007  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 15 ... 2006  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 14 ... 2005  (Switzerland)
Buenzli 13 ... 2004  (Switzerland)

Submitted by Freestyle on 21 February 2012
Atlantis was founded by Doc Science, Dan, Avalanche and Steve (see Atlantis Info - A new Group is Born!).
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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